Friday, April 29, 2011


"Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance."

I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. I never understood why I have had expectations for people, but I did. I say I did because I no longer (to the best of my ability) let my character defect of expectations get the best of me. When I expect, I get disappointments. It could be as simple as waiting to receive a call when I asked someone to call me. It could be my expectations of a patient following his new dietary lifestyle. I have learned not to take things personally. I cannot sweat the small stuff any longer. If I do I will never accomplish what I want to accomplish before my judgement day. I accept. I accept and I accept.

Acceptance allows me to be serene, peaceful and tranquil. Are you a serene individual? I meditate for serenity and peace. I pray and meditate for those who have hurt me in the past. I believe these individuals have their own disease which they need to look at. I need NOT take their personal inventory. I have my own personal inventory. Rick and a friend reminded me of my over achiever status. I never want to look at this. It hit home, because I am an over achiever. I have to start to meditate on why I am an over achiever. My goal for today is to quietly sit and examine why I do not rest. I must examine why I choose needlepoint or knitting which are solitary hobbies. It is possible that there is a reason or maybe not. I just enjoy immersing myself in the life of yarn and threads with its own twists and turns.

If you haven't noticed, the health care system is failing. The one disease-one drug model has been a tragic and very expensive failure for this country. Something has to give. If you just want small improvements, you can change your behavior. However if you want major improvements in our health care system there has to be a paradigm shift that will include using other modalities. The United States is a leader in health care systems, but falls very short in patient satisfaction and preventative health care. I have been trying to the best of my ability to help patients prevent the occurrence of disease using, first and foremost, dietary and exercise regimens.

In the last sixty years even the life expectancy of American females has changed drastically. In 1950, US female life expectancy ranked fifth (5th). Last year the US female life expectancy dropped to 46th. Why is this happening? It is happening due to the cost of health care and very fragmented care which will only get worse. It is estimated that the life expectancy will decrease by another 5 years unless aggressive measures are taken.

You, the patient must start taking charge of your health. If you haven't seen the decline in health care, then start paying attention. The decrease in life expectancy is because this health care system isn't being aggressive in the management of obesity and diabetes. Both of these twin epidemics lead to cardiovasclar disease- the major cause of death in the United States.

The New England Journal of Medicine stated this, "Every participant in our health care system must focus on ways to optimize health while decreasing cost, at every step of the process."

Don't expect miracles! Also do not expect a conventional pill from a pharmaceutical company to have the power or strength to neutralize 20 - 30 years of your unhealthy lifestyle. It is never too late to change your lifestyle.

My goal for writing this blog is to focus on ways to optimize your health using natural medicine.

Photograph credit with my gratitude: 7song, Ithaca New York

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, April 28, 2011



In each given day there are endless possibilities and opportunities. Do you realize the possibilities? Do you even envision the possibilities? Most of us do not see the stream of possibilities in a given day. At every second of every minute of each hour of every day of every week of every month of every year, there are opportunities for each of us to grow emotionally, spiritually and physically. Do you want to grow in any of these areas? I do! I seize the moment, and to the best of my ability, try to grow. I cannot imagine what my life would be if I did not grow emotionally and spiritually. I feel alive, and most of all I feel connected.

Warning: This is not a pleasant topic. This topic might make you itch or wiggle in your seat: Bed Bugs. In New York City we are having a definite problem. It may or may not affect you, but it can. It may have affected someone you already know. After decades of dormancy, bed bugs have become rampant. Some of my patients have not even reacted to a bite with redness and itching, so they do not know they have bed bugs. Some are bitten over their entire body. I do not like the name bed bug, because they are not confined to beds. Bed bugs move around.

One patient showed me a homemade bed bug detector device made with dry ice, a jug, a plastic container and a tape gangplank for the bed bugs to crawl up. You can check out the People's Pharmacy from September 23, 2010.

I have some bed bug tricks and advice. Bed bugs hate heat. Wash in hot water. Steam clean your mattress. There are pesticides that can be used, but you MUST leave your home. I am also proposing an herbal essential oil bug spray

The contents are:

1. 1 cup of water

2. 10 drops lavender essential oil

3. 10 drops rosemary essential oil

4. 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

5. 3-5 drops essential oil of clove

Place in a mist spray bottle, shake well and use. One patient told me about cedar oil but I haven't found any information on cedar.

To avoid bringing home bed bugs after a trip place some herbal sachets in your suitcase. You can keep some in your closet and your drawers.

#1 Sachet

1. 1 cup of dried eucalyptus leaves

2. 1/2 cup of dried rosemary

3. 1/2 cup of dried lavender buds

4. 10 large cloves

I love to add some chamomile to this sachet instead of the cloves.

