Monday, October 15, 2012


" As we change, circumstances and relationships improve"

Change is difficult for most of us. It was for me and sometimes still is at different times. I have learned some valuable tools to help me deal with change. Change always creates fear. This weekend moving our 'girls' (honeybees ) to a dear friend's home was a change. It is a change for us as we know we will not be full-time residents of Cherry Grove next season . We realized we are done. It is time to move on. A lot of change occurred this summer. With its change some circumstances and relationships improved, and some did not. I am alright with that. The girls seemed happy after the move. It amazed me what two individuals in love are capable of doing in two days
What allows an individual to change. It is the neurotransmitters of the brain that allow this function to occur. This is the electric current to our whole body. There are many neurotransmitters. Not all neurotransmitters are located in the brain. This is an important concept.

Neurotransmitter imbalance can result in such diseases as alcohol and drug addictions, depression, panic attacks, excessive or low libido ( sex drive) ADHD, and ADD . A lot of neurotransmitter imbalance has to do with many addictions- sugar, food, nicotine and even caffeine.

As I have appointments with patients I teach and explain about neurotransmitters especially serotonin. Serotonin is often called the ' happy hormone' This NT is important to maintain mood , calmness and sleep, This is a NT that WE all need. Most people think serotonin is made in the brain . THIS IS NOT CORRECT.
Approximately 80% of the human body's total serotonin level is located in enterchromaffin cell sin the small intestines ( I refer to this area are the gut) This area is located where the stomach ends and the large intestines begin. This are is the small intestines. Serotonin is used to regulate intestinal function. It is transported to the brain. The 20% remaining is in the central nervous system of the brain.

Therefore if your small intestines is imbalanced or has been insulted by such factors as dairy allergies, gluten sensitivity or gluten allergy ( celiac disease) , heavy metals or infections, your serotonin levels will be affected.

This is why serotonin levels are affected by diet.An increase in the ratio of an amino acid, tryptophan to phenylalanine and leucine will increase serotonin levels. Fruits with a good ratio include dates, papayas and bananas. Yet, remember these fruits  are also high in sugar. Foods with a lower ratio will disturb serotonin leveels. These include the gluten grains ( barley, rye , oats and wheat)

You can supplement pre cursors to serotonin as5 HTP or L-tryptophan. In order for this conversion to take place you will need other vitamin co factors as B6, folic acid, Vitamin C and magnesium.

It is not just any Vitamin B6. It is a special form of B6 called P5P. This is crucial to the conversion of
5 HTP to serotonin.
I rather use 5 HTP rather than L tryptophan.

Until tomorrow...

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