Tuesday, May 31, 2011


"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance." -Buddha

A purely unselfish life is NOT an impossibility. It is obtainable. It does take a lot of concentration, prayer, and meditation. I have to admit I have been selfish at times in my life. Back when I was an addict who became self-absorbed in a dark world. I was definitely selfish. I also became selfish at the beginning of my sobriety in order to maintain my sobriety. I had to put everything second to my sobriety. To this day, I still put sobriety first in my life. Without my sobriety I would have nothing.

June is the sixth moth of the year. It is my birth month. It is my re birth month with sobriety. It was the month my mother died, the month my parents were married and Gay Pride Month.

Today, I look at June with a new vigor. It is the start of summer . It is the time that flowers bloom, bees buzz and the sun shines. I am blessed for every new day of my life.

The buzz (no pun intended) is the use of local honey to diminish allergic symptoms. In my clinical experience, the consumption of local honey does alleviate allergic symptoms. I always tell my patients to use local honey from their region where they live. The New York Times said just the opposite recently.

The NY Times article published on May 9 this year referenced a 10 year old study comparing a group of people consuming local unfiltered honey, to other groups consuming commercial honey and corn syrup (the placebo). This 10 year old study showed no difference in the three.

Shame on the NY Times for publishing data from a 10 year old study.

A study published in January 2011 had different results. Although there were only 44 patients. This study compared those using birch pollen honey to those consuming regular commercial honey. The study concluded that during the birch pollen season those consuming the birch pollen honey had:

1. 60% reduction in symptoms
2. Twice as many asymptomatic days (less time off from work)
3. 70% fewer days with symptoms
4. 50% reduction in antihistamine use

Take away information: Consume 1 teaspoon of local honey per day

Until tomorrow...

Friday, May 27, 2011


"Life happens to US when WE happen to life in the NOW"

This oddly worded phrase can be better read as Things will happen if we stay in the moment. I never used to live in the moment. I lived in the past. I lived in the future. But I never lived in the current moment.

In the last seventeen years I have learned a lot about living. In order to live life to the fullest I have to stay in the moment. I grow, I learn, I progress when I stay in the moment. If I stay in the past I experinece things like anger, sadness, and resentment. There are of course also some good memories from the past that I conjure up and bring into the current moment. I have learned that if I live in the future [or project] I will only get disappointments. So I actively seek to live in the moment every day now.

There is a heart - mouth (teeth, gum) connection. I have seen this link in the last 15 years of clinical practice. As a I cardiologist I always focus on the mouth. You thought I would say the heart, but I didn't. There are studies to associate periodontal infections and heart disease.

As an integrative physician there are also good foods for dental health. You have always heard me talk about foods for your heart, but I want you to have the all-around approach.

The crunch foods like celery, carrots and apples act like tooth brushes as these are abrasive. The ADA (American Dental Association ) also talks about those foods for increasing saliva production.

One of the best vitamins is Vitamin C as it prevents gingivitis. I have always used Vitamin C in my clinical practice. I love it naturally-- in fruits and vegetables, but also recommend it in its supplement form and even intravenously.

Recently for some unknown reason, The FDA has banned intravenous Vitamin C. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the FDA closed a reputable vitamin C supplier. An article in the Townsend Letter- June 2011 has all the facts. I was dumbfounded to learn that the FDA has recently classified Vitamin C for injection as "an unapproved drug". This is why medicine is failing in the United States. Since when can the FDA-- a federal agency, regulate the practice of medicine? We already have the pharmaceutical and insurance companies regulating how we as physicians practice, and now the FDA. I have helped hundreds of patients with diseases including cancer, MS, CFS, et al. with intravenous Vitamin C. Check the following website http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/ for more information. Join the online forum. I am glad I still have my Freedom of Speech!

So eat fruits like kiwi, papaya, red peppers, and strawberries for their richness in Vitamin C. The green herbs such as parsley, mint and thyme contain monterpenes which help the breath stay fresh and clean but also prevent the formation of bacteria in the gums which causes gingivitis.

IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR TEETH WHITE, cut a strawberry in half and start to rub the white pulp side on your teeth. Otherwise visit the cosmetic dentist for those pearly whites. I did!

We now know that periodontal disease is more prevalent than we once thought. We underestimated how many Americans have gum disease. Since there is an association between gum disease and heart disease as well as other diseases--TAKE care of your oral health--not just for your PRETTY SMILE.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Funny how a lonely day can make a person say, "What good is my life?" Funny how a breaking heart can make me start to say, "What good is my life?" Funny how I often seem to think I'll find another dream in my life till I look around and see, this great big world is part of me...

And my life... This is my life Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me.

But that's the way that I was born to be

This is me. This is me. This is my life And I don't give a damn for lost emotions. I've such a lot of love I've got to give. Let me live. Let me live. Sometimes when I feel afraid, I think of what a mess
I've made Of my life Crying over my mistakes, forgetting all the breaks I've had In my life.

I was put on earth to be, a part of this great world is me

And my life Guess I'll just add up the score, and count the things I'm grateful for...

In my life This Is my life Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me But that's the way that I was born to be This is me This is me This is my life And I don't give a damn for lost emotions I've such a lot of love I've got to give Let me live Let me live This is my life This is my life This is my life

The lyrics are so true. La Vita. La Vita. It is your life. You have a choice in your life. Who really knows if the choices you make are 'right' or 'wrong'? No one should judge your life. It is your life. Only you can judge what is right or wrong for you. You may not know what is right or wrong. I do know that prayer and meditation are the beginning of a wonderful spiritual experience. Are you ready to start living?

