Monday, December 26, 2011


"Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts."

-Janice Maeditere

I love opening gifts. There is something about carefully untying the ribbon (I save the ribbon) and tearing the paper (I do not save the paper anymore) that is exciting. This year was about family and friends. I wanted all the my immediate family to be together. Whether it was Christmas Eve or the Day, we were all there. It meant a lot to me. It warmed my heart. I had the love, support, and guidance of my partner, Rick who made sure everything was as perfect as it could be. Bless his heart.

In bloom in late spring are these delicate white flowers related to the Lily family...

They have six pointed stars - It is called Ornithogalam umbellatum, also known as the Star of Bethlehem. I have only seen these flower once while studying in England in the 1980's. I had a friend, Kate at the local hospital in Kingswinford who showed me the Stars in bloom in her garden.

Kate said to me that this flower is used for peace and comfort. Her mother used it when the children had fallen and were in a crying shock. It is basically used for the shock of bad news, of loss, of an accident and sometimes even of being born. (although I do not quite get the last use)

It is in a common Bach remedy which I have used called Rescue Remedy. When my white Maltese, Cary and Grant were puppies I used it on them as they crossed the Bay on the Ferry to the Pines. I didn't want either dog to get upset. They didn't and slept the whole 20 minutes.

Until tomorrow...

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