#2 Sachet

1. 1 cup of loose leaf black walnut tea

2. 1/2 cup of dried eucalyptus leaves

3. 1/2 cup of dried lavender buds

4. 1/4 cup dried thyme

5. 2 Bay Leaves

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



What is a rainbow? I know now it is a simple color scheme in the sky. Life has many different aspects and elements. So does a rainbow. A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. See it is not that simple... and neither is life. Who said life is simple? The rainbow takes the form of a multicolored arc. In my early learning years, I was taught to remember ROY G BIV for the order of the colors of the spectrum- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The Rainbow Flag of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered individuals has the same seven colors and has been used since the 1970's. It originated in California and now is used worldwide. It was designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978. The LGBT movement has not been easy. We still have to struggle for marriage rights and equality in many states. Life has many facets. So does a rainbow.

I am never too old to learn something new. I thoroughly enjoy when I am presented with something I do not know-- especially from a patient. It gives me the chance to say, "I do not know, but will look into it." The other day a patient was describing how he had a very sore throat which caused him to have trouble singing in choir at church. I was impressed that this man sings in choir at church. Nevertheless he said he used "Osha" to numb his throat. He referred to this as Bear Root. I had never heard of Bear Root.

This gave me the opportunity to study yet another herb. I found it curious that this herb was named Bear Root. The bear is an important animal for herbalists. The Native Indians learned a lot from observing the bear. They learned about medicine and food from bears. This may sound ridiculous, but many of the western herbs used today can be traced to Native Indian heritage. In many cases it is the root and/or bark of the plant that is used. Two good examples are Sassafras and Goldenseal. To the Indian, the bear represents the idea of taking care of people. What better animal to take lessons from. A mother bear cares for her young with much vigor and tenacity. The first plants the bear seeks after winter hibernation are osha root, balsam root and Lomatium. These became known as the Bear Medicines. I find the history of herbs to be most useful and fascinating.

Osha has the appearance of a plant in the parsley family with small leaves and small white flowers. Its scientific name is Ligusticum porteri and it grows in the American Southwest. I went to the best source I know for herbs of the Southwest, Charles Kane's Herbal medicine of the American Southwest to see what I could learn. Kane described it like this, "In a sense, Yerba mansa is Ligusticum porteri's lower country relative."

This did not mean anything to me. I then turned to the American Botanical Council web site. Osha was mentioned in an HerbalGram 2010 monograph. The uses of this herb include food, hunting, spirituality and medicine. The spirituality always fascinates me especially if the herb has been smoked. It is sometimes called Indian marijuana but it is not mentioned in the September 2010 book, The Pot Book by Julie Holland, MD.

I learned that Osha often grows close to Poison Hemlock- Yikes! So be careful if you are wild crafting. It is most widely used for rheumatism, sore throats, pulmonary disease, circulation and diabetes. It possesses anesthetic properties for soothing a sore throat.

My patient buys this herb on the Internet and NOT cheaply. He chews the bark. It quickly numbs the mouth. After reading the ABC monograph, I found there is more to know about this herb. Are you buying the correct species? Where is the origin of this herb- Southwest USA or Asia? You should be concerned if people are wild crafting this herb too much.

Thanks George

Until tomorrow....

Thursday, April 21, 2011


"It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone, and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel."

Everyone wants to love someone. We all want to love and be loved. I have found that the hardest love is the love of a best friend whom you are secretly 'in love' with and never let them know. Have you ever had a best friend/true love but he/she didn't know because you didn't tell them? We are told if this is the case and you tell that individual it will ruin the friendship. Perhaps this is true, but can you imagine holding it in for years. This was the premise of the movie, My Best Friend's Wedding. I have a best friend. We love each other but we have never been 'in love, love' with each other. I imagine that when all family, partner, and friends are gone, we will be sitting in the old age nursing home remembering the days gone by. Think of your childhood days. Is there anyone when you were just 9 or 10 yrs old who sparked your interest? Did you have a friend from your grammar school days that you wonder about now?

If you are not in the mood for an herbal detox or a Master Cleanse you can try a 3 - 7 day Program of a detox food diet. The following is a suggestion and you should discuss it with your physician before starting.