Did you ever wonder if bears eat honey? Sure, you saw Winnie the Pooh going after the honey, but was it the honey he was after? I would not want the brown bear in the photograph above strolling around in Fire Island. It would be a nuisance to the community as well as to the honeybees. Actually, while bears do eat honey, they are really after the larvae (baby bees) because of their rich source of protein. We know this because when a bear damages apiaries (bee houses) they always eat that part but don't always eat all of the honey. Most definitely yes! Bears will rip a tree trunk apart to get to a concentrated source of food. Bears will tear down a hive piece by piece to get to the larvae. They have a sweet tooth as much as any person! Honey is actually a natural part of their diet.

Bears eat fish, plants, and berries. The will also eat small animals such as a squirrels and even other insect larva besides the bees. If you don't bother them they will leave you alone. But if you disturb them, then they could attack you. This bear seems to belong in that yard. Is he intruding? To the home owner, of course he/she is! But who was there first?

Bears hibernate, which means they sleep during the winter and eat lots of food in the summer and fall to store up for while they sleep--usually in cozy caves. You will find bears mostly in the forests, especially in the mountains.

Until tomorrow...

Photo credit : Paul Fratellone


"White bud! that in meek beauty dost lean

Thy cloistered cheek as pale as moonlight snow,

Thou seem'st, beneath thy huge, high leaf of green,

An Eremite beneath his mountain's brow."

- George Croly

"Where scattered wild the Lily of the Vale

Its balmy essence breathes."

- James Thomson

These words speak love. What is love? Is it kindness?


When I see Lily of the Valley I think of kindness. I think of my mother. She was a kind, generous loving woman with beautiful brown pooled eyes. We only had 20 years together, but it was a loving twenty years. May is the month for Convalleria (Lily of the Valley) and Mother's Day. I try to the best of my ability not to put off kindness. I might not get the chance the next day and I do not want to have a regret. I loathe regrets. I have had regrets in the past. Have you had any regrets from the past? You wouldn't be human if you did not have regrets.

Be kind today as you may not have the chance tomorrow.

Inflammation is a key word in medicine. The anti aging approaches to decreasing inflammation involve many modalities. Some of these modalities may be hot laser therapy, biomodulation with infrared pads, acupuncture, physical therapy, supplements/vitamins and herbs. Inflammation is complex and mediated by the activation, production, secretion and activities of a host of cellular biochemicals. This could get very technical because it does involve enzyme reactions, tumor necrosis factor, cyclooxygenase pathways and probiotics.

Many individuals use over the counter anti-inflammatory agents to decrease inflammation. These OTCs have been linked to blocking choline in the brain and are now associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

The herbs I utilize for inflammation are green tea, ginger, tumeric and Boswellia. I also use white willow bark. I do not use one herb for inflammation but a complementation of many herbs.

For centuries Boswellia (Indian Frankincense) has been known to decrease inflammation.

Boswellia contains boswellic acids which act as the primary anti-inflammatory agent. This herb does a lot of down regulation of immunomodulators much like the pharmaceutical drugs. So why use drugs?

The answer is that you can make more money by manufacturing drugs than by growing and selling Boswellia herb. Lately, it ALWAYS seems to come down to the money when dealing with medicine.

There are two double blind studies on osteoarthritis of the knees and the use of Boswellia. Not only did it reduce stiffness, it also improved joint function. There are now studies using Boswellia for inflammatory bowel disease and asthma.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, May 23, 2011



I like the idea that joy and inner peace are contagious. This is the kind of disease I want all individuals to have . Let's call it joyitis, inflammation of joy and peacitis, inflammation of inner peace. So what are the prescriptions for 'joyitis' and 'peacitis' The first treatment is meditation and prayer. The second is self-love.

In my recent studies I have found that the worse tasting herbs are the most effective. There are at least ten (10) different tastes from herbs. Some of these tastes are bitter, sour, pungent, spicy, acrid, sweet, salty and bland.

There are three different energetics for the bitter tasting herbs. The bitter tasting energetics are alkaloidal, non alkaloidal and fragrant. The non alkaloids can be hot/dry or cold/dry. It does get confusing.

I think it is important that when you are using an herb you describe the taste to the practitioner. If you take many herbs you will be able to differentiate between the tastes. The bitter herbs regardless of the energetics, are bitter. Some of these herbs are Oregon grape root, barberry, coffee (all alkaloid), artichoke, motherwort (cold/dry nonalkaloid), tumeric (warm/dry) and wormwood, black walnut (fragrant). All of these bitter herbs can be used to treat/support the gastrointestinal system.

The sour herbs can be true sour or astringent. The energetics of true sour are cool/dry whereas the energetics for astringent are neutral/dry. The true sour herbs can be wild blueberry, schisandra and raspberry leaf. Examples of astringent herbs are witch hazel and bayberry. I love the true sour herb taste. I like sour.

The pungent herbs are the second most disliked herbs after bitter tasting herbs. The pungent herbs can have energetics of hot/dry or cold/dry. Examples are garlic, cayenne, and ginger (hot/dry) and echinacea, eucalyptus (cold/dry).

The spicy herbs are my second favorite after sour. The spicy tasting herbs have warm/dry energetics. Examples are the culinary herbs basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage, and bergamot. This is an easy category to remember. Most of us who cook even a little and are Italian have used these herbs.

The acrid herbs have energetic of cold/dry. Examples are lobelia, vervain, kava and black cohash.

The sweet tasting herbs have warm/slightly moist energetic. The examples are stevia, astragalus, and licorice. Not a bad tasting group. Used as immune tonics.

The salty tasting herbs are either true salty (energetic cool/dry) or mineral salt (energetic cool/dry). An example of true salty is glasswort. I have not used this herb and have very little information on this class. The cool/slight dry mineral salt tasting group encompasses nettles (used extensively for allergies), horsetail (used extensively to grow my hair) and dandelion (as a diuretic).

The last tasting category is bland slippery with energetics of cool/moist. These are the moistener herbs like slippery elm, marshmallow, and comfrey. I used these herbs in helping with Irritable Bowel Disease. I also add meadowsweet (which is not bland slippery) but sweet.

