Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"Things are being worked out as quickly as possible for your highest good."

Why rush life? It is not on your terms. Most of us want what we want when we want! This is the addict in all of us. It is better to receive when it is the right time. I am not talking about purchased gifts, but subtle gifts such as the ability to relax, feel peace and serenity and the compassion to love. I have come to realize that nothing happens on my time. It is my Higher Power's time. I cannot nor do I want to control anything any longer. I surrendered a long time ago. I do slip into the 'want it when I want it mode' at times, but I know now to pray and meditate when this happens. If I get into one of those moods, I know there is some underlying issue or issues that must be recognized . After I recognize these issues I must accept these issues. Once I have accepted these issues then I will take action if necessary.

Some females use natural hormonal replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms and healthier bones. NHRT is not the only option. It is an option but there is a risk for cancer. I am careful about who I write hormonal therapy for. These women need hormoe testing by blood or saliva, a mammogram and PAP prior to starting NHRT. I do not encourage thermography as a breast screening versus mammogram and/or ultrasound. I have seen 3 women with normal thermograms who had undiagnosed breast cancer found on a breast ultrasound.

I would like to see more gynecologists use herbal therapies for treatment of women issues. There are great conferences and books on Botanical medicine for Women's Health. The goal is to ease the transition from having hormones at higher levels to having much lower levels of hormones. The herbal treatments are to relieve bothersome symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia and depression. They also help with your bones, prevention and treatment of pelvic laxity, vaginal dryness, reduced libido and incontinence.

Did you ever think that plants can have so many functions? Probably not, but they do.

The goal is to combine nourishing herbs as well as herbs to support the liver and the adrenals. The adrenals are on top of the kidneys. These glands are so important. During times of stress especially in menopause, the adrenals are working overtime. You do not want your adrenal glands to become fatigued. So I recommend supporting the adrenal glands with an herbal adaptogen. Herbs that have estrogenic properties (phytoestrogens) can reduce the risk of Brest Cancer, prevent osteoporosis, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Menopause is a natural transition. In my humble opinion, it is not a disease. It is natural process of aging.

So I recommend and use nourishing herbal infusions of the following herbs. Each of these herbs has benefits for different symptoms in menopause such as insomnia, anxiety, hot flashes, osteoarthritis, depression, and palpitations.

Here goes...

1. Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)

2. Blue vervain - (Verbena officinalis)

3. Chaste tree - (Vitex agnus castus)

4. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)

5. Green milky oat (Avena sativa)

6. Passionflower - (Passiflora incarnata)

7. Sage (Saliva officinalis)

Photos: Top: Goldenseal

Middle: Oat straw

Bottom: Verbena

You can't help but love plants and flowers!

Until tomorrow...

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