Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's A Green Day

March 17, 2010

"Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forgive injury."

Since it is my Green Day, I want to talk about a well known supplement Green Tea, also known as Camellia sinensis. Did you know that tea is consumed only second to water for enjoyment and for health. There are numerous articles to support the benefits of green tea for a variety of cancers, as well as autoimmune diseases. There are four varieties of tea that have these antioxidant properties- green, black, oolongand white. America now consumes more green tea but it is basically consumed in China, Japan and some countries in the Middle East. What is it about green tea that makes it so beneficial? It is the letters EGCC, one of the four major flavinoids in the tea and the most effective. There are studies to support green tea consumption to help atherosclerosis. One study documented that the incidence is 36% less in people who consume green tea. However when you review the studies and publish your own paper as I have, the amount of consumption to get this benefit is high. One would have to consume 30-40 cups of green tea per day. Unless you are bathroom-bound, I do think this is practical. There is a study that stated after observing those who do and those who do not consume green tea that one cup of green reduces total cholesterol. In 2004, at the Scientific Sessions, a paper was presented using green tea for severe cardiac arrhythmia.

The variety of cancers that green tea has been used for varies from bladder to breast. There are also studies on its use in colo-rectal, esophageal, lung and bone cancer. You must remember that any HERB IS A DRUG. Please consult with your doctor about using herbs especially if you are on any medication.

Eliot Cowan wrote a book entitled Plant Spirit Medicine, which I highly recommend. I have become immersed in the world of herbal reading.

The needlepoint above has some green in it - so I am lucky. It is of a Monarch Butterfly. It is the best known of the North American Butterflies. It is sometimes called the Milkweed Butterfly. In the summer while sitting on the porch of the Doctor's House, the "Butterfly Bush" attracts many of these beauties.

Until tomorrow

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