Monday, May 9, 2011


"Like wild, white wind you swirl about my soul

That flutters fearful; you make hot my cheek.

You are the missing part that makes me whole,

Your youth gives strength, where age is weak,

Yet Flora frowns to hold your flowers furled

In hand green tightness, not in petals' plume;

Ah, do not hide your brightness from the world

But bring your bounty to the bursting bloom,

And tarry not, lest winter's freezing frost

Blight beauteous blossoms yet unborn

With all their scented sweetness, withered loss

When all might grow in dewiness of dawn.

For sun and snow and wind and storm are ours,

If yield you will to passion's pulsing powers. "

What do you think when you read the above? When was the last time you read poetry? I didn't read much poetry until I got sober. What got me started was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's quote, "Talk not of wasted affection! Affection never was wasted." I read that quote and started to read poetry. I always felt that poetry exuded affection for another. I try to the best of my ability to take time out of my busy schedule to show affection, love and regard for the people in my life. This includes my life-partner, my children, my family, my friends and my patients. A simple hug, a simple written card or letter instead of a computer email, some flowers and even the words, 'thank you' mean a great deal and expresses our fondness for another human being. Try it!

The pomegranate is usually associated with prostate health. However, it has cardiovascular and blood pressure benefits as well. It has many polyphenols that contribute to reducing oxidative stress. This helps restore the natural antioxidants. Unique to pomegranate and grape seed extract is their ability to block the angiotension converting enzyme, thus acting like prescription ACE inhibitors such as ramapril, enalapril, and captopril. This allows pomegranate to reduce blood pressure by blocking the angiotension converting enzyme, causing vasodilation.

Pomegrante allows causes vasodilation by improving activity of nitric acid synthase, thus releasing nitric oxide which is a vasodilator. This effect of pomegranate is like the amino acid, L-arginine. The last effect of pomegranate is to increase levels of paraoxonases (PON). These PON's are components of the high density lipoprotein (HDL), thus pomegranate increases the good cholesterol (HDL). There are many studies to document the hypertensive and cardiovascular benefits of pomegranate.

So the moral of this is-- If you do not like pomegranates, start liking them because these fruits and seeds can save your life.

Until tomorrow...

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