Monday, November 28, 2011


"It takes more than good memory to have good memories."

Memory is vital, but it is not enough. In order to have good memories you have to have love, compassion, trust, honesty and spirituality.

What are trans fats? You probably eat them every day and you do not realize it. Trans fats are used in most processed food such as commercial cakes, pies, cookies, crackers, snack food, pretzels and salad dressings.

The food label will not say trans fats, but but 'partially hydrogenated' oil. Be careful if you are consuming partially hydrogenated. It is the SAME as TRANS FAT. So what is a trans fat? Trans fatty acids are a type of fat molecule produced by a process called partial hydrogenation. This process rearranges the hydrogen atoms in liquid unsaturated fatty acids to produce an unnatural fat. Yes I said, an unnatural fat. Trans fats is the kind of fat used in frying to make cookies, crackers etc.

How do you avoid trans fats ? The only way is to stop processed foods. Easier said than done. First of all, the grocery stores shove the processed foods in our face by having displays and sales. Processed foods are far cheaper than natural foods like fruit, cheese, fish and meat. The economy of today makes it more difficult for most of us to buy organic or fresh. Use traditional fats like butter, Palm oil and coconut oil for frying and olive oil on salads. Also avoid the vinegar. Use olive oil and lemon juice. Butter does contain a small amount of natural trans fats that are not harmful. There is nothing wrong with butter when consumed moderately.

Dangers of trans fats:

1. Associated with increase risk of certain types of cancer

2. Interfere with insulin receptors (pre dispose to diabetes)

3. Increase the levels of a cardiac risk factor, Lipoprotein @

4. Interfere with sex hormones; problems with fertility

5. Correlated with obesity in women; contribute to weight gain

6. Interfere with immune function

7. Increased asthma risk

The morale of the story is: AVOID PROCESSED FOODS

Until tomorrow...

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