MAY 13, 2010
"The peace is found in this moment. Acceptance is the first step to inner calm."
Who doesn't want peace and serenity? Where do we fine serenity, calm and peace? Is it in treating ourselves for a shopping spree? Most find it when changing their hair color, a new haircut, a visit to the plastic surgeon etc. This is on the outside, not on the inside. You might find serenity in chaNging your apartment surroundings? Maybe in a new place to live or in moving to a new state or ending or starting a relationship with another person. The change should come from within. Your serenity could be prayer, meditation or thinking of a past memory. Perhaps you are praying to your higher power or to a loved one who has past or praying to your guardian angel.
Yes, an angel. Rick and I had an experience of literary meeting an angel. I know this sounds strange. Last year while volunteering on Fire island, we attended to a patient where a 'boy' had been at this man's side before we even got there. He was 'cherub-like'. All he did was hold this man and tell him all would be alright. As quickly as the ambulance took this man away, this angelic boy was gone. It was an angel.
The above plant is Angelica. This is a tall, striking plant. Its official name is Angelica archangelica. It has carminative properties. You need to go back to a blog entitled Properties of Herbs. This property is due to its content of volatile oils. The volatile oils are in the angelica root. Not only does it contain volatile oil, but it also contains bitters. This allows the herb to be used in digestive disorders. Since there are bitters, angelica is sometimes used in those after dinner liqueurs. The oil can be used externally for arthritic conditions and internally as a tea from the root.
Enjoy the photos above. This weekend, I will attend courses in Ithaca. I hope to see and smell Angelica. I will not be blogging this weekend but will post my photos from the Finger Lake area.
Until Monday...
Have a great weekend & enjoy your new classes!