You may have either listed below:

1. 10 oz of low salt V8 juice


2. Make your own juice by combining

- 1 carrot
- 2 oz of any berry of your choice
-1 oz of raw walnuts or almonds
-1 teaspoon of ground flax seed
- 1 peeled cucumber
- 1 cup of soaked steel cut oatmeal
-1/2 cup of almond, coconut or unsweetened soy milk


You must have a large mixed green salad with 1/2 lb raw vegetables (no tomatoes)

You must consume ONE of the following below:

1. Vegetable Bean Soup with zucchini, beans (not kidney) and parsnips


2. Fresh fruit salad - 1/2 apple, 1/2 pear, 1 kiwi, and 5 berries


You must consume 2-3 oz of hummus with any TWO of the following below

- 2 cups of steamed leafy green vegetable

-2 cups of frozen blueberries or strawberries

-1 cup of raw salad vegetables

- 15 almonds

- 1/2 apple, 1/2 avocado, and 1/2 cucumber

This is a great way to detox the colon. Why is this unique? This detox protocol contains NO ANIMAL PROTEIN. This is sure way to get started on a new lifestyle.

Until tomorrow...


"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams"

-Ashley Smith

I love this quote. I would change only one word --bumble bee to honey bee. Life is beautiful. Life is magical. Life is alive. I do not think we notice how beautiful life really is. I was walking into Roosevelt Hopsital the other day, and I stopped to look at the Tulip Trees. How magnificent!

Sitting in a park allows you to notice the children, the animals, the trees and small plants. You are connected with nature. In the last 10 years I have noticed nature more and more. I would say that focusing on the beauty of nature allows me to be more peaceful and serene. I live on a beautiful island which is part of NYC. It is Roosevelt Island located just adjacent to Manhattan Island. There is a long row of cherry blossom trees called "Cherry Tree Walk". You already missed the April 11th tour, but come see these trees. The light pinkish cherry blossoms, somei-yoshino are blooming. Soon the deep red ones, yae-zakura near the 59th Street Bridge will open. All of the cherry blossom trees were presented from Japan. Open your eyes....and see!

So you want to clean your slate. You can do it with a Detoxification protocol. There are many detox protocols given out by integrative doctors. Some of them work and some do not. Some of them such as a Master Cleanse will work but not many individuals can drink 1 gallon of salt water, lemon, cayenne and strap B molasses. There is the fat flush program also.

Then there are countless detox programs on the internet or in the hundred and one newsletters you receive. Everyone touts their own.

I do not !

Many of used the Hu-Mana Tea, a formula used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

I know patients who have used this formula during their bout with cancer and even as a preventitive. I have seen remarkable results. I did not know what the protocol name was but I knew the herbs in the protocol as these 4 herbs are commonly known Western Herbs.
These are:

1. Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra )

2. Burdock Root (Arctium lappa)

3. Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)

4. Turkey Rhubarb (Rheum officinale) In Chinese, "da huang"

The three herbs other than Slippery Elm are Old World Medicinal Plants.

Only one of these herbs is mentioned in James Duke's Medicinal Plants from the Bible:
Sheep Sorrel.

"The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs." Numbers 9:11 (KJV)

"And the cattle and full grown asses cultivating the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel." Isaiah 30:24 (NWT)

Dosing depends on weight. Also the herb Burdock can cause nausea. Usual dosing is about 3 ounces per day in 2 divided doses. You can order the formula from or as separate herbs from

Herb Photographs top to bottom: Turkey Rhubarb, Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root and Slippery Elm

Until tomorrow...


"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go for it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. "
- Howard Thurman (1900-1981)

The world needs a lot of help. It needs beekeepers, herbalists, leaders and FAITH. Have you ever thought that you complain too much? If you complain about politics, get involved. If you complain about the medical insurance crisis, get involved and volunteer to serve on a committee in Washington DC. If you complain about the environment, do some online research, find out how you can GO GREEN, and make some changes in your everyday life.

The world needs you to get alive and involved. I sometimes get involved with too many things or projects at one time. I can handle many arts and crafts projects at the same time, but it gets a little too much for me when it is a world project. Last year I was talking to a patient about honey bees and Colony Collapse Disorder with populations of bees being wiped out. I got involved. I took a course by Chris Harp (, read books, and now I am waiting for my nuclear family of Russian bees to arrive. I got alive and involved. I want you to get involved!!

The culinary spice thyme can be effective against parasites. There are many other actions of this herb, but today we focus on parasites. The active compounds in thyme are thymol, carvacrol and flavinoids. These are especially active against hookworms, roundworms, threadworms and even skin parasites. It also can kill fungal species such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus and Crytococcus.

Did you know that LISTERINE MOUTHWASH has thyme as a primary ingredient?!
Thyme in the mouthwash kills many bacteria and viruses.

Other anti-parasitic culinary herbs are fennel, cayenne, ginger, and garlic. Due to garlic's constituents allicin and ajoene, this herb kills many parasites. It also controls secondary fungal infections. I love garlic for its anti-microbial action against a wide range of bacteria. It also is effective against amoebas, especially Entamoeba histolytica.

You got to love that garlic !

Until tomorrow...