Most of this information has been derived from the herbal courses in Black Mountain, North Carolina at the Medicines from the Earth Conferences in the last ten years. Through the years I am becoming more familiar with the different herbal tastes.

Often a patient will ask, "What does it taste like?" I think it is important to be honest with the patient if you have tasted the herb. I also find it important as an RH to taste as many different herbs as I can.

Until tomorrow...




Some unknown person said this, "You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." I love this quote. And I am blessed to say that I have thus lived! I have done things for individuals who can never repay me. I do not want to be repaid. I no longer expect anything in return. I give to charities with no expectations. I have done five years as a volunteer physician. I did it for the community, NOT for my resume. I wanted to help the young and old, especially the young who have gotten older in this community. My heart is full. At the completion of my five years of service, I have a smile on my face.

Docent is a title at some European universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks. The hobby personality of a docent is an extroverted, history loving and social person. Most of the time a docent job doesn't pay well if at all. Most of the time it is a volunteer position. A Docent gives instructional guided tours of places of interest, such as museums. It can be a hobby for those who are retired or have free time.

I have a patient who recently retired. He is gearing up his docenting job. He gives walking tours of the West Village and a Jewish Museum in NYC. He is so proud of his position. It is his labor of love. He gets paid minimal wage, but he loves what he does.

Depending on the institution , there's likely to be some sort of training session that can last days or weeks or even months. You will have to learn how tours are conducted. You have to study the history . You never know what kinds of questions visitors will ask. Some museums have scripts to follow.

I thought about docenting when I retire, but I haven't figured out where I would do this labor of love. At this point I would consider the New York Botanical Garden, but I have a long way till I get fluent in the Botanical World. My Botanical Latin studies and RH certification have certainly taught put me well on my way. I must take another tour in the NYBG.

I have a few suggestions from my patient docent:

1. You should a real genuine interest in the subject or field.

2. Do the suggested readings and independent research.

3. Remember, "Anything Worth Learning is Self-Taught."

4. You should agree with the institution's purpose or mission.

5. Find out the time commitment you need to make as a docent at the institution.

6. Be honest when you do not know the answer

7. Smile, and do not take offense if the people look bored.

8. Remember the smaller the people (the children) are more visually interested.

9. Keep abreast of new exhibits

10. Most of all, Be Happy

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, May 22, 2011





Through the years, I have developed intimate relationships with individuals, family and friends. I have also discovered intimacy in a special love relationship with my partner, Rick. I used to confuse intimacy with sex. I know now that sex can be intimate, but intimacy is not SEX.

These are two very different topics. I believe in my humble opinion that intimacy is honest, caring and warm, but definitely must be a safe relationship. Safe is another topic. An intimate relationship may begin with two people, but in time the boundaries of that intimacy might change. It might evolve into an open relationship. It might involve into a threesome. If this happens there must be an intimate of love and trust bond between the initial two. There must be communication. Within the gay community, I have witnessed a variety of relationships. I used to judge and criticize these 'other relationships'. Today, I am open and liberal and accepting of other relationships. I am an old-fashioned romantic.

So why NOT discuss herpes. This is an intimate topic. Twenty million people have herpes. It might not be the headlines in the news, but today it is common among young teenagers. The virus herpes has two strains, Herpes I around the mouth (cold sores) and herpes 2 which generally affects the genitalia, buttocks and thighs. Either variety is painful sores and blisters.

After initial infection, the herpes virus can become dormant in the nerves and reoccur with stress (emotional and physical) or even sun exposure. Oh yes, and it can be activated in those who indulge in eating nuts.

There are simple steps to attack this problem.

1. At the first sign of an outbreak there will be tingling, pain and itching at the site. It is usually within 4 to 5 days of contact with someone who was infected.

2. Call your doctor to get prescription medications. Either use acyclovir or valtrex. Both will lessen the initial outbreak and sometimes if caught early, will prevent outbreak. Those with recurring herpes might use a prescription medication for life.

3. Keep area dry and clean.

4. Do not touch an active lesion and then touch other areas of your body.

5. Start to think about stress control. You need to relax. I think a hobby is a way to relax and build self-esteem.

6. Avoid arginine rich foods. Arginine is an amino acid that is the fuel source for the herpes virus. It also can aggravate other atypical bacteria (such as mycoplasma). Arginine is also a vaso dilator (a great substitute for viagra, cialis and levitra). Arginine rich foods are peanuts, seeds, chocolate, raisins and oatmeal.

7. Use amino acid as L-lysine and proline at the first sign of an outbreak. I usually recommend 3-5 grams (3000 - 5000 mg/day) in divided doses.

8. Do not forget to take your good bacteria, Acidophilus.

SEX that is INTIMATE with an anonymous partner can result in herpes.

Until tomorrow...



I find this to be so TRUE. I have worked through my anger and resentment. This is part of my 6th Lifestyle change between the 5th Lifestyle change: Self- Esteem and the 7th: Self Love. I have worked so hard on 'letting go' of anger and resentment. Sometimes old anger and resentment will sneak upon me, but for the most part it is left in the past. I take a parting glance once in a while. I am human, after all. I am at real peace when I concentrate on myself. The prayers and meditation surely assist me in finding peace and serenity. Free yourself of resentful thoughts and you too can have peace and serenity.

Have you ever eaten Burdock root or leaves? I have in my friend's herbal miso soup (see recipe below) It wasn't as bad as I had imagined. The name Burdock meant nothing to me five years ago. I can recognize it in yards and woodlands by the large elephant ear leaves. I first saw a Burdock root on a nature walk with Sevensong in Ithaca, New York. I photographed one for my notes and wrote everything he said about this plant.

It is one of those herbs that were needed in the eighteenth century. It was used for gonorrhea and syphilis. Maybe we should use it again since there is a rise of syphilis in major United States cities (Miami, New York, Los Angeles and Dallas). The Native Americans used it for vitamin C deficiency, scurvy and for rheumatism.

