Monday, February 13, 2012


"Wisdom...requires patience, persistence, curiosity and hard work. These are precisely the same requisites for growing ginseng."

Bob Beyfuss, American Ginseng Production in the 21st Century

What is wisdom? The definition is a deep understanding and realization of people, places and things, which results in an ability to apply perception, judgements and actions in keeping with this understanding. What does this mean? We all have wisdom. It involves the control of one's emotions. This is the hard part. Our emotions are philosophically also called passions. We all have emotions. Emotional states are anger, greed and lust. Some call these the deadly sins.

Wisdom can be measured using the following criteria:

1. A wise person has self knowledge

2. A wise person is sincere and direct with others

3. Others ask wise people for advice

4. A wise person's actions are consistent with his/her beliefs

The benefits of ginseng are known worldwide. Ginseng is used to treat many diseases. There are different types of ginseng - Siberian, Korean, American and Panax (Asian ginseng). The ginseng root can lower blood pressure, and sugar. This can help an individual avoid having heart failure and complications of diabetes. I love Panax ginseng in a formula to help with adrenal fatigue. I also love to add Rhodiola to the formula. The best way to take ginseng is through ingestion of tea . When I am tired I feel ginseng helps with my stamina. I know gym rats who use it-- it does enhance the endurance during training.

If you do not know ginseng is a very popular herb as is green tea. The problem is that the source is limited. A lot more limited than green tea. If more and more people begin to take ginseng, the source might just run out.

Until tomorrow...

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