"It's a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy." - Lucille Ball

What makes you happy? If you have to think about that more than a minute, then you really do not know what makes you happy. Once you know what makes you happy you are on your way. In a play I once heard, "Happiness is like the first rain fall on a spring day." Not my idea of total happiness but I can see how that could be an answer. Rain is refreshing, spring is a new beginning, and happiness is a feeling we all yearn for. I am happy today because I know what makes me tick. I know what I like to do and what I do not like to do. I know a quiet day sitting among the trees and plants with a soft breeze knitting a scarf would make me happy. Find your own happiness that is unique to YOU.

You are not just limited to blackwalnut, wormwood and cloves in killing the parasites. At the Southwest Conference of Botanical Medicine in April, I learned about other remedies for parasites from Cascade Anderson Geller, an herbal practitioner. Her learning experience is vast.

Enzymes in fruits like pineapple and papaya, as well as other fruits and vegetables--especially beets are very important. Here is the recipe for Cascade's smoothie for Intestinal worms:

1. 1/4 fresh pineapple (wash carefully and peel)

2. 1/4 cup of whole pepita (pumpkin) seeds

3. I cup of the best plain yogurt (I prefer goat over cow yogurt)

Add some water. depending on your affinity for smooth or thick smoothie you might add more water or ice. Blend all ingredients in a food processor and drink 2 8oz glasses per day. She describes this as a de-wormer from days gone by.

Until tomorrow...


Everyone has tiny microorganisms living in their intestines! Many of the microorganisms are beneficial such as the lactobacillus, bifidium and many more. These are the good bacteria. There are also many parasites that can live within our intestinal wall. These parasites are there because we do not have a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Have you ever had a parasite? Regardless of the type of parasite, it most often is not a pleasant experience. Where do you think people get parasites? Most likely through food and drinking water we may consume. Consuming clean water and food and washing hands is a sure way NOT to get a parasite.

I first saw parasites while I was working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados West Indies during my third year of medical school. It was not a pleasant site, as this woman had a filarial parasite. Her legs were described as elephant legs. The next parasite I saw was Loa Loa. The chief of Infectious Disease brought us to a patient's room who had this subcutaneous parasite. It was a worm crossing from her right eye to her left eye. I have also seen hookworm in the intestines. I have seen my share of parasites! In the medical school classroom and in my infectious disease studies we were not taught about herbs. The first lesson is that herbs have the ability to kill parasites. I was taught about mebenazole, thibendazole, flagyl and paramycin. Herbs kill the parasite, their larvae and their eggs. I have found that different herbs have the capacity to kill different parasite species--some kill the bigger worms, while others kill the microscopic worms.

Do you think you can get a parasite in New York City? Well of course you can. Eat at a salad bar or a sushi restaurant and you could get a parasite.

Herbs can also act as purifiers. Some herbs can remove all the toxins left over from the parasite. I have found that if your body has heavy metals (for example mercury, lead or aluminum) you must first get rid of the metals before tackling the parasite. If you are killing parasites, they will be removed through the colon. The colon is working extra hard to rid the body of these worms. Since the digestive system is working so hard, you need to keep it running smoothly.

The three most common herbs that kill parasites are:

1. Black Walnut

2. Wormwood

3. Cloves

Each of these herbs has other actions in addition to parasite killing capacity.

Black Walnut contains tannin which is simply organic iodine. It also contains juglone, juglandiun and juglandic acid. It is great for ringworm but is also very active against tapeworms, pinworms, and malaria (Plasmodium). I use it very often. I even use it to get rid of yeast overgrowth from candida albicans.

Wormwood is the most powerful herb for killing parasites. It is great against roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. This herb contains the toxin thujpone and isothujone. It is bitter. I mean really, really bitter. It is most often used to kill malaria (Plasmodium species). It weakens the parasite membrane with sesquiterpene lactone.

Clove is a powerful anti-microbial (like an antibiotic). It contains eugenol, tannin and caryophyllene. You need this herb with the above two as it kills microscopic parasites, larvae and eggs. The component responsible for killing larvae in all stages is eugenol. It is great for malaria, tuberculosis, parasites and even viruses. Instead of ciprofloxacin for shigella, pseudomonas, streptococci and straphycoccus you can use cloves.

You see, herbs can do wonderful things...

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Give me the truths; For I am weary of the surfaces, And die of inaniton. If I knew...Only the herbs and simples of the wood, Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain and agrimony..."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson ( from Matthew Wood "The Book of Herbal Medicine)

My belief in the healing power and wisdom of our green friends is beyond reproach. My spirit has been lifted to a new dimension. I feel revitalized, even reborn! Have you ever had a gut feeling that something is so right for you? Did you ever believe that spiritually you have had an eye opening experience? I know personally I am different, but it is hard to explain it in spoken words. Americans learned about herbs from the Europeans, but should have learned from the Native Americans. I have not read all the classic herbal literature but I feel Sauer's Herbal Cures still remains a pristine collection of botanical wisdom. I am grateful for any herbalist I have met, or hope to meet. Even the writers as Emerson mention herbs/plants. Agrimony is not a chemical element on the chemistry periodic table, but instead a small woodland herb of the Rose family.

