Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BENEFITS OF TEA May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

"When we want things around us to change, the best place to start is within ourselves"

I was once asked why God gave me two hands. It was a difficult question for me to answer at that time in my life. I didn't have an answer. I was told "God gave you two hands to help other people with one hand, and help yourself with the other hand."

How true is that! We all can change our hair color, even grow more hair, ask the surgeon to nip and tuck and fill your face with injectable fillers. On the outside you will look good but did anything change if you didn't change yourself? You can move to a different apartment, even move to another state and better yet change your partner. What really changed if you didn't work on yourself from the inside-out? This is not perfection. There is no perfection in life. It is only progress not perfection!

Today is a day I wanted to sit in bed. I wanted to needle point, relax and have a cup of tea. I couldn't decide, if I did stay home, what tea to have. In yesterday's blog, we discussed Camellia, which is green tea. Tea is warming, health-promoting and even stimulating. It is consumed only second to water worldwide. It is far more consumed in Europe and the Far East than in the United States. Do not be overwhelmed by the vast amount of teas that are on the market. Remember years ago when there were aisles of coffee? I remember Cora (Margaret Hamilton known for her role as the Wicked Witch of the West, in 1939 Wiozard of Oz) promoting Maxwell Coffee--good to the last drop. I even have a mental bank for Eight O'clock coffee from the 1940's. Today, there are aisles and aisles of tea.
Green tea is stated to have the highest concentration of polyphenols, especially EGCG. There are many medicinal uses of tea as discussed in my May 11th blog. It can regulate blood sugar, boost metabolism, enhance cardiovascular performance, reduce lipids and even fight cancer. There are new studies to indicate its benefit in mental cognition and enhancing memory. The amount you would have to consume for these benefits is overwhelming. Do not be discouraged -enhance your 3 cups a day with a high concentration green tea capsule or extract.
Black tea also has polyphenols, which are known to stop bacteria overgrowth in the mouth. It has been shown to have anti-viral properties against the herpes virus. It also has anti-inflammatpory properties. Both teas have anti-oxidant benefits due to the polyphenols.
White tea is stated to have more of an antioxidant potential than green tea. It prevents cell damage. It has been promoted to be used in cancer with benefits. More studies need to be done on white tea. I have used white tea and another herb, calendula, for acne.
Oolong tea is the best eta for suppressing appetite. Everyone wants the magic bullet to suppress appetite. The herb, Hoodia, has been promoted to be the one herb that does this. However, there is not enough african hoodia in the world for the amount we see on the health store shelves. What is that about?
Mate tea is the powerhouse tea filled with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It does contain caffeine. Caffeine will have to be discussed in a separate blog. I find it amazing to see lines outside a Starbucks. They are not giving it away for free. Perhaps there is an addictive effect to their coffee. Try tea rather than coffee. Mate tea does stimulate your mind and body but it is not a favorite tea of mine.
Rooibos tea or red tea is not known to many people. It is a great tea with many minerals as copper, iron, calcium, manganese (a trace mineral) and magnesium. For those vegetarians who do not consume meat, it is a great source of iron in addition to leafy greens.
Dandelion tea is a beneficial tea for the digestive tract as well as promoting a detoxification of the liver. This tea also has a more diuretic
Peppermint tea is a great tea for digestion as well as lemon balm.

Let's not forget the tea that many of you use for sleep. Chamomille tea is not only for sleep but to calm the nervous tension and ease the digestion.

Do not worry--I am finishing more needle points. I just haven't had the time to frame or pillow them yet. I have one or two that will be completed by the end of this week. Some of them you may have seen but not in its finished glory.

Until tomorrow...
Ask your higher power for a full recovery for Rick after his surgery. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

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