Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Imagination is a wonderful asset. We all have an imagination. Did you ever let your imagination run away with you? Of course, you have. Can you imagine if you won this week's mega millions? What would you buy, what would you do with all that money? What charities would you donate to?

I imagine the success of what I have accomplished when I am no longer here. Did Einstein, Dali, Picasso, Freud and Halstead have the same feeling? I live every day as if it were my last. I want to always constantly learn. It is my passion and my imagination that keeps me going.

What is a mushroom? A mushroom is a fruiting body of a fungus, which unlike plants does not contain chlorophyll. Have you ever wondered if a mushroom is a plant or an animal? It is a trick question. Fungi, or mushrooms are not classified as part of the animal or plant kingdoms, but constitute their own kingdom. Their function is to recycle dead and dying matter. Mushrooms help to decompose dead plants and animals to form nutrients necessary for the growth of new plants and animals. I want you to re read that sentence and you will begin to understand the importance of mushrooms.

We have known for centuries that some mushrooms are poisonous and make people ill, while other mushrooms have the ability to aid in healing people.

The mushrooms that have beneficial effects are :

1. Agaricus bisporus (White button)
2. Cordyceps sinensis (Catepillar mushroom)
3. Coriolus versicolor / Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail)
4. Hericium erinaceus (Lion's mane)
5. Agaricus blazei (Sun mushroom)
6. Maitake (Dancing mushroom)
7. Reishi
8. Shiitake
9. Tremelis fuciformis (Silver Ear)

Many of these medicinal mushrooms have been integrated, finally in the treatment of cancer patients. Even the National Institute of Health is conducting a study on the medicinal benefits of mushrooms for several cancers. Many studies have reported benefit in enhancing immune function, reducing side effects of chemotherapy, and improving overall results.

Extracts of Coriolus have been developed in China (known as PSP) and in Japan ( known as PSK) Both are different but contain beta -glucans. Both are used as adjunct treatments for cancer in these countries. Both stimulate the immune system, support the patient after surgery and during chemo and/or radiation if the patient pursues that route. The five year survival studies show an increase in survival for non small cell carcinoma in those receiving PSK (39%) versus those who did not (16%)

I really do not understand why it is taking so long for the NIH, The National Institute of Cancer and other organizations to start waking up and looking around at other treatments for cancer --outside the conventional chemotherapy box.

The Maitake D fraction is another good example of beneficial results for those receiving these mushrooms versus those receiving placebo.

There are many places to start your study of Mushrooms. It is a fascinating topic. I know it is not a plant nor an animal, but you have to wonder how could these little 'guys' you see in the woods have so much potential. Mother Earth placed them here for a reason.

Start this way... Visit Fungi Perfect on the web site at http://www.fungi.com/ Look at 'Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms" by my colleague Paul Stamets. He is the leader in the field. Maybe you want to grow mushrooms at home - he has a book on that too.

I like the book 100 Edible Mushrooms by Michael Kuo. I would buy every book I find on mushroom and I know I would read them, but Rick is getting tired of books, books, and more books.

But for mushroom's sake, start somewhere!

Until tomorrow...

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