Saturday, May 8, 2010

Convalleria and Mother's Day

Mother's Day Weekend May 8-9, 2010

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life"

"You can fool all of the people, some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but your can't fool MOM"

Both quotes are appropiate for Mother's Day weekend. Life can bring you happiness, joy, serenity and peace but if you do not know what to do with it, then nothing will happen. I have searched, researched and studied how I can be happy, joyous and free--then on this day, sixteen years ago it just happened. Well not just happened, I had to work at it a day at a time. No, remember another blog, A Moment at a Time.

Herbs for the heart can be varied. I want to concentrate on palpitations or extra heart beats. These are sometimes called extra systoles. These are also called arrhythmias. The best herb is Hawthorne (Cratageus oxyacantha). I want to spend a lot of time on this herb with all of its properties. It improves coronary circulation, cardic arrhythmias and weakness of the myocardium.

The picture above is my favorite flower. It is called Convalleria majalis. It is also known as Lily of the Valley. The flowers and the herb are used. The fresh leaves have the most powerful action, the next being the flowers. The red fruits are considered poisonous. I use this herb in patients with atrial fibrillation.

On Mother's Day, every person thinks of their mother or grandmother. My mom passed in 1982 and my grandmother, Nanny passed in 1988. Although 28 and 22 years have past respectively, they are never forgotten. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of them. The Lily of the Valley grew in our garden. When we drove into the driveway, there was a fence. Beyond the fence and a statue of the Virgin Mary was my Poppy's vegetable garden. Every year, these white upside butter cup flowers bloomed. My mom called them special. I have other special moms in my life: my Aunt Mary Ann, Aunt Mary, Barbara and my dear Nancy. We all have mothers and grandmothers. Remember them today whether or not we might not get along with them or they have passed on...This is a day we look upon or reflect upon. Reflect of a happy time with your mom or gandmother. Mine was called Nanny.

Until tomorrow...

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