Thursday, December 13, 2012
" LIFE is a process , one that is continuously changing"
Life is a process within some progress. I do not want perfection, I want progress. As a perfectionist myself, I had to realize that I cannot be perfect, but I can slowly make progress in my life. I have done that in the last 18 years. I also had to give up on expectations of others and myself. If you have expectations of others, you will only get disappointed. I know this is a difficult ' character defect" to let go of, but it is needed. Without any expectations, you will not get disappointed but sometimes you may even get surprised.
It is important for men to get up close and personal with their testicles. This is especially important for men ages 20-30. Men at this age are at an increased risk for testicular cancer. It is a rare cancer for men over the age 50. White Caucasian are more at risk. There are other risk factors including family history, fertility issues and if the patient developed orchitis secondary to mumps ( rare)
Yet it is important for men--yes you who are reading this examine your testicle. Men, both straight and gay spend a lot of time talking about their testicles. You refer them as your nuts, balls, or nads. Very rarely does a man discuss his nads with their partner, whether man or woman.
If you have a lump in your testicle, a pulling sensation or some fluid , you need to be seen by your physician.
Testicular Cancer is very curable.If you have cancer and have it removed, you can still have children. You do not get testicular cancer from cycling ( of note: Lance Armstrong)
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
We all musty protect ourselves against cancer, whether there is a family history of not. The environment causes cancer. The air we breathe, tyhe food we eat and the environment are risk factors for cancer.Keep eating fish, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Please be careful for the fish that contains mercury. This are tuna, sushi and swordfish. See for a full list of healthy fish. Two superstar heart disease protectors in these foods may also help fight cancer. Antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids may be more powerful than we knew.
Found in fatty fish and certain nuts and seeds, omega-3 fatty acids help protect your heart. Studies show they help maintain brain function. Experts are also looking at how well omega-3 fatty acids can protect against age-related mental decline, eye diseases, arthritis, and others conditions.
Some experts think omega-3s may help protect against cancer. "Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to reduce inflammation in the body. And a variety of cancers have been linked to chronic inflammation," says Sarah Rafat, RD, a senior dietitian at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I utilize mroe than 4 grams ( 4,000 mg ) of EPA for most patients.
Cancers with a link to inflammation include:
1. Colorectal
2. Liver
3. Lung
4. Prostate
Omega-3s also seem to restrict tumor cell growth, and may cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Diet and cancer studies show mixed results. Some suggest that a diet that's rich in omega-3s can protect you against certain cancers. Other studies show no benefit.
There's not enough proof to conclude that loading up on fatty fish or taking fish oil capsules will slow down or reverse your condition if you already have cancer. But several studies do suggest that a diet rich in omega-3s helps some cancer patients tolerate chemotherapy better. Fatty acids from fish may also help patients maintain weight and muscle mass. Expert suggestions: The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fatty fish a week. If you don't eat fish, you can get omega-3s from canola oil and flax. Talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements. There is a link between high levels of omega-3s in the blood and an aggressive form of prostate cancer, according to scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Many fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are rich in antioxidants lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, some eye diseases, and various forms of cancer. Getting a single antioxidant from a pill, such as vitamin C or beta carotene, isn’t as protective. Supplements don't seem to protect against cancer or help fight it. Some antioxidants may even increase the risk of certain cancers. Experts also worry that high doses of antioxidants may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
What we know so far: "We tell our patients to focus on food," says Veronica McLymont, PhD, director of food and nutrition services at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. "Foods contain a mix of many different antioxidants, along with other nutrients and fiber. The more colorful your diet is the better, since antioxidants and other phytochemicals are often what give fruits and vegetables their color."
