Sunday, July 24, 2011


"Children are gifts; if we accept them." - Kathleen Turner Crilly

I was a child once. I was a gift to my parents. If you have children they are gifts. If you do not have children, consider you nieces and nephews as gifts. You own pet at this time might be your child. That pet is a gift from the universe. Some of us had parents who didn't know that children were gifts, and some of had parents who treated us as gifts. I can say I had parents who treated my brother and I as if we were gifts. Was my childhood perfect? It was as perfect as I can remember , but I know today there is no perfection. Our parents did the best they knew how to do.

This is how I view the past. I do not blame my parents for anything. Perhaps maybe it wasn't the right time to have children, but they did. Is there ever a perfect time to have children? I do not know, but I do know if you wait until the exact moment you will have another reason not to have children. Whether it is the financial situation or the world problems, you never know when it is the right time. Every one has a different circumstance. I cannot speak for every one's childhood. I can only speak from my own experience. I know that despite the many differences I have with my son and daughter, they are always gifts to me. I am sure at different times, both of my children view it differently. But I know GOD chose me to be a father. I did my best to raise them properly. I can say, now and today, I did this to the best of my ability. No more no less.

As the children get older, I realize that I am getting older and going through the natural process of aging. I can compare this to rusting. Inside of rusting from the outside in, we are all rusting from the inside out. This 'rusting' is caused by the free radical damage. We all get free radials by eating the wrong foods, the exposure to the environmental toxins and not drinking enough water.

Most of us are taking in the wrong fuel for our foods. We all eat to many processed foods and refined carbohydrates. The main prevention for aging is eating right. Cancer, heart disease and many other diseases and health issues related to aging are all linked to free radical damage.

Did you ever think of this concept? Do you realize you might be eating the wrong foods and not drinking enough of water? We all need water. If we continue to abuse the planet we all will age even more quickly. We will experience more rusting. To neutralize the free radical damage and thus the aging process you might need to take some antioxidants. I feel if you eat better, you might not need these antioxidants because many antioxidants are found in food. Which foods, you might ask?

All the green vegetables and alkaline fruits as all berries are a start. In case you want a list of some antioxidants I suggest some of the following below. I would not take all of them as you can start with 2 of the list. Ask a health care professional.

1. Coenzyme Q 10

2. Alpha lipoic acid

3. Resveratrol

4. Grape seed extract

5. Pycnogenal

6. Green tea - an herb

7. Tumeric- an herb

8. Ginkgo biloba - an herb

9. Ginger - an herb

10. Lycopene

11. Lutein

12. Vitamins C and E

13. N -acetyl cysteine - precursor to gluthathione

14. omega 3 oils

This is just the beginning..

Until tomorrow...