Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Benefits of Fish

"Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves"

Fish oils have been used for a variety of conditions such as acne, angina, arthritis, glaucoma, hypertension, Meniere's disease, migraines, psoriasis, and Raynaud's disease. The disease entities I commonly use oils for are atherosclerosis and the reduction of cholesterol. Eskimo and Japanese diets are rich with these omega 3 oils. These groups have a lower rate of atherosclerosis. The natural source of fish oils are fish-- particularly salmon. Other fish such as sardines and mackerel are also high in oils. Did you know there is one mammal high in omega 3 oils? I will tell you which one at the end of the blog. The omega 3 oils are used to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL), decrease triglycerides and increase the good cholesterol (HDL). Take 4 grams (4000 mg) of omega oils per day for best benefits.

I was planning on talking about the evils of carbohydrates especially after attending the In Lunch Arts Service Brunch. It was a great event at the GLBT center on West 13th but there were too many carbohydrates offered like french toast,bagels, rolls, danish and even the evil ice cream. No one is perfect, including me, so I had a chocolate ice cream cone.

Above is a needlepoint that I bought originally in San Francisco. Needlepoint is a form of embroidery also known as canvas work, canvas embroidery, petit-point, canvas tapestry, tapestry work or just plain needlepoint. I used a variety of stitches in the three dimensional fish. You will see that there are many many stitches. In the past, the stitches used in canvas were limited in number. Depending on the books you read now there are only a few. However when you look at past books there are many stitches. My goal besides educating you about lifestyle changes is also to get you interested in any form of embroidery. The fish pillow was given to my father at the same time that I gave my Aunt Mary a large latch hook rug of a basket of apples. After my beloved dad passed at Thanksgiving four years ago, my aunt keeps the pillow on her recliner where both my dad and my uncle used to sit.

What mammal has plenty of omega 3 oils? It is the Emu.

Until tomorrow

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