Remember : " You are what you eat " - Marion Nestle
Leafy green vegetables
Sweet peppers
Thursday, December 6, 2012
" To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted"
--King Solomon
Not everyone will like the taste of a herbal tea blend. The herbal tastes can be bitter, sour, sweet and salty. Examples of bitter herbs are bayberry, sweet bay, fenugreek, thyme vervain horehound and lobelia. Examples of sour herbs are rose hips and many other sour fruits; The examples of sweet herbs are anise, slippery elm, fennel and angelica. The salty herbs are chickweed, okra, mullein, plantain and marsh mellow.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has done extensive studies and research on Curcumin. This is the active component in tumeric. The herb is Curcuma longa. The oral absorption of curcumin is generally poor due to its low solubility and instability in the intestinal environment.
There are many herbs I would use to help regulate the inflammatory response mechanisms and the detoxification enzymes. Both play a crucial role in supporting the cardiovascular , immune, neurological, joint and connective tissue functions.
I use the following the following herbs to maintain a natural balance of the cyclo oxygenase enzymes ( COX 1 and COX 2). I want the body to be in harmony. I want the herbs to scavenge free radicals and save the body.
In addition to Curcumin I would use
1. Rosemary ( Rosmarnus officinalis)
2. Holy Basil ( Ocimum tenuuiflorum)
3. Green tea ( Camellia sinensis )
4. Gunger ( Zingiber officinalis)
5. Barberry ( Berberis vulgaris)
6. Japanese knotwood ( Polygonum cuspidatum)
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
" I consider you the only true genius in the world."
Salvador Dali to Federico Garcia Lorca
There is one supplement I use for inflammation. I use it for the lungs and general inflammation of the body. It is great for muscle aches and pains. It is MSM. The name is methylsufonylmethane. There are very little research to support the health claims of MSM. Yet clinically in high doses I find it very useful.
It has demonstrated high levels of safety and usefulness as a ready source of sulphur. It is bio available sulphur. If you are ALLERGIC to sulphur drugs you WILL NOT be allergic to MSM. Sulphur is an important mineral for the detoxification pathways, connective tissue metabolism, antibody formation, and the synthesis of other organo sulphur compounds.
For added sulphur metabolism use the trace mineral , molybdenum. For a starting dose I recommend 1500 mg in divided doses, and within 3 days increase to 1500 mg twice a day.
To get higher doses I generally ask my patients to use MSM powders. In a powdered form I can get real high doses as 6 to 9 grams/day in divided doses
Until tomorrow..
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
" WE are meant to be at home and comfortable in the world. "
There are many useful nutrients for the lungs. The most useful are the omega 3 fatty acids. These can be derived from food sources as fish, flax, eggs, walnuts, cod liver oil and chia seeds. You must have your veggies and fruits to get ascorbic acid or Vitamin C.
Get plenty of Vitamin A ( beta carotene and beta carotene) from carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, papaya and peppers.
If you do not like spinach for the folate ( folic acid) then eat some other dark leafy greens. You can also have asparagus, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, and lima beans
The vitamin of the last decade is Vitamin D. You need to get fish oils in the diet if you do not like fish.
You must also have a good quality fish without mercury.
I would suggest
Eat sardines, mackerel and herring
As we age we need more dietary calcium from leafy greens, peas, beans, brazil nuts, hazelnuts and sesame seeds.
The only food source for bromelain is the pineapple
Until tomorrow...
Monday, December 3, 2012
" Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness." George Santayana
Just knowing you can happy should be enough. Sometimes it is not, and we each search for happiness. Happiness might be in your own backyard, but then again it might not be. Knowledge is a very powerful tool. Do not waste the knowledge you can acquire in your lifetime. Learning is part of life.
