Sunday, July 3, 2011


"If wrinkles must be written upon our brow, let them not be written upon our heart. The spirit should never grow old." - James Garfield

Today, modern medicine can inject your wrinkles away from your brow. If you let the wrinkles grow within you will begin to grow old. The wrinkles within...what am I talking about? I am trying to tell you to place less emphasis on the physical you--your appearance. You can take a Ferry from Sayville, New York to Fire Island Pines and see what I am talking about or visit the New York Sports Club in Chelsea. There are some who copy every new fashion. Each of us, including me have had a moment of weakness when buying a label! I have stopped judging superficially. I want to be judged on my emotional and spiritual basis. This allows me to participate in all the wonders around me. No more wrinkles will be growing on my heart!

Many papers outline a variety of case studies that demonstrate the co benefits of tackling climate changes in 4 different subdivisions. These are:

1. electricity generation

2. household energy use

3. transportation use

4. food and agriculture

Air pollutants have been linked to a decrease in lung function and an increase in heart attacks. No surprise.

As a healer I am concerned about the use of scented candles with lead wicks, second hand and third hand smoke, laundry supplies and many other toxins. I usually encourage my patients to try 'Going Green'. Rick and I had a Green Store, "Simply Green" in Cherry Grove, Fire Island. I do not think the resident population was ready for this change. Change on this island happens very slowly. It might take decades before the residents grasp the idea of going green. We hope it planted a seed!

I love plants so I concentrated on the agriculture subdivision. The University of Georgia studied and discovered that certain plant species can remove harmful volatile toxins. This intrigued me so I want to share it with you.

Some of the plants you can place in your office and home to remove indoor air contaminants are:

1. Purple waffle plant (Hemigraphis alternata)

2. Asparagus fern (Asparagus densiflorus)

3. Purple Heart plant (Tradescantia pallida)

4. English ivy (Hedera helix)

5. variegated Wax plant (Hoya cornosa)

To see the full list of 28 plants tested, search for the article "Screening Indoor Plants for Volatile Organic Pollutant Removal Efficiency" by DS Yang et al, published in HortScience August 2009; 44:1377-1381.

For more information check out

Remember love your plants ... I do!

Until tomorrow...

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