Friday, May 6, 2011


My Mom - wiped my tears, hugged me tight, stayed with me in the shower with whooping cough, watched me succeed to medical school, saw me fall, cheered me on at my track meets, kept me going strong, and even drove me a little crazy with Backgammon and Card games.

But Moms are a promise from G.O.D. that you will have a friend forever. My special friend died too young, but was always there with me through thick and thin.


Flowers are important for every mom, but not just on Mother's Day. Every day should be Mother's Day. I love flowers. I have the advantage of having fresh flowers every day in my office and our home from my own private floral designer, Rick.

Many gardeners are familiar with or even active in the important task of bee preservation. Hopefully most of us have had the opportunity to watch bees wander through flower beds or gardens, visiting first one flower and then another. Every garden is more productive because of bees.

Did you realize that? Almost 90 % of all plants are pollinated by insects like the honeybee.

According to the Natural Resources Conservation Services, pollinators like bees are responsible for one out of every three to four mouthfuls of food we eat. Can you imagine that! In the United States this amounts to 20 billions dollars worth of food.

So if you do not plan to become a beekeeper, find a way to support a local beekeeper. There are many ways to support bees. You could plant special flowers for your local bees. I bought a Flower Bee Mix from to plant in the gardens in Fire Island.

The second way to support bees is to join your local bee association--whether you a beekeeper or not. I joined both the New York City and the Long Island Bee Associations. Another way is to see if you can assist a local beekeeper by donating funds to the beekeeper. I am not in the market of raising bees for monetary profit. I am doing this for the Bees and the community of Cherry Grove. I will be giving away the honey to the locals (it will be sparse the first year, but with 60-80 lbs of honey per hive -it will be plenty next year). One Cherry Grover wants to help the cause by collecting donations for the bottles that will hold the honey. I thought that was generous and great way to help out.

Reading this blog and passing it on is a way for more people to become aware of the Bee Situation, especially with Colony Collapse Disorder and the use of pesticides. I just thought of another way to help. Do Not Mow Your Lawn! The weedy plant, Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ) provides both nectar and pollen for the honey bees during a critical build-up time in spring. This year will be no exception. This past winter was extremely brutal and the amount of bee loss was horrifyingly deep. This cool wet spring has not helped either. So this year delivery of bees for a new beekeeper like me will continue into late May and into June. It will be fine. It gives a chance to pay attention to the status of the bee forage (especially the flowers) around the area in Cherry Grove Fire Island.

BEE happy

Until tomorrow...

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