We all need to keep our lungs healthy during the winter. There are many common respiratory ailments as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema ( also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease- COPD), pneumonia, cancer, sinusitis and even allergies
These are some helpful tips for healthy lungs:
1. Get regular exercise, especially aerobic
2. Do exercises to build your abdominal wall
3. Consider yoga, tai chi and belly dancing
4. Deep breathing every day . You can do meditation breathing 4-7-8
5. Avoid exercising in e work polluted air
6. Do not smoke
7. Avoid building or the work area with poor ventilation
8. Use all natural cleaners
9. Change heating/cooling filters monthly
10. Test your home for radon
11. Keep pet clean and brushed to reduce shedding
12. Reduce the humidity of your home
13. Cough occasionally to clear your lungs
14. Do not overeat
15. Improve your diet; check your food allergies
16. Drink plenty of water
17. Keep the bowels moving
18. Do some bodywork
19. Remove old carpeting and replace with wood floors
Sunday, December 2, 2012
" There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -William Shakespeare
So, I would to say that I am a cook. I am not. I love to eat wonderful foods. Rick and I had a taste of Jennifer Esposito's new cookie with raspberry jam on the top.See It seems every week there is a new cookie or bread being made by her. I asked her to put almond butter on the top next time.
So with her new pancake mix , now available at I want a new light syrup to put on the top. I can always blend blueberries and pour them on the top of the pancakes.
I wanted something cool refreshing and medicinal. So I pick Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and for its bromelain content, pineapple. The is the GINGERED PINEAPPLE SYRUP You can use papaya for the enzyme papain, This would be GINGERED PAPAYA SYRUP.
This will yield 1 cup which can be kept in the refrigerator for one month.
1. 1 cup of chopped fresh pineapple or papaya
2. 1/2 cup of maple syrup
3. 3 teaspoons of finely grated fresh ginger
Place all in a blender. Finely pureed.
Pour contents into a small saucepan. Simmer until the syrup is infused with the ginger and aromatic 2 - 3 minutes. Strain the syrup, pressing on the pulp to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard the pulp
and serve at once or refrigerate.
Please reheat before serving if int he refrigerator.
You can obtain at or
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, November 29, 2012
There are the 3 big A's in life - awareness- the first; then acknowledgment and finally the hardest of all three in my opinion is acceptance. For me, some 19 years ago --to accept that I had a problem with alcohol and substances was difficult. I rationalized- I should have known better. I would say , " There is no alcoholic in my family or I do not drink all the time."
With the help assistance of the founder of AA's principles, Bill W. and his large heavy blue book, Alcoholics Anonymous, I slowly began to change.
Today, I have no troubles...NOT-- We all living on this Earth have some type of problem whether small, large or huge. But I will say this- my worst day today in 2012 is better than any day prior to doing the step work in AA.
The need for omega 3 fatty acids in human health is well understood. You must realize that your diet is deficient in omega 3 while not in omega 6 fatty acids.
You must supplement fish oils in an effort to boost omega 3 fatty acid intake The supplementation must come from a fish source. This has clearly been demonstrated. Sure you have the tuna ( it might contain mercury) the halibut and the mackerel. Squid is another source. But lately there are studies on krill oil from these shrimp like crustaceans. There are high amounts of EPA and DHA in krill oil.
If you are one of these individuals who cannot use fish oil, you have a problem. You might say to the doctor that you use Flaxseed Oil. I think this is terrific but flax contains 52 - 55% omega3's as alpha linolenic acid ( ALA) not EPA / DHA. Also do not confuse the abbreviation ALA to stand for alpha lipoic acid. It does not.
Medical conditions that may be treated or prevented with fish oil.
1. High triglycerides
2. Coronary artery disease
3. Heart Failure
4. Asthma
5. Rheumatoid arthritis
6. Bipolar disorder
7. Inflammatory bowel disease
8. Depression
If this isn't enough there is
1. Muscle sorness after exercise
2. Raynaud's phenomena
3. Dysmenorrhea
4. Dementia
5. Renal disease in IgA nephropathy
The take home message: Take some fish oils today
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
What you do have ? You hopefully have your health. You have the ability to read this blog. You hopefully have some sense of serenity . So YOU DON'T have the winning lottery ticket .. so what; So YOU DON'T have the dream house you always wanted.. so what; It is not about materialistic things you do and don;t have. It is about GRATITUDE NOT ATTITUDE!!!
Colo rectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States.The lifetime risk in developing colon cancer is 1 in 20 or 5.1 %
There are many causes of developing colon cancer. There will be reports of a high red meat diet to a diet high in fat. Whatever you know, there is something you do not know
Recently published in August 2012 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition an inverse relationship was studied and investigated on low magnesium to higher risk of Colo rectal carcinoma.
