Monday, July 30, 2012


No matter what has happened, you have an infinite capacity for love."  —David Simon

We all have the capacity to love, no matter what has happened in our past. We all have had bad relationships or circumstances. Sometimes these prevent us from moving on. This could be fear or anger which can be the same in some cases. Some individuals can move on without even looking at the past. I needed to look at my past relationships and evaluate where I was wrong. I had to promptly admit it. This was due to to 12 steps in my life. Today I reflect on the past with a glance as I have already recognized my mistakes and my role. I do not wait for the other individual involved to ever make amends. That is an expectation I long ago gave up. As long as I have made my amends , I can move forward. To my twelve steps I today I a great capacity to love. This work has led me to a place of peace, serenity, happiness and love beyond my wildest dreams with my husband, my children, my family and friends.

Insect bites and stings are very common in the summer, especially on Fire Island where I spend most weekends. Some may cause discomfort, unless you suffer from a severe allergic reaction. The best course of treatment is to soothe the pain and reduce swelling. Of course, you could get the stinger out. The stinging insect ( as the honeybee) inject the toxin through a stinger at the tail end of the abdomen. The reaction is usually local, but if occurs in the mouth or buccal mucosa of the cheek can be a problem
This weekend I wanted to check the front and back hives in Fire Island. The back hive was relatively quiet. The front hive is very active and mainly my fault. I unfortunately placed a empty super at the bottom with the brood chambers in box 2 and 3 stacked. I do not why I used a empty super at the bottom. Very unlike me and I was rushed when Rick, Gregory, Alyssa and I put the bees in on June 16, ( my birthday weekend) Some five weeks later the front hive is building comb down instead of using the frames above to build comb.( SEE TOP PHOTOGRAPH #1)  It looks pretty, but very very active. I didn't do two things. I didn't pray nor meditate before opening the hive which is my usual custom.
and I didn't wear a face covering, nor smoke the bees. When I lifted the 2nd box with the hanging comb, so Rick could take photos, the bees started to bite me. I never mind a bee sting. I get SAD when I get stung as I know the little girl honeybee will die shortly afterwards. I did mind getting bit on my face twice. My hands got bit, as did my neck and feet. The sting is felt but I was only worried about my eye. All turned out fine.

Some quick remedies:

1. Some old folk remedies are to use the juice of a cucumber, onion or radish to sooth the pain
2. Bathe in baking soda and water if stung all over the body
3. Compress with apple cider vinegar and /or lemon juice
4. I use fresh garlic on the wound

1. Marigold petal on a bee bite ( I should have thought of this this weekend- as marigold plants are in the front of the house)
2. Cover the bite with a macerated plantain leaf ( usually not always available in Fire Island, but can be found upstate)
3. Witch hazel is great , but not effective on bee stings, but better on mosquito bites

1,  Apis can be used once the stinger is removed. Vincent removed all of my stingers. He was amazed at the size of the stinger.
2. Hypericum can be used with great results

To make an insect bite oil:

1. 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil
2. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

Combine and place directly on the bite. Rick and I will make some since we are opening the hive next weekend for close friends who love bees. I would love both of them to consider hives in their upstate home. Store the bottle in a glass bottle with a tight lid. Glass bottles better than plastic.

To make a bite/sting poultice

1. 1 tablespoon of echinacea root tincture
2. 1 tablespoon of distilled water
3. 1/2 tsp of lavender essential oil
4. 1 tablespoon of beconite clay

combine the  mixture and then add to the clay. Stir slowly till all absorbed. The paste should be tacky enough to stick to the skin. Apply directly to the bite and store in a glass container in a cool place.

Photo credit: The unbelievable Rick Byrd ( who didn't get stung)

Until tomorrow...

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