Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"It only takes one person to change your life - YOU" Ruth Casey

You cannot change because of someone or something else. The only person that can start a change in you is YOU. There might be fear of change as we all have at one point of another in our lives. Fear should not deter you from changing. But you will have to decide for yourself if you want to change. An addicted individual is the only one who can decide to stop using drugs, alcohol and food. Some are not ready to change. Some have fear and some do not know they are addicts. For these individuals, it is only himself/herself that can change. Often there is anger behind the fear.

Some might see the 'the way' or have a white light experience that causes them to finally change. Some might have to hit bottom to change. Some might hit bottom and still continue to use substances. These addictions whether food, drugs, alcohol, family drama, relationship drama, television and even the iphone are addictions. Another term is energy thieves. If you view your addictions as energy thieves, you might see it clearer.

Yesterday I was seeing a patient whose lung function has deteriorated in the last year. She coughs most days and now requires oxygen at night. Her initial infection more than 20 years ago was MAI (mycobacterium avium intracellulare). She received 5 different antibiotics. At this point she needs to suppress her cough. I wrote down 4-5 herbs to put in her tea concoction. I added elderberry, yarrow, and ginger. I almost added English Ivy, but didn't as I am not that familar with this herb. One of these herbs came to me from my readings and studies. I have not  used it very often. The plant is Marrubium vulgare . This is known as Horehound. There are other names you might have seen in readings such as bull's blood eye, widow's herb, white horehound, wooly's horehound and white of the star. The leaves are  said to smell of musty thyme.  The leaves and stems are covered with downy hairs. There are small cream colored or purple colored flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Excessive dosages can cause dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dry mouth and pupil dilation.

I always refer to Culpepper for some insight into the herb. He said, "It is an herb of Mercury. A decoction of the dried herb, with the seed, or the juice of the green herb taken with honey, is a remedy for those that are short winded (short of breath), have a cough or are fallen into consumption either through a long sickness or then distillations of rheum upon the lungs." He does go on to say it is to be used with the roots of Iris for more expectoration.

I have found that this herb is used in many old remedies. I have never seen the herb in its natural environment. I do know it is classified within the Family Lamiaceae, also known as Family Labiatae . To me it certainly resembles the other members of Lamiaceae family like mint, spearmint and lemon balm. If you do not like a bitter taste you will not like this herb, but you MUST NOT mix with a sweetener (unless a little honey/agave). Do NOT sweeten it to the point that you not taste the bitterness. It will not be effective.

Historically it is one of the herbs the Jews were ordered to take during Passover. It is the bitter herb. For me as a cardiologist, I have read reports on regulating the rhythm. I have not found much literature on this aspect but will do further reading and researching. Before Hops was used in beer, horehound was used for its bitterness. It is usually taken as a tea but also as an infusion, tincture and even as capsules. Historically it was made into candy, which I am sure it still is in some remote places.

I will plant horehound this year in Fire Island, as bees are partial to the flowers of horehound and its nectar. It does make a pleasing honey to the taste buds.

Until tomorrow...

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