It was a large study population. The conclusion supports the hypothesis that higher intakes of dietary magnesium are associated with a lower risk of Colo rectal tumors.
We need to explore the magnesium rich foods that may be cancer preventing. I do know there is a current study in a New York City Hospital using green tea in patients with Colo rectal cancer
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
" Seventy percent in life is showing up" - Woody Allen
You get an " A" for that. Honestly, there was a time I said I would show up and if I did it was by luck. I had no sense of responsibility. That changed almost 19 years ago. I show up today. I am there when I am asked to be there. Sometimes I am just there. I am a responsible human being, That is the way I conduct my life. That is one of the secrets of success. Be present for yourself and for others.

Very few of us today take separate Vitamin A. It is commonly in most of our multivitamins and definitely present in Cod Liver Oil. Vitamin A deficiency can result in blindness and dryness of the eyes. The drying can result in corneal ulcers and infection.
Also the lack of Vitamin A can result in squamous metaplasia. This is where there is a normal protection that is gone. The protection of these ciliated mucous membranes is absent in certain areas leading to squamous metaplasia which will then lead to cancer,
Vitamin A also has the distinction of being the anti infective vitamin. It is very useful in lung disorders as COPD ( emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia)
As with the other fat soluble vitamins ( D, E and K) over dosage can lead to problems. I know a physician that prescribes it five days on and three days off. This is a good practice. The overdosage of vitamin A ( hypervitaminosis A) can present with band like headaches, nose bleeds, and even chapped lips.
There are some pediatricians who believe that Vitamin A protects children against otitis media ( middle ear infection)
Make sure your multi vitamin has Vitamin A. If not you can take an extra 10,000 IU without any adverse effects.
Until tomorrow...
Monday, November 26, 2012
" One of the most important things on any spiritual journey is our environment."
We as individuals must take care of our own environment. We need it more now than ever. If the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy was not an indication, then YOU SHOULD WAKE UP. Earth Mother needs to be cared for and saved. If not more and more natural disasters will destroy our beautiful planet.
Did you have your olive oil today? I was probably bathed in olive oil as a child. The vegetable oils that predominantly monounsatured lead to a less cardiovascular risk than polyunsaturated. It was long ago that physicians did recommend those polyunsaturated oils to protect your heart. But as it turns out- That was WRONG. Margarine took the place of butter at that time. That was a big mistake. From research we know better today.
Do they still sell margarine ? I hope not.
The following oils do not pose a threat to the cardiovascular system
There are differences in all four, and the one I prefer and highly recommend above all is OLIVE OIL. Due to the generosity of two friends, Carol and Aldo, we have a olive tree in Italy on a Olive Farm. During the year Rick and I receive olive oil from our own tree. It is the best
By replacing saturated fat in the diet with olive oil will reduce your LDL ( bad cholesterol). Who can argue with an oil that has been around for thousands of years. Our Italian olive oil from our tree is Extra-virgin.
This is extracted with gentle pressure rather than with heat or solvents. There are no pesticides strayed on our olive trees.
No matter what you decide , Olive Oil has the best correlation with health. The populations that use olive oil solely and mainly as their cooking fat oil have lower reductions in degenerative disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
If you replace butter ( and for those unfortunate that still use margarine) with olive oil you are making the first step to a healthier lifestyle.
So imagine this: combine olive oil in your diet daily with omega 3 fatty acids from good quality fish--and you will have longevity
Until tomorrow...
Friday, November 23, 2012
This October 2012, The Four Freedoms Park was officially opened on the northern most point of Roosevelt Island. I would encourage all to visit this park for its beauty, Louis Kahn's innovation and for freedom.
