Tuesday, July 20, 2010



"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon." - John F Kennedy, 1961.

President Kennedy paid attention to commitments. He made a commitment to land man on the moon before the decade ended. His vision was achieved although he never saw it personally. I have to believe he did see it spiritually. Many of us fear comitment. I used to fear commitment. I never was like that at a child. Somewhere I lost it. I cannot place where and when it happened. I do know after getting sober it took a while to get to do commitments. I take commitments very seriously.

When deciding to make a commitment give careful consideration...is it right for you? If it is not we need to be honest and direct with those involved. If the voice within truly says no, be comfortable with the voice within. Always try to do the right thing. For example, I made a commitment for the last 5 years as a volunteer physician. I am not paid. I love the commitment as I love the community. I want the community to have the same treatment as if they were coming to my office. I feel I have done my best on that and have fulfilled my commitment.

If there are restraints imposed and I feel it does not live up to my commitment, I need to ask myself questions. Is this right for me? What can I do to make it better? Is there a way to make it better? If there are no solutions in my mind, and I have discussed this with my sponsor, then I can make a rational decision. It might mean that I make changes in the commitment, but it is life on life's terms. I always ask God to guide me in making my commitments. Help me to say yes to the highest good and no to what isn't.

I want to discuss cold sores which is still related to the mouth and also related to the sun. These cold sores, are called FEVER BLISTERS. They are commonly exacerbated by stress, the sun, alcohol, sugar, viral infection or just simply being run down. I am surprised I do not get more of these. Usually they begin as a red blister on the corner of the mouth. You can have just one, or they can be multiple. It is estimated that about 85 -90% of the population harbors the herpes I virus (oral herpes) that causes these cold sores. It is more polite to call them fever blisters or cold sores, than HERPES. You could be exposed to herpes or even have it and never have an outbreak.

Usually fever blisters begin with a tinge of pain or a tingling feeling. This is the sign that an outbreak is near. I am more embarrassed when I get an outbreak (rare) than I am bothered by the pain or discomfort. I can take the pain and discomfort.

Today we have antiviral medication for outbreaks: acyclovir (trade name zovirax). It is by prescription only. There is a cream/salve version to be applied topically and an oral form available in capsules. We even have another stronger deug called valtrex. Both are expensive.

There are natural remedies. Let's build up the good bacteria in the colon. This builds the immune system. Lets always try to have more good bacteria than fungal or viral growth. The plain yogurt is only one form of good bacteria. That is the lactobacillus species only.
For immediate relief: Use lysine cream. Lysine is an amino acid. It can be bought over the counter. Use twice a day. You can even take lysine 500mg capsules. I usually have my patients with a predisposition to herpes take lysine (3,000 to 4,500 mg/day): at least 1,000 mg at every meal at the initial tingling to prevent/lessen outbreak. After symptoms ease, decrease the lysine to only 500mg per day.

Another immediate relief is to let a zinc lozenge melt on the lesion.

For prevention: The herpes virus is fueled by foods rich in the amino acid arginine. These are chocolate, all nuts, seeds and grain cereals.

The Apollo 11 space flight landed the first humans on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969. I know exactly where I was. It is one of those moments in history. It was a Saturday night. My Poppy's cousins were over. There were the 3 brothers and their wives having the usual Pow-wow Italian discussion over family. My brother, Paul and I were in the living room. I believe the landing occurred after 7 PM. It was a day I will never forget. The mission, carried out by the United States, is considered a major accomplishment in human exploration and represented a victory by the U.S. in the Cold War Space Race with the Soviet Union. Launched from Florida on July 16, the third lunar mission of NASA's Apollo Program (and the first G-type mission) was crewed by Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin landed in the Sea of Tranquility and became the first humans to walk on the Moon. Their landing craft, Eagle, spent 21 hours and 31 minutes on the lunar surface while Collins orbited above in the command ship, Columbia. The three astronauts returned to Earth with 47.5 pounds (21.55 kilograms) of lunar rocks and landed in the Pacific Ocean on July 24.

Peace to all --
Until tomorrow...

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