The Chinese used it for tonsillitis and as a poultice for boils, furuncles, and abscesses.

So my friend used it in soup. He peeled the large taproots, cut into thin slices and started to boil in water, adding sesame seed oil, ginger and soy.

To make 2 cups of Miso Burdock Soup with Day Lily


1. 1 (one) vegetable bouillon cube

2. 1 cup of water

3. 1 tablespoon of miso soup base

4. 1 burdock root ( peeled, thinly sliced)

5. 1 cup of watercress

6. 6 day lily blossoms

You must like miso. If you do not --you will not like this soup. Use the white miso - a tablespoon to a cup. Peel and thinly slice the burdock. Simmer miso and burdock together for 10 minutes. Add some watercress if you wish. Simmer for two(2) more minutes. Add 3 day lily blossoms to each bowl. This is soup (not tea) for 2... You and your loved one.

Photo note: Nearly as large as a crow, the Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in most of North America. Its loud ringing calls and huge, rectangular excavations in dead trees announce its presence in forests across the continent. These amazing photographs are from Sevensong. I have never seen a woodpecker as large but I hope to one day. We have two smaller species on Fire Island. They are the Downy Woodpeckers and the Red-bellied woodpeckers.

Until tomorrow...



---Oprah Winfrey

It sounds so logical so why don't most of us do just that? I am one of those people although in the last eight years I did a lot of gardening....no weeding. Gardening is for new things to grow while weeding is eliminate the bad growth within the good growth. When I first got sober almost seventeen years ago, I was told to hang out with the winners. I must have listened because I am still here. I cannot be with those individuals who have negative vibes or bad karma. I do not like character assassination (gossip) but I sometimes partake. I am human. I am NOT perfect. There is no perfection only progress. I am going to meditate (NOT MEDICATE ) to remove or lift that character defect from my personality. When a weekend environment is full of drama and gossip, it is difficult to remove myself. I am aware, acknowledge and now must accept this new task I have placed upon myself.

I have not seen Bergamont, also known as Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa, M. didyma) in the New York Region. I didn't even see it when studying in Ithaca. I remember seeing Bergamont in Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia. I never have seen it in the desert regions of Arizona or Nevada. I have seen it along roadsides. I decided to write about Bee Balm today because I planted it the front garden of Pride House in Cherry Grove, New York.

The young leaves can be eaten raw. The flowers of M fistulosa have an oregano like taste. I want to use the flowers in a garden salad and in sun tea.

I have read that the dry leaves can be used in a meat marinade. I have seen the flowers used as a garnish. Of course I would use the flowers and leave in cold sun tea. I will add spearmint or peppermint from the garden. I love fresh brewed sun tea with true garden flavors.

I wouldn't pick it along roadsides because of the exhaust from automobiles, trucks and vans.

The medicinal use of Bee Balm is as a hot tea for colds and flu. It also great for headaches. It is a great prevention for mucous production and soothes bronchial complaints. The tea can be rubbed over skin eruptions.

Historically, the native Americans drank the tea to relieve arthritic pain.

Until tomorrow...



Have you ever just been happy for no reason? I never thought it was possible. I am happy just for being present in the moment on a single given day. I am happy for each new day. I am simply being.... present. What a relief! I thought there had to be a reason to be happy. I have a hundred reasons to be happy--well, maybe not a 100, but certainly many. It sounds so poly-anna, but to be alive no matter where you are in life is a blessing beyond your wildest dreams. So, maybe all is not a bowl of cherries, but you are here. There are many who are worse off than you medically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

The one word is grateful. BE GRATEFUL

Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health is a comprehensive resource of medical and herbal interventions related to women’s health issues, as well as health conditions organized chronologically by female life cycle. The book, a blend of traditional and modern scientific data on botanical medicine, contains detailed plant profiles that include principle uses, clinical indications, and safety information on the most commonly used botanicals for women’s health.

1"I was pleased to select it, as appealing to me as it is—and, I anticipate, to the general herbal reading public. Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health is as intellectually well-founded and needed as it is outstanding among its genre. And it is simply good reading,” said Dr. Duke. “It has an appropriate mix, to my taste, of folklore and modern and recent scientific evidence. I liked it best of the several others that were close runner-ups."Firmly rooted in traditional herbalism, Dr. Romm’s book contains up-to-date, evidence-based information on over 150 botanicals for over 35 different conditions, including coverage of fertility, menstrual health, and more.1

It includes appendices on common botanical names, botanical medicine resources, detailed plant illustrations and photographs that facilitate visual herb identification and substance composition, dose reference charts, and information on adverse effects/drug interactions. Dr. Romm demonstrates her experience as an herbalist, physician, and midwife—along with the contributions of over 30 experts with practical experience as clinicians—in this integrated approach to the blending of conventional medical and botanical treatments.

“Given the patterns of herb purchasing and use, the single most important herbal demographic is women,” said ABC Board of Trustees President, Steven Foster. “Dr. Romm’s Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health bridges the gap between an advocacy approach and an authoritative treatment of the subject [of women’s health]. She combines the empirical traditional observations of the botanical practitioner and herbalist with the detailed scientific nuance of a medical doctor,” he said. “The wisdom, limitations, and possibilities of divergent worlds usually separated by a gulf are bridged by her grasp of both worlds. Under Aviva Romm's guidance, the result is an authoritative-yet-accessible collaborative effort with other knowledgeable, respected experts, which seamlessly blends a rare and welcome balance of tradition and science.”

I have had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Romm teach and lecture. She is beyond reproach. I love her book. It has been such a useful tool for me in my clinical practice. It also is a book I can pick up a read a chapter and understand what is the next step. I am GRATEFUL for studying herbs with great mentors like Dr. Romm.