Those that remember the 1950's will tell you of the elation that was felt when a successful vaccine for polio was founded. Not yet installed at the entrance of the Four Freedoms Park is a bronze statue of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his wheelchair with a girl approaching him. Rarely if any are there photo's of FDR in his wheelchair. He had suffered from polio. Roosevelt became fascinated and intrigued with the soothing waters of Warm Springs, Georgia. The warm. hot springs are known for their healing potential from Hippocrates, Artistole and others.
There are many warm springs in the United States - White Sulphur Springs of West Virginia, the Saratoga Springs and the Hot Springs in Arkansas. But FDR did go the Warm Springs of Georgia. He already had used water therapy for his polio at the pool of Vincent Astor in the Hudson Valley area. He arrived in Warm Springs in 1924 and stayed for weeks. He continued this until his death in 1945. He died there from a stroke on April 15, 1945. One thing consistent about Warm Springs was the consistent temperature of the water and its high calcium, and magnesium content
From the countless biographies written about FDR and the few I have read --he had one consistent spirit. Warm Springs started to have other polio victims traveling there. He was a big supporter of Warm Springs and set up a Foundation for donations. It became his 'little White House' He inspired others FDR could be himself there and be among the other afflicted American people.
His treatment became interrupted as he ran for Governor of New York in 1928 which sprang to the winning the 1932 Presidential Election. He would be the only President in history to run and win 4 times as the United States President.
He wasn't going to run in 1932 for President He was concerned with Warm Springs and its financial struggles., But when a donation of $250,000 came from the Democratic Party chairman, John Raskob--FDR ran and the rest is history
For peace, serenity and to glance at a piece of history , I highly recommend the Four Freedoms Park.
Be thankful today and every day
Until tomorrow
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
"DISCIPLINE means learning to wait for what we want."
Having a schedule and discipline makes it easier. It allows you to wait while the miracles happen. Miracles do happen in life, when you least expect them. For what has been given to me, I try to the best of my ability to " Pay It Foward" or " Pass it On" I do this in many ways. I do this because it is the right thing to do in life. It brings me happiness, joy ,comfort and most of all, serenity.
To reduce inflammation and support the immune system I recommend the following:
1. High doses of Vitamin D- I usually recommend 5,000 to 10,000 per day depending on the level measured
2. Try to get more sleep. The body regenerates itself especialy during REM
3. Exercise more
4. Cut back on simple refined carbohydrates
5. Consider starting some medicinal mushrooms as Coriolus versicolor, Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum. A good blend of mushrooms totaling 1.6 grams is suggested. I woudl suggest you read ' Mycelium Running." by Paul Staments. - He is in my mind the Mushroom Man
6. There are excellent herbs as anti inflammatory - these are ginger, tumeric and boswellia. I utilize fresh ginger and tumeric. If you like boswellia use 750mg - 1500mg/day
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
"Happiness is a by product of living the right kind of life."
Everyone deserves happiness. At times you might think so. I didn't for a time period in my life.
It is just when you think you don't deserve happiness, is that you really do.
There are many natural sweeteners on the market today. Which natural sweetener do you use? We are NOT talking about the pink packet ( Sweet n Low), blue packet ( Equal) and even the yellow packet ( Splenda).
You ave seen on the back of labels of some products, sugar alcohols. These are plenty in the protein bars. Some of these are maltitol, xylitol and erythriol. The side effects of these sugar alcohols are digestive in nature mainly diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. This is mainly due to the slow and incomplete absorption in the small intestines. The small intestines is the 'shag rug' of absorbtion.
Today more of my patients are using stevia. There are studies supporting the use of Stevia. The studies have revealed that Stevia may low blood sugar and triglyceride levels. There is even studies stating that stevia can act as free radical scavenger antoxidants.
I do recommend one natural sweeteners. It is high quality raw honey. As a backyard beekeeper I am passionate about bees and their honey. Raw honey furnishes the body with a number of critical vitamins as B2, B6, iron and manganese. The multitude of studies on honey reveal that honey is a natural weapon against free radicals. It is also a natural antibiotic. Support beekeepers and honey bee associations. Do not forget Blackstrap molasses as this a more concentrated amount of vitamins, minerals and the trace minerals. I utilize black strap for those patients that are iron deficient..
