Friday, January 13, 2012

JANUARY 14-15, 2012 YARROW

"Love is a fruit in all seasons, and within the reach of every hand." - Mother Theresa

I admire this quote - "Love is a fruit of all seasons..." There is never the wrong or right time for love. It is when you want it to be. Love this weekend was getting plants ready for a new hobby. Love was playing with Gracie, my Amazon Green Parrot, cuddling in bed and meditating. As an individual I have come to realize that plants contain healing powers. The herbs I learn about and discuss are a source of wisdom.

One of the herbs discussed in old herbal literature is Archilea millefolium (Yarrow). It is a familiar wildflower you have probably seen in open fields, by the roadside and even waste areas. You may have thought- that is an ugly weed. I used to think the same thing until my experience in the open fields and in botanical school. I find Yarrow to be delicate little leaves arising into yellow or white umbrellas .

I use Yarrow for a variety of conditions. The simples cuts and bruises, the flu, a bad cold, to cleanse the kidneys and to detoxify the liver. Then I read in folklore literature it is a fever remedy, so I am not far off in my use of the plant. I have seen Yarrow used in the worst of injuries and the simplest. It is definitely an herb I want in my herbal first aid kit. I do not think herbalists talk about it enough.

When reading about Yarrow in Sauer's Herbal Cures, one gets a different perspective. He discusses its use as a tea to prevent early deliveries for pregnant females, pain and relief from hemorrhoids, dissolving blood clots, killing tapeworms and healing scurvy of the gums and in the throat.

Perhaps this is why I love plants/herbs. There are many great folklore stories, many uses depending on the source and an abundance of information from every century.

Until tomorrow...

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