Have you ever had a vacation ruined by multiple insect bites? Whether you have sustained a bite from a mosquito, spider or tick; or been stung by a bee--it hurts so much. During my volunteer physician years on Fire Island I have seen and treated many insect bites. In the last two years I have seen many spider bites that have caused necrosis of the skin as well as sloughing of the skin. I have even seen a young man die of a presumed spider bite.

I always remember that when stung by a bee as a kid, I always remembered putting mud (clay dirt) on the bite to ease the pain. I cannot recall why but it did work. Tom Brown's Field Guide on Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants describes story after story of how his Grandfather used herbs medicinally. He dedicates his book to his son and grandfather. His grandfather was a true child of the wilderness. His grandfather believed every man is a teacher as I believe every patient is my teacher. I listen to every patient and intently to every herbalist's opinion. We learn from each other.

I have read that Plantain (Plantago major) can be applied to badly infected wounds, and multiple insect bites (especially those with venom as spiders and bees). I imagine it could be used for snake and scorpion bites as well. Sauer's Herbal Cures describes diseases blood curdling names. You can use plantain as a poultice or tea soaked bandages applied to the affected area. Sauer's book states, "...if plantain leaves are bruised and applied as a poultice, this will prove serviceable in treating all old, runny, angry rotten injuries that are spreading." What infection is he talking about? Runny and angry? It is described as treatment for injuries of many organs including the liver, spleen and lungs. It is also praised so much in treating bloody flux. Is this a bloody discharge or is it pus?

Matthew Wood tells a story that 3 women in garden "ran into" a nest of black widow spiders. One woman out of three remembered the plantain remedy. She chewed up plantains and put some of it on her bites. The next day all three woman agreed to see a doctor. Only the woman who used the plantain leaves showed up at the doctor's office. The other two women had died.

That is a story I will never forget.

It is true that plantain is the true "herbal drawing agent". I know there are other herbs with a drawing potential, but never forget PLANTAIN.

Photograph Credit of Spiders: 7song, Ithaca, NY

Until tomorrow...


"In the past I had a pattern of reaching out and looking to others for validation, comfort and support. One of the greatest lessons I have learned is to look inward. This frees me. This allows me to enjoy myself."

Freedom from anything that holds you down is rewarding. It lifts you up. Freedom from any addiction can be earth shattering not only for you but the loved ones around you. I have found that when you have low self esteem you will turn to anything for comfort, love and support. That something could be an addiction. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, and sex are the most common. Comfort from a drug? It sounds ridiculous or crazy, but it happens every day to more than one individual. I know today that individual is not me. I was one of the lucky ones. I had a white light experience or an awakening or anything you wish to call it! I can look back, not dwell on the past and move forward. I look within for the answers and often above. I am free. Are you free from the bindings that hold you down?

Do you appreciate spiders? Do you have arachnophobia? Spiders are air breathing arthropods that have eight legs and fangs that inject venom. Spiders are the largest order among arachnids and are found worldwide on every single continent except Antarctica.

When you see a spider, is your first reaction to squash it? I invite you to think twice about that next time. Spiders are living creatures. Yes they do bite and inject venom. There are more than 40,000 different spider species.

Spiders are an important part of life. Some spiders even pollinate flowers, like honeybees. I wouldn't want to have all of them in a hive, but I want you to seriously look at the spiders . While the venom of a few spider species can be dangerous to humans, there are new studies considering the use of spider venom in medicine and as a nonpolluting insecticide. Medical research is focused on using the venom for cardiac arrhythmias, strokes, Alzheimer's disease and even the big E.D. (erectile dysfunction)

Books have been written about spiders. Many people study spiders. Scorpions are also members of this class of animals known as arachnids.

I have always found insects fascinating since childhood. I used to collect spiders in jars and observe them. I even have been bitten by spiders. In my mid 30's I had two tarantulas in an aquarium separated by a glass section. Tarantulas are one of the largest spiders with body lengths of about 3.5 inches and legs as long as 10 inches. Wow! If you think what most individuals are frightened of, it is bats, snakes, rats and spiders.

Notice the four pairs of eyes on the spider which vary from species to species. Spiders produce silk. Silk is composed of a protein similar to that of insect silk. I love photographing spider webs after a rain. The silk of a spider is initially liquid that hardens not as a result of contact with air but as a result of being drawn out. How interesting!