I cannot end without mentioning agave syrup. It contains 97% of fructose. This is the very type of sugar when isolated from its fruit based origins has been implicated in the rapid rising rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.. So agave in my opinion might not be the best natural sweetener.
My choice is honey..
Until tomorrow...
Monday, November 19, 2012
" To make gains in this life we must venture forth to new places, contact new people, and chance new experiences."
This makes it all worth while . You have truly given it the best you can give. I love new places, new people and new experience. Yesterday was a new experience. We met Braco. Words cannot express the feeling. Hundreds of people gathered at specific times of the day, to have him gaze upon the crowds. Rick and I have never experienced him . I met an author, Angelica who has written about him in a book entitled " 21 Days with Braco" Read about him on
I was not fatigued after the encounter
There are many causes of fatigue, but the one most commonly seen in my practice is an under active thyroid also called hypothyroidism. It is often the culprit of low energy levels, hair loss, cold hands/feet and constipation. It can also account for depression.
As a cardiologist, I am interested in the hypothyroid patient. It has been studied that hypothyroidism is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The reason is that hypothyroid patients have a higher cardiac C-reactive protein and homocysteine levels. These two are independent risk factors for heart disease.
Not every physician tests for all of the thyroid function. Some do TSH, total T4 , Total T3 and T3 uptake. Over the years I have found the following tests to be the most useful:
1. TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone)
2. free T3
3. free T4
4. reverse T3 (rT3)
5. Thyroid antibodies ( TPO) and thyroglobulins
There are many factors that inhibit proper production of thyroid function including stress, environmental toxins as mercury and arsenic, celiac disease, and chronic infections as candadiasis and Epstein barr infections. There are also the goitrogenic foods
In order to balance the thyroid, there are other trace minerals that need to be balanced which are usually the culprit. Not all physicians look at these trace minerals as selenium, copper and zinc. The thyroid craves balanced levels of Vitamin D, iodine, tyrosine and Vitamin C.
In this last year I have seen a higher number of thyroid carcinomas. Of these 5 patients, all were females. There are some studies that have proposed that sex hormones play a role in the development of this type of cancer.
Get your thyroid checked. Balance your body
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, November 17, 2012
On Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 9PM watch Fox News.
There are millions of individuals with Celiac Disease. There are those who think they have celiac disease, those that have gluten sensitivity ( now called Non Celiac Gluten Intolerance) and then there is
Jennifer Esposito.
When Jennifer Esposito was diagnosed with celiac disease three years ago, the actress was shocked and relieved. "It was hard, but it was also the day I realized the person I once knew as 'me' was gone," says Esposito, who plays detective Jackie Curatola on the CBS hit police drama Blue Bloods.
Misleading advice and a delayed diagnosis cost Esposito precious "life" time as she searched for the reasons behind a litany of unexplained ailments, she says. Now she's determined to save others from the same pain and frustration by raising awareness of celiac disease -- also the goal during May, National Celiac Disease Awareness Month.
It is not just about not eating gluten. It is about a new way of life. It is about other allergies that need to be diagnosed. It is about gluten and autoimmune diseases. It is about how anxietry and depression can be relieved if you consider your dietary lifestyle. It is about unnecessary hospital admissions if the doctors woudl only listen to you.
Listen to Jennifer Espoisito's story on Fox News,November 18, 2012 at 9PM
Shortly after learning she had celiac disease, Esposito launched Jennifer's Way, a web site and blog to help others "learn to live again, gluten-free." She has nearly 6,500 followers on Twitter (@JennifersWayJE), and a cookbook, food product line, and bakery in New York City in the works. "This is so rewarding, the second chapter of my life," she says. "I'm grateful to be able to give something back."
The condition isn't a food allergy; eating gluten causes the body's immune system to damage the fingerlike villi lining the small intestine that allow nutrients from food to be absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, the body is not able to take in nutrients effectively. The body is not able to make a neurotransmitter called serotonin, thus causing other areas of the brain to incerase epinephrine, and GABA. These latter two cxause insomnia and anxiety. The neurotransmitter, dopamine starts to decrease and memory fades, concentration wanders and the focus is out the door.
