Tuesday, March 16, 2010


March 16, 2010

"Acting as if - fake it until you make it"

Hopefully you had your breakfast today with some of yesterday's choices. The concept is say no to refined carbohydrates. So the bagel and coffee is not an option. You need to have smaller meals throughout the day - Breakfast-Snack-Lunch-Snack-Dinner-Snack. This is to ensure proper sugar balance. There is no skipping meals either. If you need to have your coffee in the morning you need to have protein first. While we are sleeping our bodies become acidic. We all wake up acidic. If you have coffee first, then the body pH will become more acidic. You need to have protein first before the coffee. Coffee will also deplete serotonin (the happy hormone) for 12 hours. There is always a controversial issue - is coffee good or is it bad? We will save it for another blog date. Coffee does increase both your blood pressure and heart rate. I do know it is no longer the #1 consumed beverage today!

So lets talk about APPLES - this is a healthy snack. In addition to the above saying, it is also said, "To eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread." I won't beg for bread unless it is gluten free.

The apple is the member of the Rose family. Apples are rich in phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have been shown to decrease chronic disease, atherosclerosis and even cancer. Apples have a strong antioxidant potential, inhibit cancer cell production and lower cholesterol. The types and amounts of phytochemicals vary between species of plants. Apples detoxify the body, have antiviral properties, can prevent constipation, strengthen gums and reduce cholesterol. Never buy an apple that is not cold, or if it had a dent in it. The best source for apple history is Michael Pollan's first book, Botany of Desire, which I loved. I am no Johnny Appleseed but I learned a lot from the book. Did you ever wonder why a squirrel will not eat the seeds of an apple or why we also should not eat apple seeds? Find out tomorrow.

The above craft work was done in 2001. That is when I first started some form of a hobby. It is a latch hook rug of a basket of apples. I gave it to Aunt Mary and it hangs in her den in New Jersey. I did many latch hook rugs that year and in 2002 moved to needle crafting.

Until tomorrow

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