Wednesday, July 25, 2012


You have the capacity to change the plot line of your life, even if you've been acting from the same script since before you can remember."  —David Simon

We all change. Change creates fear. Fear is in reality , just anger turned inside out. It doesn't matter when in your age timeline that you decide to change your plot line. I know some individuals whom have done the same patterns for years. I know another person who has eaten tuna fish sandwiches for every lunch for the last twenty years, despite the fact that mercury is hazardous to their health. Stop acting from the same script.
Change the characters in your life; change the situations; change the plot; and maybe..yes maybe the outcome might be different. This morning, I was listening to Charles Arznavour's version of  'Yesterday When I Was Young' I really listened to the words. The taste of life was sweet as rain upon my tongue..and taste the life as it were the foolous game...I see how the years ran away.' The years have certainly gone quickly, but I am alright with that. I still have time to change and do the things I haven't done yet. I know have someone to spend my 'youthful, happy' years with.  For me, changing the plotline of life , has helped me endure 'life on life's terms.'

A STYE is an abscess occurring around the root of the eyelash, usually caused by a staphycoccoal bacteria but can be caused by other infectious agents. A stye (medical term: hordeolum) develops when an oil gland at the edge of an eyelid becomes infected. Resembling a pimple on the eyelid, a stye can grow on the inside or outside of the lid. Most individuals get nervous about these styes.
Here are some helpful tips

1. The first signs are pain, redness, swelling and tenderness. After symptoms appear, a small pimple will develop in the affected area. Sometimes just the immediate area is swollen; at other times, the entire eyelid swells.Styes are not normally harmful to vision and generally heal within a few days.

2. Styes typically don't cause vision problems. Your ability to see well at either near or distance shouldn't be affected by a stye.

3. A stye is caused by staphlococcal bacteria. This bacterium is found in the nose and is transferred easily to the eye when you rub your nose, then your eye.

4. Styes are contagious, but... Pretty much everyone has this stye-causing bacteria in their body. We all, at any age, have the potential to develop a stye without outside contamination.  So keep your eyes and hands clean, and don't share pillowcases, bedsheets, washcloths or towels with others.

5. Most styes heal on their own within a few days. You can encourage this process by applying hot compresses for 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day, over the course of several days.

6. Never "pop" a stye. You shouldn't pop a style like you would a pimple. Allow the stye to rupture on its own. A stye that forms inside the eyelid (called an internal hordeolum) might not rupture and heal on its own. Because this type of stye can be more serious, your eye doctor may need to open and drain it.

7. Other eye issues can accompany styes.  Some often mistaken for a stye, a chalazion (shah-LAY-zee-on or kah-LAY-zee-on) is an enlarged, blocked oil gland in the eyelid. A chalazion mimics a stye for the first few days, then turns into a painless hard, round bump later on.

8. Herbal Remedies -  Chamomile and eyebright can help the swelling ( apply as a teabag) to the stye.
Another great remedy which is my favorite is Marigold tincture ( Calendula) apply directly to the stye. I would also be encouraged to take Marigold internally with Echinacea and poke root to boost your immune system

9. Folk Remedy -I have read about a warm bread poultice applied directly to the eye.

10. Aromatherapy - apply essential oil of lavender ( one SINGLE drop) or tea tree oil to the base of the stye. Be careful

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. A sty generally begins with discomfort in the eye. You discover yourself rubbing your eye and after a day or two you observe a tiny group or acne on the lid.

    eyes disease
