Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"If you protect perfectly, you will never grow."

This might not make any sense, but being perfect is not the answer. You need to be imperfect and have progress in your life. We all have habits and idiosyncrasies but some must change in order for you to grow. No one wants to change as this creates fear. Remember growing up when things might have not been discussed... Neil Simon's play, Lost in Yonkers is an example of this. The big "C" word was not discussed --it was whispered. "Your aunt is not feeling well, she has c-a-n-c-e-r." (as it is whispered in your ear)

I know some individuals who go from day to day without anything being wrong. You know this is not possible in today's economic times. Living with fear and whispers creates a very unhealthy environment for you when you are young. You grow up not ever knowing if you were happy or sad as a child. I have learned if you really want to grow you must do the opposite. The real spiritual growth happens from the inside when the committee in your head is not active. REST the committee in your mind. Everything you see and hear inside your brain is really just inside your brain. Keep in there and try not to react--take action not reaction.

If you hurt yourself while exercising you must rest that part of the body. Repetitive activity or exercise like running, playing tennis and even knitting can result in tendinitis. I get knitter's tendinitis or needlepoint tendinitis. Just like there is tennis elbow, there is knitter's elbow. Many would say that it is not as common, but is that true? You probably just do not hear about it. But I assure you in the male knitting circle at Lion Yarn on Thursday- there are complaints. Any tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon . A tendon is a tough white fibrous tissue that connects the muscle to the bone. If a tendon becomes inflamed it is usually from a strain--either an overexertion, tearing, stretching or twisting. It creates soreness and impaired motion.

Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa . The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating fluid that surrounds and protects the joints. Some common causes of bursitis are trauma, infection, arthritis and even strain. In times gone by, women scrubbed the floors on their knees commonly getting bursitis or even tendinitis - called House Maid's Knee.

Ever hear of the RICE techniques for an injured area? It is simple...


After you do this (which should be recommended by your doctor) you need to heal. Healing can occur with some conventional medications, but I prefer the natural approach. Some of the natural remedies include Vitamin C, MSM, bioflavinoids and bromelin. As you know I love herbs-- so soothing herbs for inflammation include peppermint, white willow bark and calendula.

Never work through the pain. I love other supplements like Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, and Beta carotene.

Until tomorrow...

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