Friday, April 29, 2011


"Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance."

I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. I never understood why I have had expectations for people, but I did. I say I did because I no longer (to the best of my ability) let my character defect of expectations get the best of me. When I expect, I get disappointments. It could be as simple as waiting to receive a call when I asked someone to call me. It could be my expectations of a patient following his new dietary lifestyle. I have learned not to take things personally. I cannot sweat the small stuff any longer. If I do I will never accomplish what I want to accomplish before my judgement day. I accept. I accept and I accept.

Acceptance allows me to be serene, peaceful and tranquil. Are you a serene individual? I meditate for serenity and peace. I pray and meditate for those who have hurt me in the past. I believe these individuals have their own disease which they need to look at. I need NOT take their personal inventory. I have my own personal inventory. Rick and a friend reminded me of my over achiever status. I never want to look at this. It hit home, because I am an over achiever. I have to start to meditate on why I am an over achiever. My goal for today is to quietly sit and examine why I do not rest. I must examine why I choose needlepoint or knitting which are solitary hobbies. It is possible that there is a reason or maybe not. I just enjoy immersing myself in the life of yarn and threads with its own twists and turns.

If you haven't noticed, the health care system is failing. The one disease-one drug model has been a tragic and very expensive failure for this country. Something has to give. If you just want small improvements, you can change your behavior. However if you want major improvements in our health care system there has to be a paradigm shift that will include using other modalities. The United States is a leader in health care systems, but falls very short in patient satisfaction and preventative health care. I have been trying to the best of my ability to help patients prevent the occurrence of disease using, first and foremost, dietary and exercise regimens.

In the last sixty years even the life expectancy of American females has changed drastically. In 1950, US female life expectancy ranked fifth (5th). Last year the US female life expectancy dropped to 46th. Why is this happening? It is happening due to the cost of health care and very fragmented care which will only get worse. It is estimated that the life expectancy will decrease by another 5 years unless aggressive measures are taken.

You, the patient must start taking charge of your health. If you haven't seen the decline in health care, then start paying attention. The decrease in life expectancy is because this health care system isn't being aggressive in the management of obesity and diabetes. Both of these twin epidemics lead to cardiovasclar disease- the major cause of death in the United States.

The New England Journal of Medicine stated this, "Every participant in our health care system must focus on ways to optimize health while decreasing cost, at every step of the process."

Don't expect miracles! Also do not expect a conventional pill from a pharmaceutical company to have the power or strength to neutralize 20 - 30 years of your unhealthy lifestyle. It is never too late to change your lifestyle.

My goal for writing this blog is to focus on ways to optimize your health using natural medicine.

Photograph credit with my gratitude: 7song, Ithaca New York

Until tomorrow...

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