Thursday, March 25, 2010

Insomnia and the Gut

March 25, 2010 Thursday

"Today I will know that I do not have to worry. I know with certainty that nothing will be placed in front of me which I cannot do or understand why..."

Does the squirrel have any worries? Possibly about his food choices, his shelter and rearing his young. We all have fears. Financial insecurities - we worry. Fear of success- we worry. Fear of failure - we worry. Fear of intimacy - we worry. We all do. Think about it!

Yesterday we read that food allergies and excessive carbohydrate consumption will make our small intestines seem like a flat rug. We will not be able to absorb, make Vitamin D nor make any 'happy hormone'- serotonin. If there is no happy hormone, our own brains will increase production of epinephrine or adrenaline. This will make us anxious and worry more. We may get palpitations, tremors and sweat.

The brain will also compensate for low serotonin by increasing GABA (gamma amino butyric acid). This neurotransmitter will cause disturbance in sleep and even insomnia. The amino acid GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA, in fact is the neurotransmitter (NT) for 20-50% of all synapses in the central nervous system. Needless to say it is very important. Reduced GABA levels are found in patients with seizures. The amino acids phosphatidylserine and taurine are used to enhance GABA influx to the brain. I do know that individuals who have low serotonin levels and low Vitamin D due to severe allergies or excessive use of carbohydrates will have increased GABA levels. These NT's can be measured.

Tomorrow we will discuss another neurotransmitter(NT), dopamine and the small intestines.

There are no guarantees in life. WE must let go of worry. Even as parents we must understand that we tried to the best of our ability to raise our children. Can you imagine what you are doing to yourself every time you worry about what time your daughter or son will be home..and to top it off they do not even live with you anymore. Who wouldn't want a guarantee that the problem you wake up with will work out in the most perfect way. Sounds great--but look at the Health Reform Bill. I confirmed this belief yesterday and reassured myself when talking to my spiritual sister, Lauren.

The squirrel canvas was bought in Washington DC on a clearance sale. Gregory, Rick and I were college hunting. We had been to GWU, American and of course, Georgetown. Gregory and I took a cab to this remote store. By the way he attends college in Boston. I always loved squirrels and chipmunks. I always have enough threads so I decided the work my own design of patterns and stitches on this mammal. I added some branches and the outcome is this canvas which was turned into a pillow.

Photography credit..Rick Byrd

Yes those are my legs

Until tomorrow...

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