Listen to Jennifer's Esposito's story. With a new upcoming book and a bakery in the works, she is the REAL face of Celiac Disease.
Oh yes, I get to talk also about Celiac Disease on the show. I hope there is television in Heaven--my mom would be so proud of me !
Watch it...
Until tomorrow...
Friday, November 16, 2012
"Love begins by taking care of the closest ones- the ones at home." Mother Teresa
I take care of the closest ones and then some. It is my G.O.D. chosen profession and I must say honestly - I love medicine and people. I might not always like the day to day aspects of business, insurance and medication prescriptions, but helping people is great.
I sometimes forget to check on those who are at home. I feel it is because I have to take so many other people home in my mind. But over the years I have definitely gotten better at this. If not for the people at home in my case, I would never be able to do what I do. For one there is love, respect and major support from home- namely Rick. I couldn't do this without him.
Birding is a nature loving, animal loving. meditative hobby that is done outdoors. The question is - Do you love nature? Do you appreciate life around you? The trees, plants, flowers, sky... all the animals, and especially the birds. When you think of birding, what do you think of? I think of John James Audubon. He is probably the most well known man associated with bird watching. It started when he moved from Haiti to Philadelphia and started to watch the nesting and habitat patterns of the birds of that area. His first bird book was called Birds of America. I am fascinated with nature.
For those who do not know me - I love birds. I have an Amazon Green Parrot named Gracie It all started when I was about 9 years old. I loved watching the activities of the robins in our backyard. I had my first bird feeder on the back porch. I would watch for hours the different birds that came to feed. The sparrows, the blue jays and the cardinals to name a few. One Sunday dinner, the usual 15 plus people were at the dinner table. The food was endless and the laughter was contagious. My cousin, Dr Jim came by. His parents my great Uncle Jim and Aunt Sadie were there. He carried in a cage with a black bird squawking. It was a Mynah Bird. I named him Charlie. Dr Jim had a parrot himself, named Agnes. From that point on I have had talking birds and non talking birds.
Today in addition to Gracie , Rick and I have 4 additionsl birds - 2 parakeets, and 2 - Love Birds - The parakeets are Alice and Gertrude, and the LoveBirds are Lucy and Ricky.
Birding is a quiet and serene hobby. Rick bought me binoculars about 8 years ago. I get to bird watch in Fire Island and in Roosevelt Island. Of course there are more interesting birds in Fire Island. More than 330 species of birds have been recorded on Fire Island, more than 1/3 of all species found in North America. Fire Island is without a doubt one of the best birding locations in the New York area, particularly during the spring and fall migrations. The piping plover is an endangered species that nests on Fire Island.
During this nice warm weather, you should get started early as dawn to mid -morning is the best time to see different bird species. The wetlands, the edges of streams, woods and lakes make for grand birding adventures.
These are the aspects I was taught to watch for:
1. Look for color and different markings. Try to identify the bird.
2. Note how big the bird is
3. Watch the bird's actions such as where it flys to and notice the types of trees it visits.
4. Bring a small Bird Guide for the Region you are in. Try to find the bird in the book and then begin some basic researching about the bird.
You can buy a beginner's Bird Watching Guide and look up different resources at or
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Acceptance of what goes on with life is the key to survival. It does ensure our sanity, peace, quietness and our serenity. I want those quiety moments when my thoughts are still. I want those peaceful times when I just can meditate and sit still. Can you sit still ? Can you meditate?
It takes time but the reward is beyond reproach !
ANXIETY disorders are most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults or 18% of the population. When calculating this is a lot of individuals. This means that 1 out of 5 people you know suffer from anxiety. Do you know anyone that has anxiety issues?
The group of anxiety disorders include post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD), panic disorders, social phobia and generalized anxiety. Sometimes anxiety is also accompanied by depression.
