Friday, May 4, 2012


"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals-- for Tuawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent animals to tell man that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon, man should learn..for all things speak of Tuawa." -Chief Letakos 1904

Some consider reading a hobby. Some do not. I am on the fence. Depending on what you are reading, it could be a hobby especially if you are using your imagination. I consider a hobby as a type of craft. My friend Patrick considers something you do in your spare time as a hobby. I have been reading about Indian Medicine and Animals. If you love reading, then this is your hobby. I love needlepoint and knitting so these are my hobbies. Some consider it my way of avoidance. I can needlepoint during a movie, a radio show or during a twelve step meeting. I relax when I have a needle in my hand. I actually listen more carefully. Hobbies should boost your self esteem. If reading boosts your self esteem, then it can be your hobby.
I have been reading a book called Animal Speaks. At the same time I am finishing The High Line as well as The Disappearing Spoon
On February 11, 2012 Blue Sky performed a ritual- a marriage ceremony. Blue Sky is an amazing individual. With her is Nidhi (  on the drums while Blue Sky played the pipe. Nidhi sent me the symbol and I traced it . For the last three nights, Blue Sky has played the pipe.This was for a loved one, Rick . The guardians were all around him protecting him. 

She writes,

My Dear ones,
This came through after the Native Pipe ceremony yesterday, the pipe ceremony is a very powerful way
to release our prayers to Creator, this is also when Ricks name came through. I did not write this I am
translating it has it was told to me by spirit. I hold you both in my heart!
Red Star and Silver Cloud

Silver Cloud light runs to the healing core of life
There lives the power of the ages
The Center of the world into the Great Mystery
Cleansed, Purified, Renewed and Restored
In wholeness within the Sacred Chanupa
The bowl of the pipe and the stem connected for life

To Red Star Medicine together
In a unified body
One with Creator
You share the same path, and have walked before in the sacred hoop of life

Now you dance
Now you dance
The dance of freedom, moving into the divine rhythm like the Great Sky
Air, Light Water flows from within and washes away, the dark clouds
You move into the Silver of the moon
Here there is your hearts, one heart,
one body, one soul
Beating alive in the oneness of the source and sustainer of life.

All life


For the last year I have been reading and studying Animal Medicine. I am beginning to understand Animal Medicine. The word animal is derived from the latin word, 'anima' meaning soul or breath of life. Living free within nature is the term - wild animal. When you read old literature animals were always associated with divine forces like gods and goddesses. There is always an animal as a vehicle for these Indian god and goddesses. You must develop your own animal-speak. Which animal do you connect to? In my daily meditation- the animal of my dreams speaks to me. This sounds crazy--doesn't it?

I have always connected to birds. This started when I was young. I always fixed a bird's wing if I found one hurt. I used Popsicle sticks for splints. I healed the birds in my hands. When it came time for them to fly I let them go. I was given a Mynah Bird when I was 9 years old. I named him Charlie. Later in life I began to have parrots of all types- African Grey named Jolie and currently Gracie, an Amazon Green Yellow Nap Parrot. The parrot is a bird of the sun. Its feather are used in prayer sticks for powerful healing rites. The feather can invoke the energies of the sun at any time of the year. The prayer stick given to Rick and I by Nidhi contains a parrot feather. The parrot is a wonderful teacher of the power of light and colors, due to its colorful plumage.

A bird that has always fascinated me has been the owl. In Greek mythology the Owl was always associated with the goddess Athena, and has been a symbol of higher wisdom. I am not afraid of an owl. Some think of the owl as the reincarnation of the dead. I do not. I believe some may think this because the owl is a nocturnal bird (active at night). It can be a symbol of darkness. Some associate owls with secrets held deep within. I rather love the Silent Wisdom of the Owl and the Mystery of Magic.

Since my herbs have become the core of my existence as an individual and as doctor, I am more closely connected to nature. I feel all individuals should be connected to nature in some way. It is refreshing.

Find a hobby associated with nature. If your hobby turns out to be reading, then read among the trees. Read under a large oak tree. Lean against the tree and read.

Until tomorrow...

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