Wednesday, March 28, 2012


"Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you to change." -Ivania Vanzant

Remember the line from the movie Poltergeist, "Walk into the light!" Yet it is often helpful to look at the darkness of your life. This will empower you to change. Remember you are not alone. We all have some skeleton or darkness. The darkness will empower you to change. The dark days of any addiction are enough to hopefully look at yourself and change. This change can be life saving. Addictions are energy thieves-- whether sugar, nicotine, shopping, drugs, alcohol, family drama, television, computers or relationship drama. Carefully look at this darkness. Be aware of the darkness, acknowledge the darkness and then accept the darkness. This acceptance will allow you to move to the next stage of life.

These days eating healthy means incorporating organic fruits and vegetables into your diet, but doing so can also cost you a pretty penny. Luckily, you can get away with eating the conventional varieties of certain kinds of produce, while still maintaining a health-conscious lifestyle.

The key is knowing which products to choose. It's easy to get overwhelmed in a supermarket where both organic and conventional products are offered. You may ask yourself, "Which ones are worth the extra cost? What am I really getting for my money?" Well, we've made it easy for you. When it comes to choosing conventional fruits and veggies, stick with avocados, bananas, pineapples, kiwis mangoes, watermelons, grapefruits, sweet potatoes and onions. These items have a thicker outer layer, which protects their inner flesh from being affected by harmful chemicals.There's no need to buy organic versions of asparagus, broccoli or cabbage either. These vegetables are not as threatened by pests as others, so they're not being exposed to as many pesticides. Of course, it is important to give all of your produce picks a good rinse before consuming. I ask my patients to either use apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide in the water to soak and scrub their vegetables and fruits. Use 1 part peroxide and 9 parts water. Again soak and wash the vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Obviously you cannot scrub berries.

Staying healthy doesn't have to break the bank. You just have to know when to splurge. Stick with these fruits and veggies and you'll be good to go. I also feel that buying from the local farmers is the way to go. In Union Square twice a week and on Saturday there is a Green Market. On Saturdays on Roosevelt Island, there is a Green Market. These farmers grow in organic soil, use no pesticides but cannot afford to put the label ORGANIC on their items. Why is this?

This is because of the government. To obtain an organic license cost money. What doesn't cost money in this world? Local farmers are doing their best to keep a float and do the best for Earth Mother. Yet some cannot afford the license. I would rather buy from these local farmers than buy organic from Whole Foods, Food Emporium etc and pay unbelievable prices. The price for staying healthy does not always have to be so high.

Remember this:

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

"Mainstream medicine would be way different if they focused on prevention rather than intervention."

"The best doctor gives the least medicine." - Benjamin Franklin

Until tomorrow...

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