Gross or not, cooked tarantulas are a delicacy in Cambodia. Ugggh !

Photograph Credit: 7song, RH (AHG) Ithaca NY

Until tomorrow...,


"Love is the most powerful tool for creating change."

Love is certainly a powerful tool. The word LOVE is over used and abused by some. Only true love can create change.

Love has many forms. The unconditional love of a child or a small puppy is the purest love there is in the world. We all need so badly to be loved. I know today I am loved. I used to crave love to the point of begging and searching for it. I used to search for love in the wrong places. Today, I have found love. First it comes from within. I have two hands--one to love myself and the other hand to love others. I am grateful for the love I have today.

Some of us have the touch and some of us do not. I am not inclined to arrange flowers in the correct order. Is there a correct way to arrange flowers? Of course there is. I am color deficient. I can blend colors or threads, cotton or silk and different wools, however I am not good at contrasting different colors whether on the wall or in a vase. I did not receive those genes from either of my parents.

Floral design (aka flower arranging) is a wonderful, beautiful and gratifying hobby that could even blossom into a new career. My partner, Rick had the touch even before he started the New York School of Floral Design and at the New York Botanical Garden.

I am blessed and grateful to have this man. My desk has a new arrangement every week. This week I have Milk Thistle with greenery with odd and end wires. Quite stunning.
If you want an arrangement I suggest an email to mailto:ricknchlec@aol.,com Put Le Petiole in the Subject- Floral Design

Some rules he told me about:

1. The largest and darkest flowers are placed close to the base of the design.

2. Smallest and lightest flowers are placed on the outer edge of design.

3. In a symmetrical arrangement space the flowers evenly.

4. For an asymmetrical arrangement the flowers are placed in a way that weight is evenly distributed.

5. Flowers should be harmonious -- use similar colors or textures.

6. Flowers should be contrasting, so individual flowers won't blend in completely, and the arrangement my include objects that are not flowers or leaves. I love Rick's way of contrasting flowers with objects like wood, bamboo,wire, or glass. He is an Outstanding designer

Photograph credit and original floral design: Rick Byrd

Monday, April 18, 2011



What am I without faith? I am nobody. I have faith. I do think I had faith as a child but lost that faith in G.O.D. for many reasons as I grew older. The big picture was that the origin of my faith, the Roman Catholic Church, has no place for a gay man. As I grow older, I have forgiven the overall catholic religion. It is not their fault. It was the fault of the older priest who actually asked me to leave the confessional box when I told him about my life at age 17. It was unfortunate for me to say the least. It did not help my self esteem at that time. I know better today what is right for me. The faith I have in the G.O.D. of my understanding is unique to me. It is the G.O.D. of my understanding--not what I was taught in church or school.

I have the wisdom to know the difference.

By the way the above is the last line from the 12 step Serenity Prayer.

The 'Feel Good Hormone", serotonin is not really a hormone but a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that is within our brain and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. I say GI tract but actually it is the small intestine. You need a clean, functioning, non-insulted small intestine with NO inflammation. When inflammation starts in the small intestines, you cannot produce the serotonin which is then sent to the brain.

Did you even know that serotonin is produced in the intestines? Probably not because it is always heard that it is a brain 'hormone'. But, the enterochromaffin (EC) cells in the intestines produce about 80 - 90% OF THE HUMAN BODY'S TOTAL SEROTONIN.

So an insulting injury to the intestines such as a food allergy, excessive yeast, heavy metal intoxication and even a chronic infection can alter the serotonin level by decreasing its output from the intestines.

Any one of the four can be insulting to the small intestines. It is difficult for a lay person to grasp the idea that there is gut-brain communication. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, but also a gastrointestinal hormone which plays a role in many of the GI disturbances (diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and flatulence). The latter two are most likely caused by a food allergy or yeast overgrowth. This might mean you eat too much bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, vinegar products, dried fruit, peanuts, cantaloupe and much more. Oh yes-- let's not forget the beer, wine and alcohol. All are yeasty.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, April 16, 2011


"Never let yourself be drawn into other people's priorities at the cost of your inner peace."

My inner peace is nurtured by being close to nature. I felt that strongly while studying in Ithaca. I felt this way as a child. Although the studies in Ithaca were about plants, I also have an affinity for other aspects of nature---animals, water, landforms, sunlight, wind... My mentor, 7 song allowed me to publish the above photographs. He must have inner peace while observing the frogs, foxes and newts. The photographs brought happiness to my heart and a smile to my face. I am grateful that he allowed me to post them.

