Monday, April 2, 2012


" In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

It seems that we all have one difficult problem or another these days. If it doesn't involve financial concerns, it usually involves health. I meditate through all my difficulties. I really do. I look at the brighter side of circumstances these days. I never used to, but life has changed. I grew older. I grew wiser. And I grew to meditate and pray.

A bigger difficulty in America today is the quick way to lose weight. There is no quick way to lose weight correctly. It takes time, patience and persistence. It takes a change in dietary and exercise lifestyle.

Patients always ask me , "What herb makes you lose weight? Are there any medicinal herbs to lose weight?" One of my first projects as a registered herbalist was to study weight loss herbs. There is not much written. I did take this on and with assistance, herbalSLIMtea was born. It contains 5 medicinal herbs to assist in losing weight. There are also diuretic, laxative and stimulating herbs that contain caffeine for weight loss. One of the first was ma huang (Ephedra sinica) which reduces appetite and contributes to weight loss. While studying at the University of Arizona Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, one of my mentors, Dr. T Low Dog was on the committee to ban this herb. It was banned in 2006 for OTC (over the counter) weight loss supplements. It had fatal side effects.

Since we are in the midst of two epidemics called obesity and diabetes, everyone is interested in herbs that affect insulin levels, thus allowing for weight loss. I honestly have not seen overwhelming results with these herbs, but some weight loss. These herbs improve insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is also known as Syndrome X.

The two herbs touted for weight loss are 1. Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestra) and Hoodia (Hoodia gordonii). Gymnema allows the individual to lose the taste for sugar. It wipes out the taste therefore helping to control blood sugar levels. I feel it doesn't help with weight loss, but definitely without a doubt decreases sugar cravings. Try some. Put a little taste of this herb on your tongue and you immediately will not want to eat chocolate ice cream, pastries, etc.

Hoodia has appetite suppressing action . I haven't seen much literature on Hoodia. The American Botanical Council has a review on Hoodia with some evidence to back up its claim, but I have not been impresseds by it in my clinical use with patients.
In addition, Hoodia is from Africa, and there have been reports that the amount of Hoodia on the vitamin shelves far exceeds the amount of hoodia being grown. So you have to wonder, is what you are buying the real Hoodia?

There are other herbs for balancing sugar levels (diabetes). There is bitter melon, fenugreek, and rosemary. There is an herb which I must research and study that unlike gymnema does not appear to increase insulin. This herb is Banaba leaf (Lager-stroemea ssp). There are good studies on this herb. The dose is from 16-48 mg. Consult a qualified physician/herbalist before using any herb, especially if you are on a glucose lowering conventional drug.

Until tomorrow...

Photographs: Left to Right

1. Banaba leaf

2. Gymnema

3. Hoodia

1 comment:

  1. Slimming Herbs is best way for weight loss, use it and keep your body fit slim and healthy.
