Friday, November 11, 2011


"Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were." - Cherie Carter Scott

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." - Edward de Bono

These are two memorable quotes. Use your own creativity to get rid of anger and resentments. It is practicing the 8th and 9th step of a 12 step program. Make a list of amends you need to make. Make those amends by creating something for the person you must make an amends to.

How unique! I made my first set of amends more than 15 years ago, by sending out needle point bookmarks to those I needed to apologize. I still do this today in other creative adventures. By this time in my life, my amend making list is smaller, so I just give creative gifts to those who mean a lot to me.

I had to give up my expectations of ever receiving an amends letter from anyone.

What kind of B vitamins do you take? I always recommend a multi B. It is sometimes a B-50 multi or a B-100 multi. There is a problem with this as the B12 and folic acid need to be the methylated form in order to be absorbed.

The methyl form of Vitamin B12 and folic acid have important differences from other forms of the other B vitamins.

The methylated form of B12 called methylcobalamin is the bio active form. The body has to transform B12 from the diet into the methylcobalamin in order to have the best activity. So take the methylated version.

B12 is a very important vitamin for many body systems especially the red blood cells and neurological health. It is also important for a bad amino acid, called homocysteine which is reduced by using higher dosages of B12, especially the methylated form. A high homocysteine can affect the cardiovascular system, the bones and brain health. So ask your doctor to write for the higher dosages of methylated B12

The same is true of folic acid. You need a methylated folic acid. The folic acid needs to be converted to a more bio active form for the body to have the full capacity to use it for the many biochemical pathways. The bio active form is called MTHF. There are many individuals who are placed on folic acid (non methylated) for high homocysteine levels and get no response. One in twenty of these individuals have a genetic metabolic defect.

So it isn't so easy and direct for the physician to just give B12 and folic acid. Some thought process needs to take place on what form to use. I prefer the methylated form of both B12 and folic acid. I also use more than the RDA requirements for both B12 and folic acid- again always the methylated forms.

I usually prescribe 2.5 - 7.5 mg of folic acid (methylated) per day

I formulated a high dose folic acid with a methylated B12 for Longevity Nutritionals ( Check it out --

Until tomorrow...

Beyond my wildest dreams, I have completed 600 blogs. Can't wait for the book!

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