Wednesday, September 14, 2011



This is the law. Relax mentally, draw away you problem spiritually, and the action of G.O.D. (the god of your understanding) will open the door for you to be free. This excerpt is from Emmet Fox's The Mental Equivalent.

I find the above a valuable lesson. I always ask my higher power to allow me to remember the truth every time I pray or meditate. What does the phrase, "The door of the soul opens inward" mean to you? To me, it means the harder you push against it the tighter you close it. If you press or hurl yourself against it you will only close it on yourself. When you relax and draw back, you give it a chance to open.

For me at this moment in my life it means Do Nothing- wait and see. This is extremely difficult for me when this involves family and friends. I know this is when I need it the most. Have you ever been told something by a close family member that hurts so deeply you can hardly catch your breath? Have you ever been reprimanded in person, by mail or now the ever so 'cold' email? We all have. I only have this advice. Relax, meditate and draw back. Wait without expectations. If you are expecting an apology -- let that go, because that can only lead to disappointment. Pray and meditate. And do your hobby. For me stitch, stitch, knit one purl two.

I went to the herbal dental hygienist yesterday. Yes I said the herbal/integrative dental hygienist. Prior to this weekend I was having upper right quadrant teeth pain. I do not floss, I only waterpik. I believe this teeth pain, inflammation and gingivitis is being caused by a piece of food underneath a laminated back tooth.

I waterpike and brush daily. Prior to the toothbrush, herbs like licorice, marshmallow and alfalfa were used to brush the teeth. I use an herbal toothpaste that contains Myrrh and Echinacea. I also put MSM solution in my waterpik to decrease the inflammation. I love Myrrh for infection.

This use of Myrrh made me think... what herbs should I have in my herbal closet? I say closet because the 20 or so herbs I do have DO NOT fit in the medicine chest, but instead a closet. Rick calls it our 'herbal witch closet'. I would recommend keeping the following herbs on hand. This is not the same herbs found in the Herbal First Aid Kit. I am waiting for my professor/mentor, 7 song to finish the book on that!

Our herbal closet has (either in dried or tincture form) the following:

1. Aniseed

2. Burdock Root

3. Cayenne

4. Celery Seed

5. Chamomile

6. Dandelion

7. Echinacea

8. Elder

9. Marshmallow

10. Meadowsweet

11. Nettles

12. Peppermint

13. Skullcap

14. Thyme

15. Valerian

16. Yarrow

17. Mullein,

18. Comfrey

19. Ginger

20. Myrrh

Photographs at top, left to right: Nettle, Yarrow and Skullcap

Until tomorrow...

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