There is a certain criteria that must be met to make a diagnosis of generalized anxiety. This is based on the DSM-IV criteria.
The criteria is:
1. at least six months of excessive anxiety and worry over events or situations
2. difficulty in controlling the anxiety and worry
3. presence for most days over the previous six months or more with the following symptoms
a. feeling wound up, tense or restless
b. easily fatigued or worn out
c. concentration problems
d. irritability
e.tension in muscles
f. difficulty in sleeping
To me this sounds like most of America at this time.
There is a relationship between diet and psychological symptoms. I often describe anxiety and the 'gut' or small intestine, sleep and the 'gut' and lack of focus, concentration and memory loss and the 'gut'
There are studies to prove this theory. In 2012, Jacka et al published a paper in Psychiatry after evaluating 1,046 women age 20-93 years looking at dietary and psychological symptoms. The study revealed that a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, meat , fish and whole grains was associated with a lower incidence of major depression, and anxiety disorders. They demonstrated that a diet of processed or fried foods, refined sugars, sugary products and beer had a higher score of psychological symptoms based on a questionnaire . I observe this in my practice all the time with men and women. I have found that a diet rich in gluten grains and cow's dairy is associated with a low serotonin, thus causing an increase in epinephrine ( thus causing anxiety), an increase in GABA ( thus causing sleep disorders) and a decrease in dopamine ( thus causing memory loss, lack of focus and concentration)
You do not have to be allergic to gluten to have these difficulties. If you are allergic to gluten we then will be discussing Celiac Disease. Most of America has non-celiac gluten sensitivity or intolerance. This can be easily demonstrated on a IgG RAST test for food allergies/sensitivities.
There are numerous studies demonstrating that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids has a less likelihood of developing depression and/or anxiety. The higher intake of omega 3 fatty acids had a risk reduction of depression And anxiety higher than 30%. This type of study has been demonstrated in other studies.
The study that I found most interesting is using the amino acid, tryptophan. Bravo R et al studied the impact of adding this amino acid to cereal twice daily for treatment of sleep disorders. After three weeks the subjects demonstrated improvement in sleep efficacy,as well as improvement in depression and anxiety.
I use another form of tryptophan, called 5-hydroxy tryptophan ( 5 HTP) as it is more potent and biologically more active. Clinically, I get the same results. I use 5HTP in capsule form or liquid form without placing in cereal. I do not use cereal as the cereal if used should be gluten free. The only problem with processed gluten free products is that the amount of sugar is higher. This in itself can cause problems
Diet is extremely important in reducing anxiety and depression. You do not always have to be on a drug. Other treatment I advocate are psychotherapy, change in dietary and exercise lifestyle, meditation, yoga and hobbies. I am also partial to botanical for anxiety.
Until tomorrow...
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
" SILENCE is the ultimate in letting go and letting be."
My mother used to say this, be silent after an argument. It is the best way to get your point across. It creates less confrontation. Silence is golden. Have patience with life. No matter what you do in life, the river of life will continue to flow. Flow with the stream, not against the stream.
I do not know one patient that has not been constipated at least once in their life. There are many causes. Perhaps you do not drink enough water. Maybe it is your DIET. Now there is a thought you might not consider or you did not consider but do not want to change to a DIETARY LIFESTYLE
Constipation in children is common due to their diet- too much white bread, candy and sweets
It is also common in adults whom do not drink enough water, take iron or are hypothyroid.
Laxatives for constipated adults, even herbal ones are generally too strong and do not taste well
For Adults
1. 1 cup of boiling water
2. 1/2 teaspoon licorice root
3. 1/4 teaspoon of ginger root or fennel seed
4. 1/4 cup of prune juice ( which is optional)
Pour the boiling water over the herbs and steep for 10 minutes
Strain out the herbs and then add the optional prune or apple juice
There is one more good remedy - elderberry jam is great for constipation. I prefer to combine it with wild flower honey. And when all fails, you can always have a cup of catnip tea.
Until tomorrow...
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