Monday, March 29, 2010


"Help me be so clear on who I am that I can generously and unconditionally afford to let other people be who they are too."

It is Monday, so today is a great day to begin a yeast free diet. There are many substitutes. You will NOT be deprived. No one should be deprived. Of course you will miss the sugar, the French or Italian bread, and the creamy Italian dressing on your salad--but it is not the end of the world (yet)!

Let's start with the substitutes for gluten. Gluten free grains include millet, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice, teff and even corn (but avoid this if you are allergic to it). These come in certain cereals and breads. Check Whole Foods, Wild Oats and Trader Joe's.

Since alcohol and wine contain yeast and should be avoided, I have some suggestions. It would a good time to cut the alcohol out of the diet. For those who want a glass of wine - try dry white instead of red. Those who drink alcohol must try potato vodka such as Chopin, and avoid grain vodka, like Grey Goose and Absolut.

Your salad dressings should be lime and/or lemon with olive oil. The cheese substitutes can be goat, sheep and soy--NOT Cow's Dairy. You may be saying, "What is left to eat?" There are excellent sources of protein - turkey, fish, chicken, veal etc. Try to avoid red meat. All vegetables are acceptable, except the starchy ones (white potatoes, carrots and winter squash). Instead of butter try to clarify your butter (to to be discussed tomorrow) or use ghee.

Let me list some breakfast foods - millet, Van's gluten free waffles, buckwheat pancakes, natural corn flakes, puffed brown rice and steel cut Irish oatmeal - not Mr. Quaker or instant.

Substitute regular pasta for those made with corn, quinoa, rice (cellophane noodles), artichoke and buckwheat (soba noodles). All tree nuts are acceptable, just no peanuts. All beans are a good source of protein but avoid kidney beans which are yeasty.

The substitutes for cow's milk are rice, coconut, soy, goat, sheep and almond milk. All oils are acceptable except safflower oil.

Tomorrow I will list a full menu for one day with options.

The needlepoint above is of a Magnolia. If you are a follower, you may remember I did a Magnolia framed for Nancy and Fred when I first met them some years ago. I also gave this magnolia to Nancy for her couch. Magnolia is not the state flower of Virginia but of two other states in the south. Virginia is the 10th state to become part of the union. The Virginia state flower American Dogwood, (Cornus florida) was adopted in 1918. It was selected to adopt a feeling of pride and to carry on the history of the Commonwealth.

Photo Credit: Rick Byrd

Any comments on yesterday's needlepoint and its lettering? Please let me know.

Until tomorrow....

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