Monday, December 19, 2011


"Blessings are the wages of your spiritual work."

If you do some spiritual work--whether meditating or praying you will reap the awards. These rewards will come in a way of blessings when you least expect it. I would suggest meditation as a lifestyle change.

Armoracia rusticana, also known as Horseradish is a member of the mustard family. Horseradish has been used for centuries in folklore medicine. I can recall my Nanny using horseradish on any rash...similar to the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding using Windex for every cut and bruise.

I am not fond of horseradish as a spice. I find it too hot for me. Rick happens to love 'hot foods' . So does my daughter Alyssa who had a monetary bet that she could eat a teaspoon of horseradish. She did and won the bet.

Horseradish is particularly useful to clear the sinuses. It is also a powerful diuretic. Others uses of horseradish: stimulates blood flow, is an antiseptic

Some of the folklore uses which work are:

1. Apply horseradish to skin eruptions, including boils to draw out infection

2. Add small amounts of horseradish to your toothpaste for effective cleaning and cleansing of bacteria

3. For sinus relief, eat small amounts of horseradish mixed with lemon juice for effective sinus clearing

4. For edema or fluid retention eat fresh grated horseradish. This can be useful during PMS with associated edema of legs

There are some precautions if you overdue horseradish. It can cause night sweats, diarrhea and abdominal cramping.

Try it.. You might like it !

Until tomorrow....

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