Saturday, May 7, 2011

MAY 9, 2011 WHO IS DR. DUKAN ?

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship." --Louisa May Alcott

A great quote. The storms are the ups and downs of life--the 'life on life's terms' things each of deal with on a daily basis. None of the storms are perfect. I like to think that life is a roller coaster as terrifying as the Cyclone at Coney Island. The roller coaster is not that bad because it allows each of us to not get stagnant. Stagnant blood forms blood clots (a blockage). No one should have a blockage in life. Someone who thinks life is dull must lead a very narrow life.
I have learned a lot about sailing my ship. I know now when I should stop in port and when I should forge ahead. I can steer my ship in the right direction. Sure there have been some downs in the years after I got sober. Some of those downs still exist, but I never give up. I am constantly moving. The problem is I do think I rest my mind enough. I am constantly on the go. On my ship I have responsibilities, not only to myself but to other people. These people are family, friends and patients. As a responsible human being, I need to steer well.

Weather the storms, and as you walk in the storm hold your head up high.....

So you must have heard about the Dukan Diet. Until my friend Carol told me about it--I had not heard about it. Then on Friday April 29th I heard that Catherine Middleton and her sister Piper were on the diet. The Dukan Diet was created by French medical doctor Pierre Dukan, who devoted his career to helping people lose weight. Since its introduction in France in 2000, the Dukan Diet swept across the country and has been the number one diet in France ever since. It has now gone on to become an international phenomenon with unprecedented success in over 100 countries throughout the world.

As I study this diet, it seems to me that it is another version of the Atkins Diet. As Atkins was the #1 diet in the United States years ago, the Dukan Diet is the No 1 French Medical Diet.
You can calculate your true weight on the website, as you calculated the BMI with the Atkins Diet. True Weight is a realistic, healthy weight that we can help you attain and maintain for the rest of your life. I am sensitive to this diet because I worked with the late Robert Atkins, MD in his center in New York City. I learned a lot from this man

Dukan Diet takes a high protein, low fat, low cholesterol approach to weight loss. The Atkins diet was a high protein, high fat approach to weight loss. The Dukan diet encourages gradual weight loss, healthy eating habits, and an active lifestyle.

It follows four steps: two steps to lose the weight and two steps to keep it off — forever. This is similar to the phases of the Atkins Diet.

1 - Attack Phase
A regime of pure protein jump starts your weight loss with amazing results.

2 - Cruise Phase
Pure proteins and vegetables allow you to gradually reach your True Weight.

3 - Consolidation Phase
This is the time when you are most vulnerable to putting the weight back on. This phase is designed specifically to prevent rebound weight gain using the following formula: 5 days of consolidation for every pound lost.

4 - Stabilization Phase
This is the rest of your life. To maintain your weight, follow these rules: eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day, take the stairs as often as you can, and have a Pure Protein (Attack Phase) day every Thursday.
Oat bran is an integral part of the Dukan Diet. It provides the much-needed fiber content, aids digestion, and lowers cholesterol, among other things.

Until tomorrow...

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