Thursday, November 10, 2011


"Build a mental equivalent of freedom, of vibrant physical and mental health, of true prosperity of increasing understanding and achievement for G.O.D; (Good Orderly Direction) Build it by thinking of it, having faith in it and acting the part, and the old mental equivalent will gradually fade away. The door is unlocked and the voice of G.O.D. in your heart says, "BE FREE." - Emmet Fox -The Mental Equivalent

Today it seems if you do not do Yoga, you are square or 'not hip'. Individuals seem to clump body centering, mind calming practice or prayer under the meditation umbrella. I feel this is not so. I have tried many religious and spiritual practices to center myself over the years. I am not religious, I am spiritual.

I started with the Wiccan (Green Men) practice of meditation to feel as if I were a tree. Feet planted securely on the ground, and I rooted myself in the present moment as best I could-- not the past nor the future.

Meditation for the beginner can be difficult and stressful in itself especially if you are a perfectionist. Have you ever tried to meditate? From personal experience remember this- do not fear sitting still and breathing; and it gets more comfortable with practice (true of anything you try to do).

You can sit in a quiet place cross-legged on the floor or a cushion. You do not always have to have your feet flat on the ground. You must do what makes you comfortable. You can even try to lie on a bed or couch, but you may end up snoozing in that position, so I would not recommend it. I recommend starting with 4-7-8/in-hold-exhale meditation for 3 minutes. Gradually increase by 1 minute every time you do meditation. If a one minute increase is too much, then go at your own pace.

Even Christianity used meditation, but not the word. It was referred to as contemplation. Contemplation was thinking about the scriptures or thinking about the mysteries of the life. Contemplation involves deep listening and letting go. At first meditation can be boring, and sometimes seem pointless. Do not be a skeptic. Mediation will bring inner stillness and peace. You will become more mindful, more open-hearted, more trusting and nonjudgemental. It sounds Polly Anna, but studies and research have shown meditation to be very useful tool.

You need to pick a time where you will practice your meditation. This is your time. Do not let anything interfere with the time you will pick. This is your time. If someone asks you to do something during your 'special time' you will learn to say NO. Once meditation becomes part of your life, you can use this time to pray and meditate for others who are in need.

Lately, my meditation has changed. Not the actual breathing but what I feel. I have been fixated on an important problem of my life. After I meditate I feel love, peace and serenity. I feel light. I feel my hands tingle. I sometimes hear muttering of words. This is what I receive. I have gratitude to my higher power for allowing me to able to meditate.

I've become thankful for the calming and quietness in my life.

For all of those who read this today --"I wish you love"

Until tomorrow...

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