Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Decade Nutrient

March 20 2010 First Day of Spring - Sun and Flowers

Being the first day of spring, I want to discuss what I believe is the Nutrient of the Decade, Vitamin D. Why not? Today, the first day of spring, the temperature will be about 72 degrees. In medical school I was taught to use vitamin D with caution . We all should know by now that it is a fat soluble vitamin. Increased levels can increase serum calcium levels. It is not only a vitamin. It has been found to be a pro-hormone and can be expressed in the brain, heart, skin, prostate and even the mammary glands. Everyone associates Vitamin D with bone. Prior to new studies, the RDA requirements were only 400-800 mg. Today, the average is 1000-1200 mg.

I have been using more than 2000-5000 for the past decade, and now even more depending on the patient's serum Vitamin D 25 level (calcidiol), which is the correct measurement despite the fact that in medical school we were taught only to measure the Vitamin D1, 25 (calcitrol). The average (optimal) level ranges from 32 - 100 mg/ml depending on the lab. I prefer someone having a level of 50-60 mg/ml. Severely deficient is 0-15 and mildly deficient is 15-31.

You may think you do not like to take supplements so what food source can you get Vitamin D from? 1 tablespoon is equivalent to 1,360/serving--salmon (3oz sockeye) is 794 IU/serving and milk (nonfat, fortified with D) is 115-126 IU/serving. After yesterday's discussion about milk, I would prefer the fish or the cod liver oil. But the easiest way is supplementation in capsule or liquid form.

As a preventive practitioner in all respects, Vitamin D can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer. When explaining levels of Vitamin D to patients, I state anyone who lives above the imaginary line drawn from Los Angeles east to Columbia, South Carolina needs extra Vitamin D. Yes, in the summer, those of us who sun bathe will get Vitamin D2 which will convert to D3, but in the winter months you should increase your D dosages. However, you may use too much sun block to even get the Vitamin D2 from the sun. You need to walk in the sun three times a week for 15 minutes to get adequate levels if you are using sun block. Remember: not all sunlight Vitamin D2 will convert to D3 unless your small intestines, especially the villi, are free to absorb and make Vitamin D and the good bacteria in the colon are plenty. These good bacteria, like lactobacillus, bifidum, etc. can be taken as probiotics.
Other conditions which predispose someone to a low Vitamin D level, are kidney disease and celiac disease.

Remember this point: Dietary sources of Vitamin D are limited so SUPPLEMENT Vitamin D3.

It is my hope that your 21st century search for serenity is fulfilled in any form of needlework. It is also my hope that you, who live in this technological, mechanical and toxic environment, benefit from the hours you spend with the needle in your hand.

The needlepoint of flowers was a special one. I made it for "Gaga" for her 90th Birthday. Gaga is Rick's grandmother. We celebrated her 90th at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. This grand hotel opened in 1895. It symbolized a dream for the most colorful citizen of that time, Lewis Ginter. It incorporates Renaissance and other forms of architecture. I felt grand walking down the majest 36-step marbled staircase. It appears that David O. Selnick and MGM copied this for Scarlett O'Hara stairs at Tara.

Until her death in May 2005, she drove her car to the Piggly Wiggly, the hair dresser and to get her mail. She died peacefully, sitting on the couch with needlework in hand. She is surely missed by all.

Until tomorrow...

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