Saturday, December 10, 2011


"One day at a time, WE walk out of the darkness into the LIGHT."

No this is not a quote from Poltergeist. We all have problems in our own way. Some are more difficult than others. Some of us have been in the darkness for so long that we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will happen one day. The light or 'life' will happen but not on your terms. Nothing is on our terms. We have to let go of that. It is when it is right for us to accept what is right for us. Some of us have lived in a fantasy world. Are you in the dark because you are insecure or have a low self esteem? There are solutions!

Insecurity is a feeling that affects each one of us at one time or another. It can be triggered by physical, social, or emotional factors. In today's time, financial insecurity is most prevalent. This insecurity induces anxiety. There was a time years ago when I felt insecure. My entire perception of my own competence and self worth were thrown off and I questioned everything. Today I do not question my ability in medicine, nor the intuitive sense I have for healing. This is my G.O.D. chosen profession. Every day is not perfect, but it is a process of progress through the years. This insecurity lasted for a while and I turned to a variety of things to alleviate the low self esteem. Those 'other things' got me in trouble. I knew I needed to change. I did not want the chronic low self esteem to cause depression or lack of confidence. There are many remedies excluding synthetic drugs. There are twelve step programs, psychotherapy, exercise, meditation and yoga. There are uplifting herbs for the body. These include rosemary, lavender, damiana, and valerian. If you are not taking conventional medications I urge you to drink this infusion three times a day.

I feel a vaporizer in the room at night with jasmine and marjoram will lift the mood. I have seen it improve mental outlook and clarity and even boost self image. But this alone will not suffice. You need to completely change your dietary and exercise lifestyle.

I have seen one of my homeopathic colleagues use Ignatia for insecurity which is stemming from a cause. An example would be a loss- from either death, ending a relationship or even a job. Pulsatilla is great for those who are tearful.

Suggestion: Vaporize marjoram to cheer you up. I also like a little peppermint to lift my spirits.

Until tomorrow...

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