Sunday, July 8, 2012


When you feel Lonely
When a person you love passes away
Look to the night sky on a clear day.
The star that to you, appears to be bright,
Will be your loved one,
Looking upon you during the night.
The lights of heaven are what shows through
As your loved one watches all that you do.
When you feel lonely for the one that you love,
Look to the Heavens in the night sky above.
~ Author Unknown

I do not feel lonely any longer when a loved one passes away. I feel grateful for the time I have spent with him/her during my years. I am blessed. I smile. July- the stone is ruby. It is sometimes confused with January's Garnet. Death tries to break the golden chain of remembrance but all in vain. Holland said, " Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile , think of me, pray for me." I do just this and there is absolutely unbroken continuity. As Miss Peggy Lee stated, " Is that all there Is" Life is beautiful as long as it lasts. In my journey of life I will have no regrets whatsoever. I live every day as if its the last day on Mother Earth. I miss my own 'Archie Bunker' . He Loved Life.

The term hypoglycemia is an odd term. It literally means an abnormally low blood sugar. It is dangerous because the brain is dependent  on this constant supply of glucose. In my practice I often do a 5 hour glucose tolerance test to determine if someone has diabetes, pre diabetes or an unstable blood sugar.I often find a dip in the blood sugar. This used to be called hypoglycemia. This would mean the patient has a diagnosis of low blood sugar. This term should be called unstable blood sugar. It all depends on what you eat. If you start the day with a toasted bagel you might have a low blood sugar in 2 - 3 hours. This could even happen with a bowl of oatmeal. Both of these are carbohydrates. If you start the day at breakfast with a carbohydrate you will certainly have ups and downs of blood sugar. These can occur 2-3 hours after a meal. The usual 3-4 pm coffee, donut, chocolate or a snack is a sign that your blood sugar is beginning to drop. Some symptoms of unstable blood sugar ( old term: hypoglycemia) are headache and faintness, rapid heart beat ( as the adrenal gland sitting on top of the kidney will release epinephrine when a sugar level decreases) mental confusion, brain fog , irrational and disorderly behavior, slurred speech and numbness. If the sugar drops too low < 20, coma and death can ensue.

How to prevent these lows in blood sugar is to eat the right breakfast. The right breakfast is to eat protein: a protein shake ( preferably no whey) This can be brown rice protein, hemp, or pea protein. Other choices would include whole eggs ( with the yolk) , rice cake with almond butter or chicken/fish. There are herbs which help regulate sugar as rosemary, fenugreek, gymnema and hoodia. There are trace minerals which regulate blood sugar levels. These are chromium and vanadium. Folk remedies tell us that eating onions and garlic regulate blood sugar.
Lotus seed and Chinese yams regulate blood sugar. For the individual who already has a diagnosis of unstable blood sugar ( hypoglycemia) I would carry in your bag, Rescue Remedy by Bach as one dropperful under your tongue during a hypoglycemia episode can relieve its severity.
Happy Birthday Karen- Thank you for your love, friendship and your quotes through the years

Until tomorrow...

                                                       PASQUALINO FRATELLONE
                                                                   (PAT, PATSY)
                                                       July 8, 1921 - November 21, 2005

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