This summer will be a test of my inner peace and endurance. I am meditating and praying for a drama free season. I want to really 'live' among the plants, the bees, the bats, and the flowers. I am not accustomed to seeing amphibians but I have read that there are about 30 species of amphibians and reptiles living on or visiting the Fire Island National Seashore. This ranges from the giant leather back sea turtle to the quiet, remorseful Fowler's toad. I have never seen a fox on the island, but we have tame deer with a large population estimated at 600-800. The red fox used to be a commonly seen mammal on the island.

We are losing the herbaceous plants and small trees every year. I do not want to think that in time we may never see an old American Holly, Sassafras or Black Cherry.

Be drawn to the inner beauty of yourself. Be drawn to nature and its wonder. Be drawn to flowers. Be drawn to learning something new. My next learning experience is to record the bird species on the island. I have been told that Fire Island is the best birding location. We will see.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, April 10, 2011



It cannot cripple love

It cannot shatter hope

It cannot corrode faith

It cannot destroy peace

It cannot supress memories

It cannot silence courage

It cannot steal eternal life

It cannot conquer the SPIRIT

Cancer sucks...We all know that, but I have seen individuals with cancer living amazing lives. Those who completely turn their lives around. These individuals still have cancer, but seek out inner peace, strength, and love. It all depends on the attitude. Some patients find it difficult to continue struggling especially when their cancer is already metastatic (spreading). I can understand this and sympathize. When I read the above message I was moved to tears. Unfortunately I have witnessed first hand what this disease can do, and in some cases I was there when the individual(s) took their last breath. I was whispering words of love in their ear while holding their hands. I am grateful--deeply grateful to be a small part in their lives.

Breast cancer is the common form of cancer among women in Europe, North and South America, and Australia. I see more women with breast cancer now than I did five or six years ago. It is estimated that between 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

There are still conflicting opinions about the role of soy in cancer. We do know that phyotestrogrens may confer protective effects against estrogen induced tumorigenesis. These phytoestrogens can be found in soy as a food, but there is still a matter of who is lecturing or writing on the subject.

I do not think there is an easy answer to this apparent conundrum. Be informed, be well read and be assertive.

Many herbs are used for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. I do recommend two books to read. One is Intergrative Oncology, by Matthew Mumber . The other book is by Donald Yance titled Herbal Medicine, Healing Cancer . Ralph Moss wrote another book which I recommend. Check out

Until tomorrow...



A loving memory of someone whether alive or deceased is important for all of us to continue on with our lives. I have many memories of family, children, and my partner who are all still alive and well. Anyone we love becomes a memory in our minds, and the memory becomes a treasure. We build countless treasures. Sometimes these treasures are years of memories of the past long long ago and the individual in the treasured memory is no longer with us. Recently a patient who was a friend and part of 'my family' through the years passed on. I treated him for a long time. He now is part of a treasured memory . I can remember him at Beth Israel Medical Center getting his pacemaker. I loved his nonchalant attitude and stern face. You couldn't help but love him. No individual with any disease must suffer. His suffering is done. I do believe he is in a better place. He reminded me so much of my dad.

I will miss him. Memories are true treasures.

Let's continue with bees. Who doesn't love honey? Honey has long been revered for its antimicrobial properties. At the University of Wales, Professor Rose Cooper is studying how Manuka honey can interfere with the growth of three (3) different bacteria that can infect wounds. They are Group A streptococci, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Have you ever heard of Manuka honey? Probably not. I did but never paid too much attention to it until I started getting involved with honeybees. Manuka honey is derived from the nectar collected by honey bees foraging on the Manuka tree in New Zealand. Manuka honey is included in some licensed wound care products.

YOU GOT TO LOVE THE BEES... Every part of the hive is used by the bees. The beekeeper can use every part of the hive made by the bee as well. We have discussed the Honey. whether Manuka honey and all other honey it is made from nectar from plants foraged (gathered), modified and stored in the honeycomb by the bees. Honey will not rot or ferment. For those just learning about bees - a good beekeeper always respects his bees and doesn't take all the honey.

I honestly do not feel we as physicians, or rather herbalists, fully understand the potential benefits of honey. Studies show that Manuka honey hampers the attachment of bacteria to wounds. More studies need to be done. Let's face the facts. We are over using antibioitcs. We as physicians are causing resistance by always using 'big gun' antibioitcs. We need to find alternatives. Manuka honey, as well as other honeys are viable antibioitc substitutes. We also know there are herbal antibioitcs like berberine, goldenseal, yarrow and countless others.

After the honey is harvested, the Beeswax can be gathered to be used for various wax products like seals and candles. I bought wax last year for making herbal salves and ointments. Only worker bees of a certain age will secrete beeswax from a series of glands on their abdomen.

