Monday, March 5, 2012


"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity we know our Friends."

- John Churton Collins

An interesting quote. The friends today in our lives are our extended family. Through our years together, Rick and I have had friends come and go. Friendships change throughout one's life. I feel the key to any relationship including friendship is communication. I realize today that if I do not let go immediately of a resentment or anger, the disturbing force of the activated energy draws the focus of one's consciousness. As your consciousness gets immersed in this resentment and anger, you will lose your clear seat of self. Leaving the seat of self is not a willed act. It just happens. If you lose sight of your self you will eventually lose sight of your family and friends. The friends in our life (and these are photos of some) are there for life--through good and bad times.

Now for a friendly herb...
I grew up eating Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). My Poppy always added it to his food as a spice and during the holidays we had fennel stalks to eat. I love fennel. Now many restaurants are on the fennel kick which is a great asset to the menu.

The folklore legend about fennel is that it was believed to convey courage and strength and contribute to a long life. It ancient times fennel was used as an antidote for poisons.

I use fennel for digestive problems especially spasms, and calming and toning of the stomach. It aids with nausea and bloating.

I even add some fennel oil to my waterpik with the lavender and peppermint as all are excellent for preventing gum disease.

As far as the use in females. I have seen colleagues seeing more women use fennel for re balancing the hormones and stabilize the hormones during menopause. Traditionally it has been used to increase milk flow during breast feeding.

I thought Fennel would have been mentioned in James Duke's Medicinal Plants of the Bible, but to my surprise - it was not

Add fennel to your diet. Also in Sauer's Herbal Cures, fennel seeds are used for hair growth. Use the fennel seeds on your salad or eat fennel when in season.

Until tomorrow...

Photos: At our wedding on February 11, 2012

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