Dr. Romm is a recognized expert in women’s health, women’s and pediatric botanical medicine, and midwifery. She practiced as an herbalist and home birth midwife for over 20 years before becoming a physician, and was one of the first certified professional midwives (CPM) in the United States.

Other books written by Dr. Romm include The Natural Pregnancy Book (10 Speed Press, 2003), Naturally Healthy Babies and Children (10 Speed Press, 2003), ADHD Alternatives (Storey Publishing, 2000; with her husband Tracy Romm, EdD), and Natural Healing After Birth: The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness (Healing Arts Press, 2002).

Until tomorrow...

Friday, May 20, 2011



If something is wrong in life, look within rather than to others to blame. I never thought the problem with me --could be me. I had to change. I am constantly changing. In the last seventeen years I have evolved. I have changed but not like the metamorphosis of a tadpole into a frog. It has been a gradual change. The only person who can change your own life is YOU. Do you want to change any aspect of your life? Is there something about your own character that you do not like? Those around you will change without even knowing. They can change because there is a change in you. Possibly there is a better attitude or 'energy' you are exuding into the world that he or she detects. In many ways, I never thought I had changed in these years. I am in awe beyond my wildest dreams when I realize that I have changed.

The second epidemic the United States is facing after obesity is Diabetes. Both of these epidemics lead to Cardiovascular Disease. There are millions of Americans who have pre-diabetes. This is also known as Insulin resistance, Syndrome X or Metabolic Syndrome.

Most of these individuals have to take oral glycemic medications and/or insulin.

We can prevent and even reverse Type II Diabetes ( also known as Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X and Metabolic Syndrome)

It involves possibly the use of metformin (glucophage ) and a low carbohydrate lifestyle. Sometimes it doesn't have to involve metformin ( glucophage) but does have to involve a low carbohydrate lifestyle. Instead of metformin an individual can use vitamins , supplements and herbs to balance their blood sugar

Let me give you the Natural Prescription for Diabetes

1. A low carbohydrate lifestyle - avoid processed sugars, including those in cookies, candies, bread, chocolate and desserts. Also avoid dried fruits.

2. Eat three regular meals with snacks in between. These snacks can be nuts or nut butters. You can combine the nuts or nut butters with an apple which is high in pectin.

3. Drink plenty of water depending on your body weight. I am 152 lbs so I would drink more than half my weight in fluid ounces = 75 fluid oz.

4. Adopt a regular exercise program.

5. Make a serious effort to control stress.

6. Avoid fatigue (get plenty of sleep), emotional upsets, and use of alcohol and tobacco.

Until tomorrow...

Photographs: Almost finished needlepoint designs for me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MAY 21, 2011 OBESITY

"Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine."

- Thomas Jefferson, 2nd President of the United States

When I went to grade school we learned about the Presidents. Do children still learn about US Presidents? My brother, Paul and I inherited many toys from our cousins. My Uncle Sonny brought over this 1950's White House Kit complete with a miniature White House and plastic 2 inch figures of US Presidents. The last President in this kit was Johnson. I loved knowing about presidents. I have read many biographies of US Presidents. I have admired many for various reasons, but I am very fond of Thomas Jefferson's writings, poems and quotes.

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers ."

In relation to flowers and friends, Leo Buscaglia states, "A single rose can be my garden..a single friend, my world."

During the past 10 years, the prevalence of obesity has climbed dramatically. Between 2007 and 2009, 2.4 million more US adults became obese. I wonder if obesity was an issue in Jefferson's time? You rarely see a painting or portrait portraying an obese individual. Some individuals want the quick answer or magic pill. In the last year, three drugs went before the FDA for weight loss. You have not heard of these drugs because all three were rejected. These were lorcaserin, phentermine plus topiramate, and naltrexone plus bupropion. Earlier in my career there was fastin, and phen phen. Phen Phen is no longer available. I feel people stay on phentermine too long . The actual dosing is for only 3 months. Obesity is the major leading cause of heart disease and diabetes, in addition to abnormalities in your lipid profile.

Phentermine was approved 52 years ago (1959) for three month use. Since that time there has been no long term studies on any use greater than 3 months. So if you doctor is prescribing this drug for longer than 3 months, then it is off label. I would not want to take the legal chance in writing it for more than 3 months. The FDA at this time is on a rampage. I find it interesting that the FDA is closing companies that produce intravenous Vitamin C , but cannot demand a long term study on a drug. In the same regard, federal insurance companies consider intravenous Vitamin C to be not medically necessary for certain diseases, but again what about health care professionals using approved drugs off label?

It seems it is all about finances. The FDA approves lap banding for a lower BMI so more people can get the procedure. The more procedures that are done, the more money is made. I am on the fence about weight loss drugs. There needs to be more approved in one sense since every patient does not respond to one drug, but on the other hand we should be promoting a healthier lifestyle that included changes in exercise, food choice and water intake.

The future is the prevention of disease. This is what I practice: smart prevention utilizing every single aspect of medicine both conventional and integrative modalities. What happened to just changing your dietary lifestyle? Yes, it is harder than taking a diet pill, but in the long haul it is a healthier way to lose weight.

Until tomorrow...

Monday, May 16, 2011


"A friend can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often --just to save it from drying out completely."

--Pam Brown

Friends should not be taken for granted. Friends are so important in your life. You can never have too many friends, but you must be selective of the friends you have. I would rather have 3 close friends than 10 'acquaintance' friends. I know many people in my life, but I can only count on 5 people and that is including my life-partner. I am not sad or disturbed by this. I am relieved that I have one hand covered. Friends need to be nurtured as I nurture my plants, herbs, flowers and bees. A little card, or gift, or a call goes further than you might think. So, water your friends with a card, or small gift. The friendship will grow and grow. It will be rewarding experience in your life.

