Friday, February 25, 2011



It is so true that you are the author of your own life. Think about what you would write in your autobiography. Would you want it to be masterpiece like a Dali or Van Gogh if a painting--or a Bronte or Hemingway if a book? You control the fate of your masterpiece in choosing what you will or will not write. I have said to myself, "Should I write a book about Patrick Michael Fratellone?" I have written an outline. What would my masterpiece convey? What would this masterpiece say that isn't already known? Throughout my 12 step program I have divulged at my own will much--if not all of my life. It has been said, so, shall it be written? The answer is No, not at this time in my life. The exercise of writing an outline for your own autobiography can be very worthwhile. I recommend it to everyone--including YOU. I feel this sketch outline can give you a different perspective on your life. Try it!

We all need to have some form of relaxation. Reiki is for healing. This simple hands on approach is a totally effective method for relaxation, stress release, pain relief and even to restore vitality. Reiki is like the herbal category called Adaptogens. I have seen most if not all ailments be treated with Reiki. The question is this: Do you need to be treated with Reiki by a health care practitioner or should you learn about Reiki to 'heal thyself'? This healing will support you in liberating your mind from old issues and uncover the innate resources within yourself. This is really what I am saying: We all have the ability to heal our own self. This must sound odd to some of you as when you think of healing you think of a doctor, nurse, et al. In early 2001 when life was bumpy (despite the fact that I was sober 7 years at that time) I needed assistance. I needed to ask for help. I was utilizing my sponsor, my therapy sessions and my meetings, but I needed something more. I wanted to read something profound. My best friend, Patrick suggested Conversations With God. I had already read that book and was very impressed so I went to Barnes and Noble in search of something similar to help me.

I actually did not know what I was searching for among the shelves. I wanted a step by step guide to health. I wanted someone to put step by step instructions on paper. I think I was just tired of doing all the work. I wanted it written. I was aware and acknowledged that something had to be done. I just didn't accept the fact that I needed more help. I even changed my sponsor. I thought I was fixed or cured. I was living on east 51st Street. Divine intervention happened in Barnes and Noble on east 53rd Street and 3rd Avenue that day. A young woman came up to me. She asked if I needed help as she saw me rummaging through the self help section of the bookstore. She handed me a thin paperback book called The Ultimate Reiki Touch. I thanked her and took the book. I quickly glanced at the book and decided it wasn't for me. All of us have done this at one point in a bookstore. I immediately went to the biography section and bought the newest biography of Audrey Hepburn. While I waited in line to pay for Audrey, a woman in front of me held a book tightly in her hands. It was The Ultimate Reiki Touch. I left the line and went back to get my own copy of the paperback. I will admit it took some time to open the book. I know it was fear. Life has never been the same since.

By January 2002 I devoted myself to exercises outlined in the book. I used this guide as a part of my meditation. At that time I was still reluctant to meditate more than 15 minutes twice a week. The book outlined a simple program for a complicated doctor. I had learned to keep it simple before, so I started again to keep it simple. I remained true to the simplicity of the Reiki practice. I began to feel the energy within and my presence. I didn't truly gain confidence in the practice of Reiki self healing until I became committed. I began to realize that my own hands can heal others as well as heal myself. I began to feel the warmth of my hands. For me commitment and acceptance are the same--interchangeable like fear and change. I began to realize I was searching for love in another person, a materialistic item or in anything other than myself. I began to realize that LOVE is limitless, indescribable and whole. I followed my own instincts. Love went beyond fear and doubt. I took the children on a vacation with just me. I was fine when I ended a job, and even more so when I ended a relationship. Yes it took courage, but it took a BELIEF too.

Did one book change my life ? The answer is NO. It was the beginning of a long journey which still has not ended. I do not want the journey to end. This journey has led me to places where I never thought I would go. The book changed my perspective on life. Find the right book for you. It might be a book by Deepak Chopra or Aleta St. James. It might be the Bible.

The Key is Self Empowerment.

Until tomorrow...

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