Friday, June 3, 2011


“God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.”
-Reggie White

Did you ever feel life was just too much? How many times have you thought, "GOD why me, what did I do wrong?" It seems when things in life aren't going well, some individuals turn to their Higher Power and ask why. Do you ever turn to your G.O.D. or Higher Power when things are going well? I have learned to say good morning to GOD and Gracie (my Amazon Green Parrot) at the same time upon awakening. GOD doesn't answer, but Gracie does. In a way God does answer as Gracie is a gift from God. A living creature. I have come to know and believe that GOD doesn't place a burden on anyone who GOD feels cannot handle it. When I see an individual who is mentally challenged I used to think how awful for the caretaker (it is usually the mother). Then I start talking to the mother, and I understand that GOD knew she could handle the situation otherwise it would not have happened that way.

It is my faith. It is my spiritual belief through which I am guided by prayer and meditation.

Did you ever feel your muscles ache and your bones hurt ? It happens to those who exercise especially if you overdue your routine, or it happens to someone who doesn't exercise routinely.

Last week while at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly for the Medicine of the Earth conference I was climbing and hiking for countless hours on an Herbal Walk. It was invigorating. I love walking with fellow herbalists-- stopping to pick plants and tell stories. Every plant has a story. It begins with the Latin genus and species name. The historical aspect of the plant is of interest to me even before I know the medicinal use if any. I love story telling. Herbalists are great story tellers. I have had the best of them- 7song, LowDog, Winston and Duke. Doug Elliot is another true storyteller. I recommend reading Swarm Tree: Of Honeybees, Honeymoons and the Tree of Life. He blends the natural history of the Appalachians and his truly heartfelt takes on life. His stories are unique and funny.

Back to my muscles...sore, sore, sore!

I needed a bath. Not just any bath. Not an Epsom salt bath. I wanted the true bath- The Dancer's Bath

You will have to wait.

Until tomorrow...

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