Today, I look at June with a new vigor. It is the start of summer . It is the time that flowers bloom, bees buzz and the sun shines. I am blessed for every new day of my life.
4. 50% reduction in antihistamine use
Through the years, I have developed intimate relationships with individuals, family and friends. I have also discovered intimacy in a special love relationship with my partner, Rick. I used to confuse intimacy with sex. I know now that sex can be intimate, but intimacy is not SEX.
These are two very different topics. I believe in my humble opinion that intimacy is honest, caring and warm, but definitely must be a safe relationship. Safe is another topic. An intimate relationship may begin with two people, but in time the boundaries of that intimacy might change. It might evolve into an open relationship. It might involve into a threesome. If this happens there must be an intimate of love and trust bond between the initial two. There must be communication. Within the gay community, I have witnessed a variety of relationships. I used to judge and criticize these 'other relationships'. Today, I am open and liberal and accepting of other relationships. I am an old-fashioned romantic.
So why NOT discuss herpes. This is an intimate topic. Twenty million people have herpes. It might not be the headlines in the news, but today it is common among young teenagers. The virus herpes has two strains, Herpes I around the mouth (cold sores) and herpes 2 which generally affects the genitalia, buttocks and thighs. Either variety is painful sores and blisters.
After initial infection, the herpes virus can become dormant in the nerves and reoccur with stress (emotional and physical) or even sun exposure. Oh yes, and it can be activated in those who indulge in eating nuts.
There are simple steps to attack this problem.
1. At the first sign of an outbreak there will be tingling, pain and itching at the site. It is usually within 4 to 5 days of contact with someone who was infected.
2. Call your doctor to get prescription medications. Either use acyclovir or valtrex. Both will lessen the initial outbreak and sometimes if caught early, will prevent outbreak. Those with recurring herpes might use a prescription medication for life.
3. Keep area dry and clean.
4. Do not touch an active lesion and then touch other areas of your body.
5. Start to think about stress control. You need to relax. I think a hobby is a way to relax and build self-esteem.
6. Avoid arginine rich foods. Arginine is an amino acid that is the fuel source for the herpes virus. It also can aggravate other atypical bacteria (such as mycoplasma). Arginine is also a vaso dilator (a great substitute for viagra, cialis and levitra). Arginine rich foods are peanuts, seeds, chocolate, raisins and oatmeal.
7. Use amino acid as L-lysine and proline at the first sign of an outbreak. I usually recommend 3-5 grams (3000 - 5000 mg/day) in divided doses.
8. Do not forget to take your good bacteria, Acidophilus.
SEX that is INTIMATE with an anonymous partner can result in herpes.
Until tomorrow...
During the past 10 years, the prevalence of obesity has climbed dramatically. Between 2007 and 2009, 2.4 million more US adults became obese. I wonder if obesity was an issue in Jefferson's time? You rarely see a painting or portrait portraying an obese individual. Some individuals want the quick answer or magic pill. In the last year, three drugs went before the FDA for weight loss. You have not heard of these drugs because all three were rejected. These were lorcaserin, phentermine plus topiramate, and naltrexone plus bupropion. Earlier in my career there was fastin, and phen phen. Phen Phen is no longer available. I feel people stay on phentermine too long . The actual dosing is for only 3 months. Obesity is the major leading cause of heart disease and diabetes, in addition to abnormalities in your lipid profile.
Phentermine was approved 52 years ago (1959) for three month use. Since that time there has been no long term studies on any use greater than 3 months. So if you doctor is prescribing this drug for longer than 3 months, then it is off label. I would not want to take the legal chance in writing it for more than 3 months. The FDA at this time is on a rampage. I find it interesting that the FDA is closing companies that produce intravenous Vitamin C , but cannot demand a long term study on a drug. In the same regard, federal insurance companies consider intravenous Vitamin C to be not medically necessary for certain diseases, but again what about health care professionals using approved drugs off label?
"To have weakness is not to be flawed - it is to be complete."
Everyone has weaknesses. I used to consider a weakness to be a character flaw or character defect in my personality. I know today that I wouldn't be me without my weaknesses. I welcome my weaknesses, because I know with these weaknesses I am a complete person. I am human. I can accept my weaknesses. I welcome individuals to challenge me on my weaknesses because in the end that will make me a better individual. I used to shun weaknesses, because I thought it would be a sign of defeat. In actuality it is empowering to know I have weaknesses.