Thursday, May 31, 2012


"The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” -Walter Anderson

“Each person’s task in life is to become an increasingly better person.” -Leo Tolstoy

“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” –Walt Disney

Each one of these quotes discuss change. For most of us, change creates fear. No one wants to change their normal daily schedule or life. It is life on life's terms. Change is good. When a circumstance happens most of us - REACT. This is not always good. The better thing to do is take action. Forget the re- and take the action. Change does take courage. I love Walter E Disney's quote. I do believe with all my heart that dreams can come true. You must pursue your dreams. I still have dreams that are slowly, (not on my time frame!) coming true. Many of my inspirations and dreams have come true. I feel this is due to prayer and meditation and definitely 'letting go' As quickly as things happen, they can also be taken away. This is why I adhere to prayer / meditation and a 12 step lifestyle. I also try every day make a gratitude list . I list what I am grateful for in my life. It is the simple things I am grateful for- water, light, shelter, insects, plants, flowers, the sky and food. From these I get love.
Our environment is full of toxins. I will have the pleasure and privilege to listen to Walter Crinnion ND speak this weekend in Asheville North Carolina. Dr Crinnion has been in practice for more than twenty years specializing in chronic health problems caused by environmental chemical overload. I have been pursuing this in my practice for the last 18 years. I believe that the food, water and the air we breathe can cause multiple problems and lead to devastating illness. The individuals exposed during the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Center are examples of what the toxins in the air can do the immune system and the lungs. I look forward to his new book, Clean, Green and Lean: Get rid of the toxins that make you Fat.
I admire individuals in any profession who take action to save the planet.

Rick and I try to our best to save Earth Mother. At one point we introduced the Green Lifestyle to the Fire Island community by operating a Green Store called Simply Green. I am happy we did this venture, but not all of the community was ready to go green. To this day, we are green to the best of our ability. Another hobby has been with honeybees. This is a true passion close to our hearts. We are happy we will be again raising bees this year. We have to thank Chris Harp and Grai ( ) Our bees will be delivered in mid June.

Another green individual I admire is Deirde Imus. She is the best selling author of The Imus Ranch: Cooking for Kids and Cowboys and the Green This! series. She works continually to educate and inform individuals, especially children, about the danger of environmental toxins. She works to make everyone green. Her program Greening the Cleaning teaches how to replace toxins with nontoxic plant ingredients. Now this is truly educating. In addition to the The Deidre Imus Environmental Center based at the Hackensack Medical Center in New Jersey, she and her husband/ radio personality, Don Imus  have helped more than 1,000 children with cancer at the Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids with Cancer in New Mexico.
She is an advocate for better eating. She understands the link between toxins/ low fat foods and the development of Alzheimer's. For more information on the person of the month, Deidre Imus, please visit

Serenity, peace and love from the Black Mountains, North Carolina June 1-4

Until tomorrow...

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