For the artistic, crafty, history loving and dexterous person, here is a new hobby to consider. As a young boy I was fascinated with ships. I do not know if it was because my father was in the Navy during WW II abroad an air craft carrier or the fact I just liked history. I love fishing with my dad, my brother, and dad's friend Marion on a row boat. My Uncle Sonny had given my brother and I a battleship with movable parts. It was called Mighty Matilda by REMCO. She was a great ship to play with and enthralled me for hours.

The hobby is building model ships to stand alone or to put in a bottle.

Model ships are miniature versions of life-sized vessels, either of modern or historic design. The one ship that has fascinated me and countless others is the R.M.S. Titanic. Recently last year I bought a model of the Titanic from the New York Times Store. She was one of a kind with a fantastic history. Next year will the hundred year anniversary of that dreadful sinking.

Traditionally the ship model kits were of wood, but today many are of plastic. These ships come in a variety of sizes and designs. Some are single masted, two-masted sails and even three masted sails. You can choose from battleships, historic navigation ships, and even merchant ships. This can be a cheap or expensive hobby. It is up to you.

On line today I was looking for an inexpensive ship kit to build.

Did you ever wonder as a child how the ship fit into the bottle ? I certainly did.

There's no better way than to learn to build one for yourself. I started to look on line and there are many ships on the market. You may want to build the Mayflower or the USS Constitution.

Find one that suits you. I certainly will.

Until tomorrow...



I never liked physical fighting, but also did not want to flee. I didn't want to be a coward. Throughout my middle and high school years I was taunted and ridiculed because of "nerdiness". That "nerdiness" then as well as today was because I was different. I was gay. I went with the flow. I did the homework for those who asked, did errands for those who asked, and kept my test papers uncovered for those who asked. I wasn't asked, I was told to comply with the previous in order to not get assaulted. I went with the flow. I look upon those days not with anger nor resentment nor sadness. It was what it was.

Today, young gay teenagers are more accepted than when I was a teenager. Sure, there is some taunting, but not nearly as bad. Today students have support from teachers, guidance counselors and local LGBT clubs. I was alone. I didn't go to my high school prom. I really wanted to go but I didn't want to sit down all night with no chance of dancing. I wish I had the courage the character Kurt does on Glee --to go with who I really wanted to go with. I am glad times have changed.

What the bleep is a jacaranda? In West Hollywood, California recently, several streets were lined with flowering Jacarandas. This flowering plant has 49 species and belongs to the Family Bignoniaceae. I have never seen Jacaranda in other states. These trees are native to tropical and subtropical regions in South America, Central America, Mexico and Caribbean. In California when you see the blooming trees it is a sign of spring. So since I did not know anything about these trees I decided to do some research.

The flowers on this tree are conspicuous large panicles. Each flower has five-lobed blue to purple blue corolla. I hear there are also some species with white flowers.

There is even a city named The Jacaranda City-- it is in South Africa. The city is Pretoria. There are an enormous amount of Jacarandas lining the streets and in parks and gardens. It can be seen by plane or in the distant hills as blue/purple colors. It must be radiant.When the trees are in bloom it is a not only a sign of spring, but also a sign of year end exams in the University. It is said that if a Jacaranda blossom falls are your head you will pass all your examinations.

In Southern California these trees were imported by horticulturalist, Kate Sessions

Until tomorrow...

Photo Credit: Me


Bee Hive: http://www.brushymountain.com/

Pride House: Cherry Grove 2011 (check out Summer Place Reality in Cherry Grove for other houses for rent)

Wooden Bench: Porch deck on second floor of house


Regardless of how much you try, there are no shortcuts to life. From the beginning to the end, your life is a lesson which must be learned. It is a lesson that has imperfections. I repeat, It is a lesson that has imperfections. No life is perfect. This lesson is imperfectly learned. Do you want life to be perfect? I certainly do not. I am not happy about some of life, but then again I had something to do with that phase of my life. It was a hard lesson, but well worth it. I am grateful that I have addictions. If I had not accepted my addictions I would have never entered a twelve step program. That lesson was imperfectly learned but well worth it.

A Weekend in the Country is a marvelous idea. Try to get away. My weekends in the country is not in the Catskills, nor the Hampton's and not in Hudson, New York. My weekends in the country are in the Cherry Grove Community in Fire Island, New York.

The top photograph is my Brushy Mountain Cottage Style Hive set on the land of Pride House. Pride House is one of the oldest houses in Cherry Grove. It was one of the few houses that withstood the winds and rains of the 1938 Hurricane. This colonial house still stands today. It has been called Pride House as long as I can remember.

Setting up a beehive is relatively easy after my beekeeping courses and reading beekeeping books: Beekeeping for Dummies and The Backyard Beekeeper. Being a good neighbor includes doing as little all I can to reduce the honeybee/neighbor interaction. Placing the beehive in the southeast position is best. I want it away from my neighbors as to allow the bees a more constant flight pattern for both coming and going from the hive.

People's reaction to bees and beekeeping in unpredictable. Education is needed. A few in the community are excited and enthusiastic, some may not even care, and there are some who strongly object for one reason or another. A little talk will go a long way. Some may be allergic and that might be their main concern. Unlike wasps, yellow jackets, and bumblebees, honeybees hardly sting unless seriously provoked. The honeybees of today are more docile than twenty years ago. Italian honeybees are very docile. It is true that a few people will have a life threatening reaction from a bee sting, but the percentage is very low. I will always have an EpiPen in my habitat. If anyone has a serious allergy to an insect bite, that individual should have their own EpiPen. The typical bee sting is a slight red reaction at the bite site with some itching two to three days afterwards. This can happen with any insect bite. I am more concerned over spider bites than any bee sting. Since I want to have a real relationship with my bees I have placed their hive not in direct sunlight, and always have a water supply of a fountain nearby but even a neighbor's swimming pool could be a water source for bees. Just as Spencer, my King Charles Cavalier doesn't like direct sunlight and prefers some shade, so do my Italian Honeybees.

