MAY 20,2010
"We are powerless to change our past, but we can change how we look at it." Thanks KM
I realize I am powerless over everything, especially the past. It has gotten me this far and never fails. You who are reading this are powerless also. That is how I help people who have sugar addictions--those that are powerless over sugar. Maybe even powerless over their mother, father, partner, spouse etc. I will discuss this more when we discuss the 3rd lifestyle change--Addictions
The quote makes me think of a great song. I haven't decided when to post it. It is a reflection of one's life. It can be sad but it does make you think. Maybe tomorrow...who knows
Yesterday, I discussed thiamine. Today is roboflavin. It is important because it is an essential component of a larger coenzyme (FAD). FAD is used is many reactions of the body. It is used in the powerhouse of the cell. You must go back to 7th grade biology (thank you, Mr Lombardo) and recall the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the powerhosue of every cell, which produces energy or ATP. If you do not have enough riboflavin, the symptoms are burning and itching, especially of the eyes. Oh, the mouth as well. What is a dietary source of riboflavin? Well, unfortunately, it is meat and dairy--two things I am not fond of. If you ever read Michael Pollan's 'The Omnivore Dilemna', then you will never eat meat again. I rather you read his first book, 'The Botany of Desire' as it talks about apples, tulips, marijuana and potatoes. Sounds enticing, doesn't it?! The second source, dairy, is controversial. I personally do not drink or eat cow's dairy. I read Ron Schmid, MD book, 'The Untold Story of Milk - Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Raw Dairy Foods'. Not only did I find this book informative but I found it very historical as well. Although it sounds medicine knows a lot of riboflavin, it was not until 1932 that we really understood its role in medicine. Most of the B vitamins work together. You will realize this when I finally end the blogs about B vitamins. Thiamine works with riboflavin, which works with niacin.
Yes I will blog about change but remember this: "No More Regrets" by Edith Piaf
Here it goes...
Now as the wheel of life turns faster
Now as the seasons seem to fly
I see so many things at last
But didn’t see the time go by
I‘ve known delight, I’ve known disaster
The caviar, the humble pie
From the absurd to the sublime
I didn’t see the time go by
I didn’t see the years roll on
I didn’t know when youth was gone
Pretending it might never end
And now there is a price to pay
For every day I threw away
It seems I wasted half a lifetime
Within the blinking of an eye
I didn’t hear the midnight chime
I didn’t see the time go by
In stolen nights and brief romances
I kissed the men and made them cry
Where there were balconies to climb
I didn’t see the time go by
I was the guy with all the answers
The halfway truth, the little lies
So sure, so certain in my prime
I didn’t see the time go by
I hit the heights, I bit the dirt
I left some wreckage in my wake
I didn’t see that lies can hurt
I didn’t know that hearts can break
And now they come to haunt my mind
The life’s I touched and left behind
I sang a hundred songs of longing
Of sweet regret and hope run dry
I searched for melody and rhyme
But never saw how time can fly
Never saw the darkening sky
I was a mistrel of my time
Who did not see the time go by
The picture above is the pond at Alicia's Bed and Breakfast in Ithaca. I sat by the pond and meditated (the 4th lifetstyle change). It gave me time to relax. I also did my needlepoint. After taking this photograph, I think it will make a great cross stitch.
Until tomorrow...
I love your translation of the Piaf song. I feel the regrets though she sang of "no regrets" also. It is sad to regret ones' life experiences. I try to embrace all the times, bad and good, for then I can learn to taper my behavior to a more balanced existence. Balance is important and it a basic tenet of the Buddha.