Monday, August 20, 2012


" Friends are people who help you be more yourself, more the person you are intended to be." -Merle Shain

I would be first to admit that it sounds so 'pollyanna' but so true. The problem I find is finding those friends. I know the person I want to be. I want to help, care and change individuals lives. I find it difficult when I get disappointed in doing that. I do not mean that every patient has to be 'perfect' I realize there is no perfection. In my lifetime I can only count on one hand those friends that have fit the quote. One of the those friends is my closest friend/husband Rick. The other is a dear friend for more than 18 years.
How many friends do you have that want you to be the ' person you are intended to be ' ?

 I have to say and admit  that on a continual basis, to the best of my ability, I am trying to 'let go' of resentments and anger. I am grateful that I can admit such a defect.
We all have these defects. Life is but a ball of yarn ( or also in my case-threads)

What can improve your running performance ? When I first thought about this , I would say more discipline and training can improve your running. In the last week I have met three new individuals who will be running in the New York City Marathon. Our own nurse practitioner, Casey, ran the recent Boston Marathon. . Another new patient ran the last San Francisco Marathon.

A recent study published revealed that Beetroot ( Beta vulgaris).  It is also known as the table beet, garden beet or red beet. I know it simply at the beet. Although there are many varieties of beets, the version, Beta vulgaris is the most common known.This study showed that beets  improved running performance in fit men and women.

 Why is this ? Beetroot contains nitrates which has shown to increase running performance. It was a small double blind trial of 11 fit men and women. Runners ingested 200 grams of beetroot with 500mg of nitrates.

It was concluded that ingestion of whole beetroot which is nitrate rich improved running performance. There has always been a conflict whether nitrate containing foods are not good for running or exercise, this is the exact opposite outcome.

So what should you runners do ?

For those seeking performance benefits - obtain nitrates from whole vegetables such as beetroot.

Until tomorrow...

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