Warning signs can be posted for your neighbor's protection. These signs are not to scare anyone but to notify them. Signs may also inform people in the community about saving the environment.

All of us have temperaments including the neighbor who doesn't understand, and so do the bees. I have learned to examine the bees on warm sunny days and never in the cold rain. I will be gentle opening the cover. Bees should remain docile especially if smoked. If I get stung I will feel bad, as within 48 hours or less the bee that stung me will die. I have been taught to always keep my bee suit clean especially after a sting . I didn't understand the logic at first, but I have learned that venom left on the suit after a sting could be a warning sign for the colony of bees that I am a threat and cause other bees to sting. Honeybees will not deliberately sting you unless you are provoking them while they are foraging or try to kill them.

I will always be there for my bees and my neighbors. Not only are bees needed in our community but this is a way for many flowering plants to continue to flourish since bees are the major pollinators on Earth.

It is also a way to give back to Mother Earth.

Just think of this--free honey for your neighbors as long as you protect the bees with enough honey for the winter months.

"A Weekend in the Country" is a song from a Sondheim musical. It was revived last season with Catherine Zeta Jones (she won a Tony) and the legend, Angela Lansbury. The replacements were as fabulous as the original revival cast. It included Bernadette Peters and Elaine Stritch.

Can you guess which musical?

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


"When it comes to spotting faults in others, too many people seem to have twenty-twenty vision."

How funny is this. We all look for faults in others. Have you ever looked at your own faults ? I have them, and you have them. Most of us can always see other's faults, but fail to notice our own faults. This is why I like criticism. It allows me to see my faults through the eyes of someone else. I have trouble seeing my faults. One of them correctly pointed out is interrupting another when he/she is speaking. This especially happens with my partner, Rick. He will usually start the story and then I interrupt and pick up where he supposedly left off, with my perception and understanding. Wow! I have to catch myself every time. I am not perfect. Remember there is NO PERFECTION, only PROGRESS.

The trace elements are so important. There are many trace elements. The two that I find critically important are zinc (Zn) and Selenium (Se). Both are especially important for the nervous system and immune function. I consider both important for a healthy prostate.

Looking back to Chemistry and Biochemistry, these two trace elements are co factors for a multitude of enzyme reactions.

Low levels of selenium are associated with brain tumors. Low levels of zinc are associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

I always check Copper (Cu) in someone who is zinc deficient as copper tends to increase.

Do herbs contain these trace minerals? Of course they do.

Milk thistle, nettle, chickweed and dandelion contain both zinc and selenium.

Barberry contains both selenium and zinc. Barberry is found throughout Fire Island, especially the Sunken Forest.

Until tomorrow...

MAY 16, 2011 WHAT'S UP DOC?

"Trust in yourself and you are doomed to disappointment

Trust in your friends and they will die and leave you;

Trust in money and you may have it taken from you;

Trust in reputation and some slanderous tongue may blast it;

But Trust in G.O.D., and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity."

--D.L. Moody

I do not know if I like this quote. When I first read it, I liked part of it. I do trust myself, and I am not always disappointed. Looking back, at poor judgement I did get disappointed. Today I do trust myself without any or very little disappointment. I rather like J. MacDinald's quote

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."

Vitamin A is an important vitamin. The precursor to Vitamin A is Beta Carotene. This is what is in carrots. It is part of the carotenoid family. Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for eye health, growth and development, fighting off infection, and improving immunity. It can also protect against some cancers.

Vitamin A is excellent for the healing process

It is found in many foods. Some are carrots, tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes.

There are many herbs that contain Beta-carotene. Two of the most common are dandelion and milk thistle. It is also found in nettles which I utilize a lot for allergies.

Others containing B-carotene carotenoids are:

1. Wormwood

2. Pokeweed

3. Yellow Dock

4. Blessed Thistle

5. Black mustard

6. Pigweed

7. Sea Buckthorn

Until tomorrow....


"When all your desires are distilled, you will cast just two votes: To love more, and to be happy."

Are all your desires distilled? Or do you have many desires? If you are a giver and always think of others first, perhaps it would do you good to consider loving yourself more, and to being happier with yourself. Many of us never think of ourselves. We think of others first. And of course in life, there are the takers. Which are you?

In order to love others you must learn to love yourself. This is the key to happiness. To be happy, you must have the ability to love. You must have the ability to love yourself. It takes time. Self-love is the 7th component of my life style pyramid. The life style changes, self esteem (#5) and anger/resentment (#6) must be dealt with if you are to have self-love. There was a time in my life when I thought I could never love myself. Today I love myself-- the good and the bad. I work on those character defects that need attention as expectations and self-worth. I had this weekend to pray, meditate and relax. To me relaxing is curling up with a good book and a sewing needle nearby.

I also had my binoculars this weekend. From the roof deck of Pride House I started looking in all directions of the property. I noticed Cardinals, Blue- Jays, and the American Crow. It was not that interesting as I had seen these birds before. I then noticed in a shrub a small bird with a black cap, black front or bib with a grayish whitish back. I did not know the name of this bird. On one of the shelves in the house were three bird books. I started to scan the pages until I found the bird I was watching through my binoculars. I was excited and happy.

It was a Black-capped Chickadee. I found out that this songbird is a resident of Fire Island. The official name is Parus atricapillus. It eats mainly insects, seeds and fruits.

The word Chickadee reminds me of the film, My Little Chickadee starring W.C.Fields and the erotic , luscious and iconic, Mae West. Biographer Jill Watts said this about Mae West,"Her life story is of a trickster's tale, the continuing and whirling evolution of three selves--a private person, a star, and a fictional character--the complex and intertwining personas that composed Mae West."

118 years after her birth there is still a growing interest in Mae as a feminist icon and by the gay community, The Queen of Camp.

