Friday, July 8, 2011


"What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen."

--Henry David Thoreau

We all share an innate drive for meaning, direction and purpose. Have you ever thought about your purpose in life? The subconscious mind knows what we are here to do. Your own dreams and innermost thoughts reveal to you what you are supposed to do in life. Each of us is called to our destiny. Our deepest drives and abilities will be displayed. What does all this mean? I have been pondering these questions in the last month. I want to live in accordance with my true underlying purpose. I have had this sense that there's something I am here to do. For the life of me I couldn't grasp it. Perhaps this is why I am an overachiever in many areas.

So for the last month I have been searching for answers. What modality of healing have I not used or recognized?

While cleaning out my nightstand shelf I started to rummage through books. There was Clinical Botanical Medicine, Attracting Native Pollinators, old issues of The American Bee Journal, and The Life You Were Born to Live. I looked at this book and pondered where it came from. I then remembered a patient, Jeannie C. gave it to me.

Its author, Dan Millman, offers us the 'Life Purpose System'. This is a method for helping clarify and fulfill our life purpose. Wow--I sat there with my jaw ajar. Eureka. This system enables us to expand our awareness of ourselves and others. In a way I have been using this sense with some of my patients. It is my own intuition. But where does my intuition about people/patients/family and friends come from? It is like the song, "Climb Every Mountain" from the Robert Wise production The Sound of Music. I started to read this book which identifies certain laws, even spiritual laws. There are Laws of Flexibility, Faith, Honesty and much more.

This system uses your birth date It determines your own birth number and translates that number into useful, meaningful information about your personal life purpose.

So I decided to read on and figure out my birth number. I wrote down my date of birth, June 16, 1960 which is 6-16-1960.
I then add each of those digits 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 +9 +6 +0 = 28
You then say 28 is composed of 2 numbers, 28 = 2 + 8 = 10
So my birth number is 28/10

According to this book, our life purpose is divided into energies and issues of each primary number 1 through 9; 0 comes after 9.
You always use the number to the right, so mine is a 10. I combine 1 which is creativity and confidence with 0 which are inner gifts. I then went to the section of the book to read about 1 and 0.

I was aghast. I was reading my life purpose. It discussed relationships for a 28/10, famous individuals with 28/10, health, positives and negatives of 28/10.

You must get this book and read the overview of primary numbers. Do your own birth number. What is it? Find out about your life purpose. Your mother and father gave you your name at birth, but the universe gave you a number.

I still have more to learn. We all do!
Get a Dan Millman book on your shelf!

Until tomorrow...

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