Thursday, January 6, 2011


"Your words can bring satisfaction, life and death. We must take the consequences for what we say" - Unknown

This quote is powerful as well as meaningful. I used to speak with reaction. This means I spoke words before I thought about what I was saying. I was reacting to words and statements instead of sitting silently. I used to be passive, and yet sometimes aggressive. Today, I am neither. I am assertive. You accomplish more in life from being assertive rather than aggressive.

You must accept the consequences for your words whether spoken or written. The written words are no longer done in letter form, but due to technology are usually emails. Email words do not always reflect the correct tone. Yet for me, holding onto anger or resentments are not good either. I would rather voice my opinion and suffer the consequences. This could result in not talking to someone you once considered important in your life. Who knows what life will have in store. Keep meditating and praying--things will change.

Stress, or rather the inability to cope with an excess amount of it, is one of the biggest health problems today. We all cope with and react to stress differently. Stress comes in many different forms. Regardless of how we react to stress, we can all benefit from the wonderfully balanced effects of aromatic oils. I love aromatic oils.

When we get 'stressed out' our own bodies produce even more adrenaline or epinephrine, This initiates the 'flight or flight' response where anxiety takes control. This is quite helpful if you are faced with a physical threat such as a hungry lion, a robbery, mugging, or even a car accident. Sometimes different types of stresses place this strain on our bodies without no real need. This is not a good situation.

Some of these stresses can be 'sweating the small stuff' an argument with your partner, being late for an appointment or waiting in a long line at Duane Reade. It is necessary to find ways to avoid getting over-stressed.

Meditation like the 4-7-8 breathing is one way.

Another is using aromatherapy oils to keep you calm under pressure.

There are also some useful herbs such as chamomille, valerian and passion flower that can be used. I also rely upon homeopathic remedies by two companies, HEEL and Boiron.

Self massage techniques for the face, hands, legs and arms can help too. These activate acupressure points to relieve stress.

One of the best ways to remove stress and tension is to get a massage by a therapist or even better by your own partner.

Treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Until tomorrow...

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