To stay with the word "CHICK" while setting up my bee hive, I searched for plant species. Now as a RH, I am interested what is in the yard around Pride House. I found the common ground cover with oval leaves, and a tiny tiny flower. It is Chickweed (Stellaria). You can actually eat chickweed raw or cooked. You can put the chickweed flowers in a salad and it can be a substitute for alfalfa. Chickweed has an abundance of Vitamins A and C.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, May 13, 2011


"Do not compromise yourself. You are all you've got." Janis Joplin

Did she compromise herself with drugs? She died so young. Talent gone. When you think of those who die so young, both famous and not famous, do you think they compromised themselves?

I will no longer compromise myself. I am only one human being. I am not superman. I compromised myself with my addictions. Since the addictions are still present but in the dormant phase, I could find other things to compromise myself. These others could be people in my life. I can be powerless over anything. I could be powerless over friends and my life would get unmanageable. No longer. Why compromise myself? I am not going to compromise medial care because the government, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are dictating how I practice. I am a people's physician--the country doctor as my British friend calls me.

I love books. The older the better. I always use http://www.alibris.com/ to find old books. I used this site to find Julia Childs first cooking book as a gift. Nearly nineteen years ago, John Mann published Murder, Magic and Medicine (Oxford University Press). When I received the book it belonged appropriately to an Englishman, James Buffington. This adds mystery to the book. Who was Mr. Buffington?

The magic is the account of the evolution of modern medicine from its root to folk medicine. The use and abuse of natural products has led to the development of the drugs we use today. We take these drugs for granted. I fixated on the medicine portion of the book, especially the history of antibiotics. We use super gun antibiotics for simple infections, thus we are creating the super resistant strains of bacteria. Soon there will no antibiotics strong enough to fight off infection. It is unimaginable to think that once we used goat's dung to treat burns or scribe's excrement for boils. I can understand the oil and honey for ear infections. Today I would rather use mullein root over an antibiotic.

The surgeon Ambroise Pare used new born puppies boiled in oil of lilies and earthworms to treat gunshot wounds. What would the animal right activists say about that today? It is sickening to think of this!

The history of the discovery of penicillin from John Snow to Oliver Wendell Holmes to Alexander Fleming is fascinating. The latter discovered this antibiotic from a mold. I compare the discovery of penicillin among these giants to the discovery of the HIV retrovirus between the Americans and the French. The penicillin race was done abroad so no Americans knew of the struggle. Unfortunately tragic fire struck Boston in 1943 at the Coconut Grove nightclub with many dying. Many of those surviving victims were treated with the new antibiotic, penicillin.

So mold led to the discovery of antibiotics. We are now years ahead in the discovery of various types of antibiotics. I have had great success with the herbs Yarrow and Chaparral (despite the smell). My favorite culinary herb that has great antibacterial and antiviral properties is still Allium- GARLIC !

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"To have weakness is not to be flawed - it is to be complete."

Everyone has weaknesses. I used to consider a weakness to be a character flaw or character defect in my personality. I know today that I wouldn't be me without my weaknesses. I welcome my weaknesses, because I know with these weaknesses I am a complete person. I am human. I can accept my weaknesses. I welcome individuals to challenge me on my weaknesses because in the end that will make me a better individual. I used to shun weaknesses, because I thought it would be a sign of defeat. In actuality it is empowering to know I have weaknesses.

Do you have a weakness? Have you tried to work on your weaknesses?

One of the nation’s favorite pastimes, ceramics offers a bit excitement and practical uses.
In the cold, concise language of Webster's Dictionary, clay is "an earthy substance used in making pottery, bricks, etc."

So it is with clay.It can be shaped, colored and fired into myriad marvels of esthetic and utilitarian beauty. It has "life" and is capable of playing strange tricks under the influence of fire. Colors, too, are often capricious. Even under the strictest control colors may result which are, to say the least, unexpected.

I have NOT taken a ceramic class, but want to one day. One Christmas, Rick's parents gave him pottery (ceramic) classes . It was at Mud, Sweat and Tears in midtown west. (www.mudsweat-tears.com ) He thoroughly enjoyed the classes. He said every time he opened the kiln, it was like Christmas because you can never be certain about exactly what you'll get. What he thought would be a perfectly round bowl once was oval instead.

When you have started to work with ceramics, you will find that the more you know, the more there is to learn about this fascinating creative art. As with any worth­while accomplishment, you will not become an expert potter merely by reading a book.

I do not think ceramics can be taught in a book. It must be in a classroom setting with an instructor and other students. It is also a way not to isolate.

Most educators agree that lessons learned by trial and error are lessons best remembered. With ceramics, moreover, all mis­takes are not so bad. On the contrary, many of a potter's errors result in his most attractive and original works. Usually these are the pieces which can never be duplicated. Rick said the instructor always said, "...let's see what happens." I love that phrase.

For example, you could glaze a tray and toss on a few pieces of copper, just to "see what happens." After firing it, you may find the copper completely burned away, leaving an unusual splotch of green from the copper oxide.On the other hand, the copper might scale over the glaze and ruin the tray.You won't know until you remove it from the kiln—and the suspense, as any ceramics enthusiast knows, can be unbearable.

Even the making of a simple pot or bowl, which is not beyond the ken of anyone, is a soul-satisfying experience. This will definitely increase your self esteem which is the reason why I recommend hobbies to a patient. You stick to a hobby with definite time restrictions twice a week. You start to look forward to the day you have hobby time. You need to restrict your time, as from my experience, even a good hobby can be addictive.

There are the obvious ceramic projects, such as teapots, vases, banks and dishes which usually represent a point of departure for most beginners. I saw great pottery pieces at the annual Cherry Grove Arts and Crafts sale. I have exhibited and sold my hand-made cards, needle point an cross stitch pillows, stitched book marks as well as Rick's framed photography.

Until tomorrow...