Monday, February 6, 2012


"He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything." - Arabian Proverb

Hope - In the real essence of the word it means to me going beyond. Beyond what? Going beyond past where you are right now. Yes you should always be in the moment or in your current state. But going beyond yourself means there are no limitations. No more boundaries. I have learned to go beyond my boundaries, restrictions and limitations. I have done this with prayer and meditation. "Beyond hope" is infinite in all directions - east, west, north and south.

Go beyond your own limits. This will require change. Change is fearful to many but worth it in every sense of the word. Don't analyze everything. I used to do that always. Now, I just let it happen. When it comes to health I am not only talking about physical health. I am talking about emotional, mental and psychological health. This is very important. The psychosocial aspects of one's life play just as important a role as the medical aspects. All are intertwined.

The fungal nail and skin infections are difficult to treat and extremely annoying. The first step is changing your dietary lifestyle. This means trying to the best of your ability to stop breads and cow's dairy. In reality it is a yeast free diet which can be difficult for some individuals. The fungus that causes ringworm can affect scalp, hands, feet et al. On the feet it is called Athlete's Foot. There are many types of fungal infections.

Of course there are conventional medications for fungal infections. These medications can be toxic to the liver, so unless absolutely needed I avoid this class of drugs. I would rather use herbs.

Some of the best antifungal herbs are jewelweed, yellow dock, lichen usnea, black walnut and pau d'arco.

The herbs that are high in essential oils are also anti fungals. You probably have heard of tea tree oil. Others that are beneficial are oregano, eucalyptus, lavender and myrrh. I also find it beneficial to add peppermint oil for the itching associated with the fungal infections.

Even though a yeast free diet includes avoiding the ingestion of vinegar products, I am suggesting an herbal salve with herbal vinegar and/or a bentonite clay dusting powder to dry out the moist environment. The moist environment allows the fungal infection to thrive. If your foot is raw from the fungal infections, the herbal vinegar will sting, so you might mix it with the oil of lavender

Recipe for Anti fungal Vinegar

1. 4 ounces of herbal vinegar ( example: oregano vinegar)

2. 2 tablespoons of pau d'arco

3. 1/4 teaspoon of lavender essential oil or tea tree oil

4. 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint essential oil

Combine the ingredients and apply daily to the area with cotton balls or compressed soaks

Until tomorrow...

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