The Propolis is a resinous mixture that the honey bees collect from tree buds and other botanical sources. The propolis has been touted for many health benefits, but more studies need to be conducted. The same is true of the Royal Jelly

Until tomorrow...


DREAMS have no expiration dates...

LOVE has no boundaries...

IMAGINATION has no limits...

I wish every child would get this message of encouragement from their parents. I always have had a vivid imagination. I love that all of my dreams have no expiration date, because some of them have been in the works for many years. Since there are no expiration dates I can dream on till I am no longer here. What a wonderful concept. I always knew love had no boundaries, but unfortunately society through the ages has always put boundaries on love between individuals. Society is biased in many ways. It has challenged the love between different races and economic classes, between men and men, and women and women. These society related boundaries have not overcome the love between individuals thus far, and I know they never will.

As bee season approaches I have become fascinated with all things related to bees (Apis mellifica), one of which is Royal Jelly. This thick milky white, creamy substance is consumed by the Queen Bee all her life. It is made by special glands of the worker bees. If the queen did not have the royal jelly, she would fail to develop.

The Western honey bee or European honey bee is known as Apis mellifera. The genus Apis is Latin for Bee and mellifera comes from Latin meaning 'honey' and 'ferre' (to bear)-- thus honey bearing bee. This was coined by the Father of Botany --Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. When you see a plant genus and species with the italic 'L' - you know it was coined by Linnaeus. He tried to correct it to honey making bee - Apis mellifica when he realized that bees to not bear honey, but use nectar to make honey.

Both workers and queens are fed royal jelly during the first three days of the larval stage. Then the workers are switched to a diet of pollen and nectar or diluted honey, while those intended queens will continue to receive royal jelly. What is it about the 'royal jelly'?

Then we have the whole honeybee as a homeopathic remedy. This was discoverd by Rev. Brauns in Germany in 1835. It is a popular remedy and its preparation has changed through the years. Some of these changes improved its efficacy. Older preparations left the stinger and venom as part of the preparation. Today the homeopathic remedy made from the stinger of the honey bee is termed Apium virus.

Not much has changed with the use of Apis mellifica in homeopathic remedies. Years and years ago, the bees were seldom touched by the men who cared for them. By using movable frames, bee keepers may now have a relationship with their bees, which I believe is a good thing. I hope to develop a close relationship with my bees like I have read about and even seen in individuals like Chris Harper ( ) The movable frames allow more beekeeper control of swarming thus breeding a gentle bee like the Italian. I will have Russian Honeybees from the Kremlin.

Increased use of pesticides in food production has caused bees to become contaminated with pesticides. Many bees have also been treated with other chemicals in an effort to help them fight off viruses and other diseases that have afflicted them more and more over this same time period. The result is pesticides and chemicals being taken back to the hive and contaminating the source of the homeopathics. Bees used as the source of Apis mellifica homeopathic remedy are no longer pure and free of contaminants.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, April 9, 2011


"All of our dreams come true...if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

I do believe that all dreams can come true if we pursue them. It does take a lot of courage to pursue your dreams. I have tried to the best of my ability to follow my dreams. I still have some dreams left. I have one special dream that I have only shared with my life partner. It is a special moment in our hearts.

Wants and dreams are two separate things. There are a few, very few things I want in life. I had the courage to go back to a medicine fellowship and to study herbs/botany.

An artistic, nature loving, and nurturing hobby is to dry flowers. The appearance and sometimes the aroma of a flower can be preserved by careful drying. Dried flowers can still look alive and the bright vivid colors may last for months. I enjoy the beauty of garden fresh cut flowers most of all, but dried flowers are next on my list followed distantly by silk flowers.

There are three ways to dry flowers: 1. pressing 2. air drying and 3. using dehydrating agents or desiccants. I still have a dried red rose from March 1994 (which was the beginning of my sober journey). It is stored in a Congenital Heart Disease book. It is amazing what I remember. I pressed the flower between two heavy objects.

Air drying involves hanging a bunch of tied flowers upside down in a warm, dark dry room. I have also done this method of drying. The third method is using agents such as alcohol, powder, borax or sawdust to preserve flowers. I have never dried flowers with this method.

I would love a large kitchen with dried flowers and herbs hanging upside down in various places. Or perhaps one day I will have an Herbal work shop on our farm. Now there is a DREAM!

How long do you think people have been drying flowers? Well you will never believe this but dried flowers were found in a 4,000 year old Egyptian tomb.

I know from my herb/botany readings that some botanists preserved their species by drying them.

For your first project, I would suggest drying a small dainty flower. I would suggest a pansy. Instead of just using two heavy books or objects, first cover the flower with tissue or wax paper and then press between the heavy objects. Let it sit for 3-4weeks. You will be amazed how flat like paper these flowers will become.

Until tomorrow...