Monday, May 2, 2011


"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."
- Martin Luther King, Jr

This is so true. Love encompasses all. I discuss love at every opportunity I have. Forgiveness of an enemy through some form of love can be transformed into a friendship. I do forgive and pray for my enemies, but I do not have to be friends with them. I can be cordial, polite and respectful. As the summer approaches, I am becoming confident that I will be respectful. People might feel I am aloof or snobish, but I know within my heart of love, I am doing what is right for me. I have forgiven them in my prayers and meditation. This will allow me to truly enjoy the nature of my summer and disengage from any drama around me.

Love does many things. Loving oneself is the first step...

Dr. Dean Black asked the question, "How does a cancer start ?" The answer was, When the conditions are just right. He then asked the question, "How does a cancer resolve?" The answer was, When the conditions are just right. You might be thinking I made a mistake in writing that answer twice. I did not make a mistake. Cancer does kill, but not as many deaths as Cardiovascular Disease. Of the top ten therapies in medicine, the oncology field leads the pack with greater than 50 billion dollars in chemotherapy. Does that much money save lives ?

The answer is NO. Lung cancer is the leading type of cancer in men and women. The second leading cancer in women is breast, followed by pancreas and ovary. For the men the second leading cancer is prostate followed by colon and then pancreas.

We know cancer kills, but the paradigm of treatment is completely wrong. The one disease-one drug (chemo or chemo combination ) is not good enough. Today, some oncologists in the United States and Europe are using chemo sensitivity testing by either tissue or blood to find out what chemotherapy your cancer is sensitive to. This is an excellent idea, but still not the answer.

Although Chemotherapy can kill tumor cells, it also enriches and induces cancer stem cells. This is published data (Bio science Hypotheses Volume 2, 2009).

So why are we still using chemotherapy if we know this ?

The answer is simple - the financial gain from give chemotherapy outweighs everything else including human life. Even the administration of life saving chemotherapy puts the health professional at risk for developing cancer later in their life.

The cancer risks include

1. Tobacco

2. Chemicals

3. Environmental

4. Genetic (only BRCA1 and BRCA2)

5. Hormones

6. Infection

7. Radiation

8. Obesity

9. Stress

Remember this: Inherited genetic factors make a MINOR contribution to susceptibility to most types of neoplasms. (New England Journal of Medicine NEJM, 2000 July)

Yes. I said A MINOR CAUSE. The MAJOR cause is what we drink, eat and breathe- simply THE ENVIRONMENT.

Until tomorrow...

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